Season 6 Trailer Discussion and Speculation Thread
So what did you guys think? If you haven't seen it, here it is.
So it seems that the first half of the season will finish off the Too Far Gone volume of the comics and deal with most if not all of No Way Out. I'm thinking that, by the end of the season, we will get to the beginning of A Larger World and the introduction of Jesus into the TV series (I wouldn't be surprised if the season ends with Jesus being revealed similar to how it was done in the comics).
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Can't wait. Who was that with daryl at the end?
I don't know, it could have something to do with The Wolves maybe, or it could be a new group entirely.
Idk i don't think the wolves would allow him to live
I guess we'll have to wait until October to find out.
man im really looking for this season. my expectations arent sky high cuz they always fuck up in some ways but i hope they dont
Looks pretty good. Can't wait.
Can't wait!!!
Yes, yes, yes. No Way Out.
If they go by comic accuracy, the 'you're trying to take this place from..." should be addressed to Nicholas. There's a ton of randoms in this, and at 2:40 you can see Heath, my main man.
(puts on a whiny voice)
The video is not allowed in your country! Look at me, i can restrict videos to my fans! meh meh meh meh
No Way Out is gonna be EPIC.
Heath is here, Morgan is here, and Rick looks like he is still tearing shit up. This trailer gets a 10/10 from me. I'm not buying into the whole Rick vs Morgan theme they were trying to portray though. They tried to do a similar form of misdirection with the Season 5 trailer: making it seem like Rick's group was going to form an alliance with the Terminus group, and we saw how that turned out. Also, following TWD trailer pattern, all the action we saw was within the first 3 or 4 episodes. So hype.
The Season 6 premiere's gonna be 90 minutes long just like the Season 5 finale. Woohoo!
Is it, that's fucking awesome.
Looks awesome. Looking at the trailer it seems a huge herd is coming towards Alexandria...maybe Rick makes the decision to let the herd in so they can fight them off rather than risk the walkers breaking down the outer walls, and the native Alexandrians don't agree that's a good idea.
It looks like the show might just end up doing No Way Out better than the comics did
Can't wait. Gonna be so awesome.
I love angry Rick!!!
That'd be awesome. Can't wait until he makes his mark... on Abraham's face. Jk Abraham's awesome, but Jesus is more than awesome.
Yeah, I watched it earlier. It takes a lot to Make a New season of a TV show better than the Last one with Just a 4 Minute Trailer. At the moment, I'm calling that Season 6 will be the Peak of The TV series as we know it. God damn, SO much shit happened In that trailer.
No way our should be good, guessing thats how next half season ends
I already saw this trailer and I don't know what to say. Maybe this will help - I can;t wait for Season 6!