Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • SICK

    Poogers555 posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf I really should have used a bigger image :P Anyway, tell me if you want an Echo entry ;3

  • Welcome! And what a sexy name you got there :3

    Hey guys, i'm just coming out to tell everyone I am so excited to say that I think Rhyiona is the best thing ever. And I also just want to say it would be EVEN BETTER if they had some bang bang action... if ya know what im sayin >:}.

  • Name: xfuriouss

    age: Erm... 19? Just a guess :P

    Mood: Happy, I hope c:

    Sweetness: 11.5/10

    Thank you so much for the compliment about my art ^-^ Also, sorry if this is suckish but I didn't know what to put.

    xfuriouss posted: »

    me and your art is great.

  • Who me?

    Maybe.... ;)

    someone should write a fanfic about that. NUDGE NUDGE WINK WINK

  • I have a horrific feeling this will be the choice we're gonna be faced with :(

    or succumb to Jack's control and have the treasure for ourselves, by letting Fiona die If Fiona dies I'm raging out this game and never playing it again ;-;

  • maybe.....

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Who me? Maybe....

  • Sorry Wolf!! :O

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    by letting Fiona die

  • Oh Christ, TWD S2 already killed my sanity for a whole 2 weeks with me having to choose between Kenny and Jane!

    This game will have me institutionalized!! :'(

    rhonu posted: »

    i'm like 100000000% sure we'll have to choose between rhys and fiona and 100000000000000000% sure it will be the end of my sanity

  • I did think about the Stranger, but they could've by this point either dealt with him or lost him...

    Quiff posted: »

    If we hypothetically were to kill Fiona it would have to be in the present time, right? And if so would they be trying to open the vault (possibly again) with the help of the stranger?

  • it's okay </3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Sorry Wolf!! :O

  • My body is so hot

    Dayum gurl ;)

    No seriously, please do get better soon. I myself can't stand being either too hot or too cold, so having both at once would be a living hell for me :(

    Think of Rhyiona! XD

    I can't stay asleep longer than a few minutes because of the fever. My body is so hot, and everything touching my skin feels like touching a sun burn. I'm also hot, cold, and sore at the same time. I'm relying mostly on ibuprofen and caffeine atm.

  • I wasn't asleep :P

    I just didn't have a laptop in front of me...

    tfw entire thread is sleeping

  • That's beautiful :)

    And waffles with whipped cream.... Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh......... Ignore her, Harry! That food is the Devil's work!!! But it tastes so goooooood T_T

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Heyo everybody! Today I spent the whole day at the amusement park on all of the big thrill rides. I also ate too much waffles with whipped cream..

  • This sounds like an awesome idea!!!

    Should we be bold enough to add in pics of us in real life? Or is that an uncomfortable idea? :/

    Green613 posted: »

    So I just thought of a pretty cool idea. Here's how I thought of it, so you know how if you scroll down way past the TFTBL section? You'll f

  • edited July 2015

    Hmmm, I don't have that program, and I'm not very tech savvy tbh....

    Basically what I'm saying is that I wouldn't be able to do an image scan of a user (like Poog's did) but I can do stats of someone in a regular comment :)

    So, who wants me to scan them? (Bear in mind it's 1:37am over here and I'm about to go to bed, so it may not come right now...)

  • Trying to finish this story today and jesus christ why is everything hard to write these days.

  • Oh not me? :(


  • Oh thank god you're still alive! XP

    What would this thread do without- ... I better stop while I'm ahead on that one :0

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    it's okay </3

  • Because writing is an art form to you and me :D

    We take a lot of pride in what we write, we want it to be perfect, not only for ourselves, but for everyone else.... That or you could just be tired :P

    Or suffering the dreaded Writer's Block like I sometimes do >:(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Trying to finish this story today and jesus christ why is everything hard to write these days.

  • Well, I died once and came back to life, remember? >:)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh thank god you're still alive! XP What would this thread do without- ... I better stop while I'm ahead on that one :0

  • Thank you!

    Ooh yeaas I love those crispy waffles with strawberry jam and whipped cream oooooh it's just so good man!! ;A; now I'm hungry!!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That's beautiful And waffles with whipped cream.... Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh......... Ignore her, Harry! That food is the Devil's work!!! But it tastes so goooooood T_T

  • ... You did? :/

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, I died once and came back to life, remember?

  • I'm not really tired since it's not even 2AM... I still got two or three more hours ahead of me. But you're right... I just get so desperate to make it perfect and worry about everything. It's stressful but very worth it in the end. :)

    Writer's block is the worst.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Because writing is an art form to you and me We take a lot of pride in what we write, we want it to be perfect, not only for ourselves,

  • Yeah, some pages back. :P I even made a tombstone for myself.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    ... You did?

  • XD

    Awww man, it's super-early morning here, I should be asleep not dreaming of waffles!!! :'(

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thank you! Ooh yeaas I love those crispy waffles with strawberry jam and whipped cream oooooh it's just so good man!! ;A; now I'm hungry!!

  • I'm too shy to reveal my true face haha. I'm happy with hiding behind my axolotl face ;)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    This sounds like an awesome idea!!! Should we be bold enough to add in pics of us in real life? Or is that an uncomfortable idea?

  • you can, if you're willing to....

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh not me?

  • Dude, I can barely make it to 4am sometimes, how the hell do you stay functional till 5am?! :O

    Writer's Block has put me in some really down moods before... I just close myself off to my friends :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm not really tired since it's not even 2AM... I still got two or three more hours ahead of me. But you're right... I just get so desperate

  • I'm used to it by now. :) I just work on so many things that I forget what time it is. The silence helps a lot.

    That sucks, man. When I have a problem I mostly keep it to myself haha Afraid of bothering people.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Dude, I can barely make it to 4am sometimes, how the hell do you stay functional till 5am?! :O Writer's Block has put me in some really down moods before... I just close myself off to my friends

  • Fair enough, least you're not like some people who use fake pictures instead :P

    I value honesty too much on the Internet... It's gonna get me hurt someday.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I'm too shy to reveal my true face haha. I'm happy with hiding behind my axolotl face

  • Hmmm, we'll see what my writing mood fancies doing next >:)

    I already have to update a fanfic that has been left alone for 5 months!

    you can, if you're willing to....

  • edited July 2015

    I'm just going to do this echo eye thing in my own way. :) (I would love to do it like Poogs did but I have no idea how he did it)

    you can scan me if you like. You can do it as silly or not silly as you like xD

    And no rush.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hmmm, I don't have that program, and I'm not very tech savvy tbh.... Basically what I'm saying is that I wouldn't be able to do an image

  • Damn... Hardcore bro :P

    I tend to deal with things by myself, but I have some good bros that live close by who are always ready to listen and give their opinions/advice when I'm feeling bad enough...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm used to it by now. I just work on so many things that I forget what time it is. The silence helps a lot. That sucks, man. When I have a problem I mostly keep it to myself haha Afraid of bothering people.

  • edited July 2015

    I have no idea either :P

    Ok then!

    • Name - Nohuhhuh

    • Age - Guessing 20, give or take 2 years...

    • Favorite hobby - Fanart!

    • Significant other - Apparently @Quiff

    • Favorite ship - Rhyiona, and don't say otherwise...

    • Activity - Every day. She is a regular, one of the more prominent ones I suppose.

    • Current mood - Possibly happy from the previous points on this list

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I'm just going to do this echo eye thing in my own way. (I would love to do it like Poogs did but I have no idea how he did it) you can scan me if you like. You can do it as silly or not silly as you like xD And no rush.

  • Wow, it's all such beautiful music :O

    I mean, I like my hardcore rock and metal, but the beauty of this... Wow :D

    Eryka posted: »

    I know I wasn't so much here, but I was working today on this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8h6dHQjD_WE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ2zafsmpcA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrLyGBGDeLM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsk-2JUWnKY

  • There'll be a Easter egg when you're talking to Green613.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Alright, sounds awesome.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Thanks! I've made this today and yesterday! In all those songs my favorite is Fake Winter.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Wow, it's all such beautiful music :O I mean, I like my hardcore rock and metal, but the beauty of this... Wow

  • The smell invades her nostrils and wakes her against her will.

    It takes a few seconds for where exactly they are and what exactly they're doing to click, the sleep still blurring her mind for a while but then she remembers, suddenly, and curses under her breath.

    It could be worse -- she could have stayed alone (it costs her to admit she'd rather have his company) -- but she still wouldn't consider this her definition of a good morning.

    She pats the spot next to her in a poor attempt to find her hat but gives up when it's obvious it's not even in sight. The covers against her feel awfully warm in the Pandoran heat and she wishes for a brief second she owned lighter ones; before realising she doesn't even remember going to bed and much less covering herself with this. It seems too courteous of him to have done this but she stops herself from unleashing the snark at the tip of her tongue when, pushing the covers away, she sees her hat emerge, neatly tucked against her.

    "The idiot..."

    Fiona isn't the type to talk to herself but the affectionate words slip out without her noticing.

    Hat back on its head and a few moments taken to make herself look somewhat presentable -- she'd had to sleep in her outfit; he wasn't insane yet -- she finally decides she's ready to leave the room and face him and whatever disaster he's cooking.

    A slight push and the unlocked door opens with a small crack that's enough to make him jump, startled, in the silence of the morning.

    "Oh," he's embarrassed at his reaction, she can tell, "I wasn't expecting you so early."

    "Yeah, that abomination." she points at the frying pan, "didn't let me sleep."

    With a huff, he tries flipping what she assumes are supposed to be pancakes and fails miserably burning the bottom even more. The smoke isn't natural anymore and he freaks out trying to turn it off and burning himself in the process before remembering he has a metal arm to work with. She watches in amusement and Rhys doesn't really find it funny.

    "...This only happened because you were looking."

    "Sure," she crosses her arms defiantly, "whatever helps you sleep at night."

    She's given a pout but nothing beyond that as he hurries to throw the now unedible food in the bin. He sits down then, clearly not in the mood to attempt a second breakfast and she sighs, knowing it's going to fall on her. It was probably for the best -- she was pretty sure she wouldn't get them killed by food poisoning.

    "It was still nice of you." She decides to give him that much, turning her back to his frame as she moves to finish what he'd started and she thinks she can hear a little gasp coming from behind her.

    "You... you noticed?"

    "Well," she can't stop herself, "unless you're a pig I doubt you would have eaten all that on your own. But then again, who knows, right?"

    "Very funny," he taps his fingers on the table and she can tell it's his normal hand by the sound of it, "but yeah. I was being nice."

    "You were also nice last night." She turns to give him a small smile but he ruins it by wiggling his eyebrows.


    "You pig," she wrinkles her nose with a shake of her head before getting back to work, "and here I was going to thank you too."

    "Oh, come on," he laughs and she allows herself a smile when she knows he can't see her expression, "the joke was there."

    "You didn't have to take it."


    She's not even sure what he means by that but her pancakes are done and they smell too delicious for her to care about anything else. She sets down the plates -- Sasha really needs to store them better, she can see cracks on them from the aftermaths of particularly bumpy rides -- and Rhys raises an eyebrow up at her but not without a grin.

    "Returning the favour?"

    "Pft," she rolls her eyes, "yours couldn't even be called food."

    Pancakes now in front of them, he signals for her to sit and before she can protest he tries his best at being a gentleman and it's ridiculous but too endearing for her to break his spirit.

    "What do you want to drink?"

    "Uh," she stiffens a laugh, "black coffee, I guess."

    He makes a face but doesn't say anything -- yet -- before continuing.

    "Sugar or no?"

    "No sugar."

    "Oh, gross," he finally gives up, "that sounds like Satan's drink."

    He moves to get her what she wants anyway but she spies him making a tea for himself in the process.

    "Really?" She finally laughs openly because she'll be damned if he can badmouth her drink but she can't do it back. "Now that's a nerd's drink."

    "It's healthy!" It's his stuttering comeback and it only makes her laugh even harder.

    "Yeah, okay, mister Danone."

    They finally have their drinks now and they eat in silence. It's strangely not awkward and Fiona supposes it's the lighthearted exchange helping. it's a nice change and she's sure he appreciates it too when he immediately offers to clean up after they're done. She watches him lazily and his constant mess ups and they're suddenly not that ridiculous to her anymore. It's funny how things work.

    They settle on the small couch -- there wasn't much space in the caravan but they all agreed it was a smart decision to get one (the fighting for turns on it didn't contribute to much, however) for their small moments of peace -- while they wait for the others to come back. Always early risers, Fiona muses, and she just can't understand it.

    And with that she realises just how drowsy she is and curse Rhys' pancakes for waking her at seven when she wasn't functional before at least ten but bless them for clearing the air. She thinks it okay to let her head bob to the side just a slight bit; he wouldn't even notice. But he does because her head drops more than she expects and ends up landing on his shoulder. it jolts her back awake but he timidly puts his arm around her shoulders and despite the silence she understands it's permission for her to stay there.

    For some reason unknown to her she lets it happen and closes her eyes.

    She has time to understand.

    This is basically cheese without plot for everyone's convenience. :^)

    Forgive any typos. Tablets are jerks.

  • Hihii thanks! This sure is fun ;D

    Good guess, I'm 21 years old.

    Oh how did you guess that Rhyiona is my favourite ship ever?? :O

    Yeeees I love my hubby!!

    Actually, my current mood is clumsy but soft :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I have no idea either :P Ok then! * Name - Nohuhhuh * Age - Guessing 20, give or take 2 years... * Favorite hobby - Fanart!

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