Ramsay in Episode 5 - Is he now a Bolton or still a Snow?

Ramsay is legitimized by Roose in S4 Episode 8 of the HBO series. The Telltale Game has moved past the end of Season 3 and should at the very least be near the middle of Season 4, if not towards its end.

I personally would love it for Ramsay to return to Ironrath as a legitimized bastard - it would really add more to his authority as a Bolton - but what do you guys think? When Ramsay appears in a Nest of Vipers, is he still Ramsay Snow at this point or is he a Bolton now?


  • Snow. Danery's hasn't even fully taken control of Meereen (She does in ep4or5 of s4) Ramsay becomes legitimized in episode 8 of season 4.


  • I assume he's not legitimized as of yet. Did not Joffrey just die in episode 3?

  • Perhaps by the end of episode 5. We still have Tyrion's trial, and given the title, there's probably some Martell-related plot developments coming... maybe Mira gets to attend the Mountain vs. Viper royal rumble?

  • I'm not too sure - though that would be awesome.

    You see while the Forresters are within vicinity of these major events taking place in ASOIF their never directly there.

    Gregor or Gared didn't actually witness Robb die, Mira didn't personally witness Joffrey's assassination either (that one GoT character whom I'm glad didn't have a cameo), but in both cases they were very close by - Episode 5 could take a similar stand, this is the story of the Forresters after all, and we'll see the events play out from their perspective, and its likely new content will come from this perspective that we don't see in the show - since the game hasn't really fully recreated a specific scene from the show, it seems unlikely for it to happen now.

    112DC posted: »

    Perhaps by the end of episode 5. We still have Tyrion's trial, and given the title, there's probably some Martell-related plot developments coming... maybe Mira gets to attend the Mountain vs. Viper royal rumble?

  • ...maybe Mira gets to hear Ellaria's anguished screams of horror from just outside the Mountain vs. Viper royal rumble?

    There. Fixed that.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I'm not too sure - though that would be awesome. You see while the Forresters are within vicinity of these major events taking place in A

  • He will always be a Snow to me

  • He died in Episode 2 of the show and 3 if the game probly what @pcharl101 meant

  • He actually is still a snow. since Tommen is not the true king

    He will always be a Snow to me

  • Really? Because I thought that despite being a bastard he very much lives up to the terror behind the Bolton name.

    He will always be a Snow to me

  • Morally therefore he is still a Snow, but legally under the current system Tommen is King and legally he legitimized Ramsay.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    He actually is still a snow. since Tommen is not the true king

  • Ramsay is legitimised in 4x08.Episode 4 happens during eps 4x04-4x05(Dany taking Mereen,Crasters,Tommens corronation)
    Ep 5 will happen during 4x06 for sure coz of Tyrions trial which was in that ep.

  • Aye.Which means Ramsay wont stay lomg.

  • Well, actually she's queen of Meereen in her own right. She's completely terrible at it in every possible way but she's acknowledged as such by most of its population, her army, and Aegon. At this point (in the game) she's not queen of any particular area but still has an army and citizens that acknowledges her as such. Sorry to get all technical though. Bad Queen =/= Not a queen

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