Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Todos los otros te vamos a extrañar mucho amigo ;-;

    Been off the the thread for a few days but its great to see the community still thriving and active even with the long hiatus between each e

  • well I usally wake up at noon

    Same. Good night,Green!

    Green613 posted: »

    Going to sleep now (almost 4 AM) making this post to remind myself to create an imgur gallery for everyone who made/ is making a Echo Eye sc

  • Honesty and internet are like oil and water:

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    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Fair enough, least you're not like some people who use fake pictures instead :P I value honesty too much on the Internet... It's gonna get me hurt someday.

  • Aw thank you :^]

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Aww! Quiff x nohuhhuh is the best ship after Rhyiona.

  • the quiet time... so...yeah..nice

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  • I was out for two hours, when I came back there were only six new comments. This scares me...

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    the quiet time... so...yeah..nice

  • Probably because wolf isn't on

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I was out for two hours, when I came back there were only six new comments. This scares me...

  • I guess. I also noticed that a lot of people recently went to bed (Green, Cheetah, etc) so that might be another reason.

    Probably because wolf isn't on

  • @Poogers555

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    I hope this is good enough :)

    Gonna finish other scans today ASAP. This is so much fun. :D

  • Yeah, true. :/

    At least they are having sweet Rhyiona dreams ;)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I guess. I also noticed that a lot of people recently went to bed (Green, Cheetah, etc) so that might be another reason.

  • Age:69 XD this amazing am sure Papa p is going to love it.

    buntingsir posted: »

    @Poogers555 I hope this is good enough Gonna finish other scans today ASAP. This is so much fun.

  • 2spooky4me

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    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I was out for two hours, when I came back there were only six new comments. This scares me...

  • Man, this is so awesome :O

    What program did you use to make this?

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    buntingsir posted: »

    @Poogers555 I hope this is good enough Gonna finish other scans today ASAP. This is so much fun.

  • Thanks! Photoshop as always. :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Man, this is so awesome :O What program did you use to make this?

  • Poogs should love this

    buntingsir posted: »

    @Poogers555 I hope this is good enough Gonna finish other scans today ASAP. This is so much fun.

  • I hope so. Thanks!

    Age:69 XD this amazing am sure Papa p is going to love it.

  • We'll see :D

    And you're next on my list by the way ;3

    Poogs should love this

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    buntingsir posted: »

    We'll see And you're next on my list by the way ;3

  • edited July 2015

    so i had a dream i helped fiona give birth and it was.... odd... ly... interesting...? i'll try to explain using proper grammar (an once in a lifetime experience, make a wish)

    The thing is, it's been a recurring dream of mine for many years, to witness someone giving birth, or to help give birth. It intrigues me sometimes because I dream about the same thing over and over again and it has to mean something but I don't know what. I usually don't know who the mother and father are, I think this is the first time the dream features people I know... We were in a desert at night, next to a campfire, I remember Rhys was talking with someone on his palm interface or something and he was very very nervous and stressing Fiona out so I told him to please stop. He was super anxious and babbling about this "person they accidentally made" (meaning it wasn't planned?). Also they were like real people, I mean, not cgi, and I don't know what I was doing there or how did they get to know me.

    Fiona was laying on the ground constantly cursing and swearing and then there was pain and suffering and blood and it was terrifying. I've dreamt the same thing so many times I'm almost used to it, but not used to them being existing characters who I hold dear though, so it was tougher than usual because I was more worried or so I felt. I have no idea of how I did it since I know nothing about labor in real life and I would probably throw up and pass out if I had to help someone give birth (which makes those dreams even weirder). Anyways I never remember anything about the baby after birth, I just remember him (or her) crying, usually when I hear the baby crying I wake up.

    So yeah, I still don't know what it means. I've read things about the baby representing creative process, and since Rhyiona motivates me to do stuff... I guess Fiona was giving birth to my... creativity... or something?

  • ?

    I just said that they do :/

    They don't have second winds in BL1?

  • I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not now!! :P

    I think I understand...

    Quiff posted: »

    Uhh... yeah sweating 17 and have already achieved the dreams of my life ;_; at least in my head. (I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic, but I'm not a real real doctor, just doctor)

  • Sorry, I misinterpreted the comment. Since I was mainly talking about BL2, when you responded "Atleast YOU have the chance to get second wind," it made me think that you only get second winds in BL2, my bad, I had a brain fart there. I get what you mean now and yes, it is a good thing.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    ? I just said that they do

  • That advantage of being able to eat both biscuits and cookies tho :p

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Everybody is probably sleeping already (why I'm not sleeping?) but I'm posting this anyway.. :P So Yeah @HazzatheMan I hope you like this

  • Bye, see ya soon!

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    Been off the the thread for a few days but its great to see the community still thriving and active even with the long hiatus between each e

  • tfw it's sunny outside but it's raining and thundering at the same time.

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    Quiff posted: »

    tfw it's sunny outside but it's raining and thundering at the same time.

  • I was sarcastic...

    I feel a little shittty now tbh, sorry :/

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not now!! :P I think I understand...

  • That's basically how I feel right now.

  • Pretty much the same here lol

    Quiff posted: »

    That's basically how I feel right now.

  • It's thundering a hella lot now, I'm getting a bit scared.

    Pretty much the same here lol

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    Quiff posted: »

    It's thundering a hella lot now, I'm getting a bit scared.

  • I envy him because he can do that! xD

    Quiff posted: »

    That advantage of being able to eat both biscuits and cookies tho

  • Haha this is great! I love how you drew Poogers in real life! xD So badass..

    buntingsir posted: »

    @Poogers555 I hope this is good enough Gonna finish other scans today ASAP. This is so much fun.

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    rhonu posted: »

    so i had a dream i helped fiona give birth and it was.... odd... ly... interesting...? i'll try to explain using proper grammar (an once in

  • Ah yes, but. Even water and oil can mix with the right chemicals :P

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Honesty and internet are like oil and water:

  • I LOVE THIS SO DAMN MUCH!!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD Oh my God, thank you!!! :3

    Nice remember on the British-American heritage btw, though I prefer cookies over biscuits :P

    Lol, is my catchphrase really "I'm the new guy :P"? Well that shall change in the near future my friend :)

    You did an excellent job on my real pic AND my profile pic! Wow, I look better animated than I do in real life :D

    Thank you so much :')

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Everybody is probably sleeping already (why I'm not sleeping?) but I'm posting this anyway.. :P So Yeah @HazzatheMan I hope you like this

  • I do!! XD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm sure he'll really appreciate this.

  • Yeah well, there have been some users that have come back from a hiatus and I feel the need to introduce myself :P

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    thanks, scanning people is fun! Welp he has been saying that a lot xD That's classic Hazza!.. :P

  • Haha, I'm really not that great at German or Russian :P But thanks anyways :)

    This is AWESOME!!!!! You forgot to put master of language's for special talents but it's still AWESOME YOU DID AN AWESOME JOB ON THIS (AM SURE HAZZA WILL LOVE IT) BRO FIST

  • Lol, I take a cookie over a biscuit any day :D

    Quiff posted: »

    That advantage of being able to eat both biscuits and cookies tho

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