Season 3 like The Witcher 2?
I played The Witcher 2 recently, and I realized the brilliant idea of CD Projekt Red: base the whole game on our choices.
I mean that the game totally changes the plot based on what we do and what we choose. I would not want to spoil the game, but I assure you for those who have not played, the game varies totally (of course, the goal remains the same, at the end...).
Season 3 should take example, because with it, you could solve the problem of multiple endings that there are now in Season 2 (then base a DLC or the first episode only on the evolution of our choices, and then connect them to a single plot).
What do you think?
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So you're thinking a telltale game should be like a AAA game? Did I get that right?
It would take a very, very long time for episodes to be released if they had to do multiple story branches every episode. If TellTale didn't specialize in episodic gaming, then maybe they'd make games like that, but they don't.
Let's be honest here, TTG Writers aren't on the same Caliber as the Witcher Writing Staff.
Well Im kinda proud now. I'm from Poland and didn't know until know we make such good games.
I respectfully disagree.
Right, it'd be preferable if Telltale always stays the same little company with scheduling difficulties and download&savegame issues whose games don't get too much attention on the gaming market. Gameplay shall never develop and become more than button mashing and characters shall always move like broken marionettes.
This guy here gets it.
Definitely true the Witcher writing staff is head and shoulders above TTG writers. No offense to Telltale.
And Witcher 3 is even better
Have you played Witcher 3?
honestly. witcher series is among of the most valuable games ive paid for.
And yet things like that need to be improved over time, jumping from what they have now to the comparison of a AAA game is absolutely ridiculous. Telltale has improved and yes, they have more to go but they have to improve over time like most everything.
I've never played Witcher. Is it any good?
I agree but I don't think Telltale could ever give our choices that much importance. In the witcher you visit different locations and meet with different characters based on who you chose to follow. For Telltale to do that, they would have to create two or more seperate stories within the game. I don't think they'll ever do that.
Absolutely yes! One of the best series ever!
Trust me, you will not regret if you decide to play it!
It sounds kind of ridiculous, but not really if you think about it. In terms of employee size, Telltale is actually a bigger developer than CDPR.
Telltale would have to slow the fuck down. Episodic would still be possible (like the upcoming Hitman), but they would have to work on their game for a couple years before we saw even the first episode, as well as abandoning working on two games at a time. Personally, I think it would be well worth it. It pisses me off seeing amazing graphics and mechanics being wasted on terrible stories. The Witcher series is above average in the writing department, but doesn't come close to Telltale IMO. I would love to see a game as technically advanced as Heavy Rain with Telltale's writing. That's just me, though.
I realize that Telltale is incredibly unlikely to change their model this much, but I can dream.
I think Telltale might change over time but I doubt that time will be any time soon. I agree, it would be awesome to have a better Telltale game in the gameplay and graphics department, even though the graphics are usually unique to the story they use which is cool. Telltale hopefully will improve over time with the great new partnerships they're setting up.
Telltale and CDPR might have the same employee size but at the same time, the employees are specialized in different ways and have experience working on larger game, with a larger budget, for a longer time.
CD Projekt RED
Thanks for the Wikipedia page...I guess?
Between TWD Season 1 and TWD Season 2 was no improvement. Rather a deterioration. For me personally TTG has to prove a lot with Season 3 to win back my trust, that's why I can understand the comparison. OP is not talking about open world or 100 hours playtime, OP is only talking about the choice system. This is not an attribute reserved for AAA games. Using the AAA title as a knockout argument is not necessary.
The choice system can be improved but that the same time, giving money to the writing section of the game might cause longer time period and wait times which this Forum hates and as well as lacking gameplay which another thing people on here dislike. Either way Telltale improves in, people are going to be upset. Telltale doesn't have a huge budget like AAA games do, which let me remind you is a valid argument as AAA games usually have larger budgets.
The waiting time could be reduced if they wouldn't make up the story as they go along but work a great deal of time on it before even releasing the first episode.
That's not true. Those few who complain about improvement can't be taken seriously.
I understand what you mean with budget and all, but there has to be a compromise between budget and quality. Also, good writing doesn't have to be expensive. I don't want to accept that TTG seems to have found it's niche in producing videogame fastfood, or, as they called it in TWD 2, "interactive stories" now.
Telltale usually makes up a large amount of the story before the actual release but don't start on the episodes. The story can also go under large rewrites after issues with people like voice actors and others.
But that's up to opinion. You might see better writing as an improvement (I do too) but at the cost of writing, the gameplay goes down considerably and people see that as a new issue and complain.
TWD season 1 had better writing and gameplay than 2, so something in this calculation is not right. Good writing can push gameplay and vice versa.
If you're pushing at choices like in The Witcher, then yes, that calculation is correct.
The current Walking Dead writing team aren't even cohesive enough to write as good a story as some forum members so I highly doubt the writing will be anywhere near as good as Witcher
TWD should be more like The Witcher 3, be more like Life is Strange, be more like D4, more like Mass Effect, like blah blah blah. Let the game that became popular in its own way continue to have its own identity.
Played The Witcher 3, it's great. Has its ups and downs just like any other game. These two games have an excellent story to tell and they do it in very different ways with choices affecting the gameplay. No need to put one over the other, enjoy both people.
That isn't fact.
Clem will then have to start speaking polish
And using steel swords for humans and silver swords for zombies XD
There's also the fact that not every story is suitable for branching like The Witcher 2 did. Not saying they shouldn't attempt it, but just keep that in mind. Sometimes, a story with little choices that don't change too much would be better than one with a lot of changes as a result of choices. (I'm simply thinking from a story perspective here)
It's all about coherency really and what's best for it, as every story is different. I'll use a theoretical example here too . . . many love TWD S1's story, right? Imagine if that story branched 'heavily'. Would that story still have the same impact, especially considering it's hard enough to write a single, good linear story as it is? And you can't really say yes wholeheartedly, as you might experience a path that's not as affecting, which may in turn make you not play again for the better paths and there's also the fact that with the writing spread thin, the quality might suffer overall.
And can I point out that there's likely a reason The Witcher 2 devs didn't do the same for The Witcher 3? Though sure, choices still matter.
You know, i was Pleasantly Surprised with Witcher 3, the game is AMAZING. The story telling in it, you can get lost in that game for hours. I think its game of the year material. I don't know if Fallout 4 can beat it, we will see.
Best game this year, get the third one.
What were your gripes with witcher 3,
i only had a few gripes, that were minor.
I didn't like the level idea, you can't fight monsters that are X level ahead of you without dying horribly, i feel the potions are easier than they were in the first game, I am not having to remake potions, i just rest and my potions resupply, and on the main map, i wish they would color coordinate the "?" that you explored/ still need to explore, it would make it easier to complete.
Oh and i hated having to run back between different zones, to find things to do. Going back and forth in my opinion was annoying,
Other than those small gripes i think its Game of 2015.
The Witcher series is one of my favorite game series of all time, and as much as I'd love choices in Telltale games to matter as much as in them, the fact is that it'd be unreasonable to expect that of Telltale. CDPR worked for 4 years on the Witcher 3, Telltale works on new episodes for about 2 months. They don't have the budget, the time, or the manpower to make choices matter to that degree (although I believe CDPR has the same amount of people working for them). Perhaps in time they'll be able to do this, but it won't happen for awhile.
If season 2 wouldn't exist I could agree wholeheartedly.
Certain odd bugs/glitches that would ruin the immersion from time to time. Like loading times appearing mid conversation, items/character models not loading in properly, or floating disembodied heads floating around, etc. Stuff like that. The fast travel thing was annoying to say the least. And Ciri's part in the story felt a bit one track. It wasn't bad, but it was getting redundant. Luckily it got better.
Cool story bro.
One thing that annoys me, is having to dismount the horse to fast travel/move through water, or when i'm running through town, i always seem to accidentally steal items in town, by pushing x to move faster, It's just small little things though, overall its a pretty enjoyable game. Did you get it on PS4 or PC?
The Xbox one actually. Played it after the updates fixing that save bug. Had some smallproblems, but still an excellent game. Had a blast trying to do everything. Now to go back on the hardest difficulty and play a different Geralt.