I want Sera to die

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I absolutely hate Sera. She's the most annoying character in the entire damn game and I wouldn't even be the slightest bit upset if she died. In fact I HOPE she dies in episode 6.


Edit #2: Most people commenting here are on the Sera train. Maybe Telltale employees will see how much all of you love Sera and will kill her off :O

EDIT AFTER EPISODE 5: After you've all played A Nest Of Vipers.....Defend Sera some more...



  • Man that's cold.

  • I really don't get the Sera hate. She's mean to you if you're mean to her, and awesome to you if you're nice to her.

  • Exactly!

    Flog61 posted: »

    I really don't get the Sera hate. She's mean to you if you're mean to her, and awesome to you if you're nice to her.

  • I love Sera... ;( she's an awesome character.

  • I think it's because she's annoying to some people?

    Flog61 posted: »

    I really don't get the Sera hate. She's mean to you if you're mean to her, and awesome to you if you're nice to her.

  • But like she fights for Mira every step of the way if you're nice to her, really don't see how that can warrant a reaction as extreme as a death wish.

    I think it's because she's annoying to some people?

  • I am nice to her I just dont enjoy her story at all. I give no shits about whether or not her and lord tarwick are gonna be married....I don't think Sera understands that my families life is in danger and they all might be slaughtered. Meanwhile all she cares about is whether or not she could get a husband.

    Flog61 posted: »

    But like she fights for Mira every step of the way if you're nice to her, really don't see how that can warrant a reaction as extreme as a death wish.

  • That's...good?

  • Woah, easy there cowboy.

  • Mainly because I think that she's the traitor. I don't trust her at all. She's done nothing to convince me she really cares aboout me. Even at the party, she won't sneak me in unless i say i'll take the blame. That bitch would have asked us to take the blame for her.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I love Sera... ;( she's an awesome character.

  • Not true she'll let you in no matter what you say whether it's please?, you said you'd help me, I'll take the blame or even silence. I don't see how she could be 'the' traitor as she's not even on Rodrik's council and has no way of knowing any of Rodrik's plans unless Mira told her which she hasn't.

    Wigams posted: »

    Mainly because I think that she's the traitor. I don't trust her at all. She's done nothing to convince me she really cares aboout me. Ev

  • edited July 2015

    No, she also cares about Mira being allowed to stay in King's Landing, as you can overhear her fighting for Mira to be allowed to stay in a conversation with Margaery. She also hides Mira from Margaery.

    Saying she doesn't care about what happens to Mira if you're friends with her is just rubbish.

    Wigams posted: »

    I am nice to her I just dont enjoy her story at all. I give no shits about whether or not her and lord tarwick are gonna be married....I do

  • edited July 2015

    Like i said in the edit....just because they say the traitor is on the council doesn't mean that they are. Lady Forrester sends all news of whats going on with the council to Mira via raven. It's entirely plausible that Sera is working for the Whitehills and is spying on us and acting like your best friend..

    This is GAME OF THRONES, anything is possible.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Not true she'll let you in no matter what you say whether it's please?, you said you'd help me, I'll take the blame or even silence. I don't

  • If you're nice to her she doesn't need you to take the blame. She did it as a favour, in my game.

    Wigams posted: »

    Mainly because I think that she's the traitor. I don't trust her at all. She's done nothing to convince me she really cares aboout me. Ev

  • But Mira doesn't tell her these things how would Sera know?

    Wigams posted: »

    Like i said in the edit....just because they say the traitor is on the council doesn't mean that they are. Lady Forrester sends all news of

  • edited July 2015

    . Yes her arguing for you is different. Her HIDING you at the corronation is entirely for her own interest. Margery would have assumed it was Sera that let her in.

    Flog61 posted: »

    No, she also cares about Mira being allowed to stay in King's Landing, as you can overhear her fighting for Mira to be allowed to stay in a

  • For her own interest? So why did she help Mira get in, in the first place? She had nothing to gain in fact she's risking her own position with Margaery by doing this for you, she could've easily said no she didn't have to get you in (unless you blackmailed her).

    Wigams posted: »

    . Yes her arguing for you is different. Her HIDING you at the corronation is entirely for her own interest. Margery would have assumed it was Sera that let her in.

  • She can't be the traitor. How could she possibly know about the plans to attack Highpoint/push Gryff out of Ironrath?

  • Well she could have read some of Mira's letters from Lady Forrester. She could have overheard us talking to Tom sometime....a lot of different possibilities. I mean it's Game of Thrones they aren't just going to spoon feed you the whole thing. If she ends up being the traitor I would expect it to be a SHOCK and they don't put in hints to make it as shocking as possible. At this point the only person that i wouldn't be "shocked" that they were the traitor is Duncan.

    IbaMelly posted: »

    She can't be the traitor. How could she possibly know about the plans to attack Highpoint/push Gryff out of Ironrath?

  • Alright...you go on trusting Sera. I will go on hoping she meets her end. IF she "easily" said no to us then the plot would have demanded that we blackmail her automatically because Mira had to get into the Coronation. You really think if push come to shove she'd be on our side and not Margery's? Come on now.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    For her own interest? So why did she help Mira get in, in the first place? She had nothing to gain in fact she's risking her own position wi

  • Unless you read the novels it would have been pretty hard to predict the Red Wedding. that betrayal was a possible avenue but not something many thought would happen. (aside from book readers)

    IbaMelly posted: »

    She can't be the traitor. How could she possibly know about the plans to attack Highpoint/push Gryff out of Ironrath?

  • The Forresters would NEVER send a raven to King's Landing detailing secret plans. That just doesn't make any sense.

    Wigams posted: »

    Well she could have read some of Mira's letters from Lady Forrester. She could have overheard us talking to Tom sometime....a lot of differ

  • If Sera does betray me then I'll be crushed but I'll be able to say I was loyal to her to the end. To answer your question yes I believe she would be on Mira's side after everything she did for her (in my playthrough at least). At the end of the day Sera's given me no reason to distrust her.

    Wigams posted: »

    Alright...you go on trusting Sera. I will go on hoping she meets her end. IF she "easily" said no to us then the plot would have demanded

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    I want Sera to die

    Alt text

  • Of course ...NEVER would they do that. Except they're "counting on MIRA and Asher to get us the army we need" so Mira is involved in the plans. They would literally HAVE to send her ravens detailing the plans. You know why thats all done off-screen? Because its not cinematic and we just watched Rodrik and them make the plans.

    The Forresters would NEVER send a raven to King's Landing detailing secret plans. That just doesn't make any sense.

  • Tom.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    But Mira doesn't tell her these things how would Sera know?

  • I camt imagine having that strong a reaction to her. Its not like shes Ramsay.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Aren't you trying to get the Coal Boy killed InGen?

    Man that's cold.

  • yeah, same here.

    KCohere posted: »

    I camt imagine having that strong a reaction to her. Its not like shes Ramsay.

  • Yes.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Aren't you trying to get the Coal Boy killed InGen?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Man that's cold. Or should I say coal?


  • ahhhh so there is a gif..

    Cope49 posted: »

    I want Sera to die

  • Very punny.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Man that's cold. Or should I say coal?

  • edited July 2015

    They're not going to risk their plans being discovered. Ravens don't always make it to their destinations. There is no way they told Mira about their plan to expel Gryff/save Ryon. I'm sorry, but it's not possible that Sera is the traitor.

    Wigams posted: »

    Of course ...NEVER would they do that. Except they're "counting on MIRA and Asher to get us the army we need" so Mira is involved in the pl

  • I agree. I don't trust her and I don't like her. I don't get why people are so trusting of this girl. This is Game of Thrones we're talking about. :-/

  • You cant just distrust everyone on principal

    I agree. I don't trust her and I don't like her. I don't get why people are so trusting of this girl. This is Game of Thrones we're talking about. :-/

  • Sera being the traitor?

    Haha, no.

  • Is she mean to Mira if Mira is mean to her? I think she still agrees to help Mira, if you apologize or something, so she's still nice anyway.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I really don't get the Sera hate. She's mean to you if you're mean to her, and awesome to you if you're nice to her.

  • Well, since it's Game of thrones, we can't fully trust anyone in the game. But she tries to help Mira with Margery, so it's already something, that's more than most of the characters have done for us so far. :P

    I agree. I don't trust her and I don't like her. I don't get why people are so trusting of this girl. This is Game of Thrones we're talking about. :-/

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