Episode 5 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS3/PS4/Xbox One/Xbox 360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • Dead. You killed Beskha's master.

    Oh shit, where's Malcolm?

  • No-one on our side has died since episode 1, so hoping for some deaths this episode.

  • edited July 2015

    I live in Germany too. The episode will come out sometime between 6-9 PM. Not next day. Dont worry. ;D

    gwendog posted: »

    awesome it comes out on my birthday J21 but because I live in Germany and Steam is slow it will probably come out on the J22 which I fly to Wales for a month waaaaaaaaaaaah

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    Flog61 posted: »

    No-one on our side has died since episode 1, so hoping for some deaths this episode.

  • It's not editing, sometimes the episodes say they're playable the week before they are, but after clicking that button you won't actually play it.

    IR0NR4TH posted: »

    Nice editing.

  • It' not depend on your decisions, actually

    IR0NR4TH posted: »

    Dead. You killed Beskha's master.

  • J21 IS REAL

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    That is editing, i remember Meg doing the same thing with Amid the Ruins.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It's not editing, sometimes the episodes say they're playable the week before they are, but after clicking that button you won't actually play it.

  • The trailer music sounds like a slower and darker version of "The Throne Is Mine".

  • edited July 2015

    So I'm pretty sure Lady Forrester is the traitor.

    We know that she's had contact with Ludd, since she "invited" him to Ironrath in episode 2, and the way he said "she practically begged me to come" could be him subtley taunting Rodrik.

    She's shown herself to be a desperate, emotional woman, ("if you have to murder every last Whitehill babe in their beds") so I wouldn't put it past her to betray Rodrik to ensure Ryon's safety. She's a pragmatist, and will do whatever it takes to get him back.

    Like Duncan, she's shown a willingness to work behind her Lord's back for what she perceives as "the greater good" - planning to send Malcolm to Essos without consulting Ethan beforehand. Plus, from a storytelling standpoint, it would be the most dramatic outcome. Having to decide between exiling, executing or imprisoning your own Mother. Far more brutal and unpleasant than if it was the Master.

    Now, more importantly, I think the traitor will be revealed in this episode and Rodrik will have to deal with her/him, because I don't think it'd fit in with episode 6 which, due to Asher returning home, seems like it's gonna be the big, final battle between the Whitehills and the Forresters. Dealing with the traitor doesn't really fit in there.

    EDIT: I'm also wondering, will this have a big, penultimate episode event like the show? Every second-last episode always has a HUGE moment - Ned's death, Red Wedding, Dany flying off on her dragon, etc. If my theory is correct, that moment could be Rodrik executing Elissa in front of the entire House. That'd be quite fitting.

  • It's more like "Chaos Is A Ladder".


    Golthar posted: »

    The trailer music sounds like a slower and darker version of "The Throne Is Mine".

  • One flaw. At the end of episode 4 Rodrik has a scene where he say: "I can't believe I trusted him." Also the hype is real

    Giraffehat posted: »

    So I'm pretty sure Lady Forrester is the traitor. We know that she's had contact with Ludd, since she "invited" him to Ironrath in episod

  • Well the previews have often been inaccurate, and it seems stupid of TT to cross her off the list of suspects in a preview and reduce the tension. Maybe Rodrik's referring to the trade-off with Ludd, or maybe one of his councillors becomes a traitor. And I suppose Duncan could've accidentally screwed over House Forrester due to his contact with Gwyn somehow, and Rodrik is infuriated that he didn't see it coming and is lashing out. Probably wishful thinking but I just think her being the traitor would, as I said, be the best from a story standpoint. As Jaquen H'ghar would say, "A man can dream."

    One flaw. At the end of episode 4 Rodrik has a scene where he say: "I can't believe I trusted him." Also the hype is real

  • Does the trailer give a lot away? I'm hesitant to watch it.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Not as much as the episode 4 trailer, at least in my opinion.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Does the trailer give a lot away? I'm hesitant to watch it.

  • Trailer! Yes! Awesome! :) Can't wait until July 21.

  • I'll watdh it then.

    Not as much as the episode 4 trailer, at least in my opinion.

  • But... if Rodrick said "I can't belive i trusted HER" It would be confirming that Elissa is the traitor.

    One flaw. At the end of episode 4 Rodrik has a scene where he say: "I can't believe I trusted him." Also the hype is real


  • Surprise trailer? Sure, why not? :D

    And cool, it's coming this Tuesday. Looks like an interesting episode. :P

  • I think he means because of his slow internet the download won't be finished before J22.

    btw I'm German aswell and the Episodes always release 7pm

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    I live in Germany too. The episode will come out sometime between 6-9 PM. Not next day. Dont worry. ;D

  • edited July 2015

    Why wouldn't she tell Rodrik, so they can use her supposed role as traitor for their own benefit, supplying false information?

    And why would Whitehill trust her to be honest over someone he may well have personal leverage over, i.e. the Maester?

    If it is her, and she was doing it just to keep Ryon safe having been blackmailed by the whitehills, then why would execution be a fitting punishment? It's not like she's trying to destroy the house, she's trying to keep it safe in a misguided way. Any punishment at all would seem excessive for someone trying to keep the house afloat.

    She wouldn't even really be a 'traitor' - supplying information due to threats isn't really betrayal.

    In addition, the Maester being the traitor would explain what happened when Rodrik and his mother were at Highpoint - perhaps the traitor is working as an agent of the boltons rather than just of the whitehills, and that is how Ramsay managed to enter.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    So I'm pretty sure Lady Forrester is the traitor. We know that she's had contact with Ludd, since she "invited" him to Ironrath in episod

  • Haaa yaaa

    It' not depend on your decisions, actually

  • Would Elissa trying to keep her son alive desperately, being blackmailed by the Whitehills for information, be an invasion of trust?

    But... if Rodrick said "I can't belive i trusted HER" It would be confirming that Elissa is the traitor.

  • I've said several times that I think the traitor is an agent of the Boltons no one seems to agree with me.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Why wouldn't she tell Rodrik, so they can use her supposed role as traitor for their own benefit, supplying false information? And why wo

  • I'm as happy as a pig in shit.

  • It would be treason either way, because sending info to the Boltons wouldn't help Ryon, at all.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Would Elissa trying to keep her son alive desperately, being blackmailed by the Whitehills for information, be an invasion of trust?

  • edited July 2015

    So if someone said to her 'Give me information, and if you don't, I'll kill your son', it would be high treason for her to give them information, punishable by death?

    It would be treason either way, because sending info to the Boltons wouldn't help Ryon, at all.

  • Why wouldn't she tell Rodrik, so they can use her supposed role as traitor for their own benefit, supplying false information?

    She's a scared, desperate mother who's already seen the destruction of her original House. If she gave Ludd false information and he found out, they'd be in a lot of trouble. And she doesn't seem to like to take risks (telling Rodrick to kiss Ludd's ring and killing the ravens). Now, this could be interpreted as a contradiction to her being a traitor, but as I said, she's desperate and willing to do whatever it takes.

    And why would Whitehill trust her to be honest over someone he may well have personal leverage over, i.e. the Maester?

    In episode 1, Ludd shows her respect and offers his condolences, so it's clear he has some kind of respect for her. He probably knows she'd do anything she could to ensure Ryon's wellbeing, so in his eyes she isn't a threat.

    If it is her, and she was doing it just to keep Ryon safe having been blackmailed by the whitehills, then why would execution be a fitting punishment? It's not like she's trying to destroy the house, she's trying to keep it safe in a misguided way. Any punishment at all would seem excessive for someone trying to keep the house afloat.

    I don't think she's being blackmailed though. I think she initiated contact in the first place. So regardless of her reasons, she'd still be willingly betraying the House. It'd most likely be a choice between imprisonment, execution and exile, since I seriously doubt she'd be allowed to just stick around on the small council.

    In addition, the Maester being the traitor would explain what happened when Rodrik and his mother were at Highpoint - perhaps the traitor is working as an agent of the boltons rather than just of the whitehills, and that is how Ramsay managed to enter.

    Now this I'm not sure about. It could be Duncan or Ortengryn who opened the gate on Talia's order (I doubt Royland would do it). She was assigned a role as "Lord" while Rodrik was away, and she saw how much of a psychopath Ramsay is when he killed Ethan, so she'd know it's wise to appease him.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Why wouldn't she tell Rodrik, so they can use her supposed role as traitor for their own benefit, supplying false information? And why wo

  • I'd be pissed but I wouldn't kill her that's a bit extreme, I'd punish her somehow though. I'd probably just remove her from all council meetings and forbid any info to be passed onto her.

    Flog61 posted: »

    So if someone said to her 'Give me information, and if you don't, I'll kill your son', it would be high treason for her to give them information, punishable by death?

  • What will Ramsay do to Rodrik!?!?! To scared to be hyped :OOO

    OzzyUK posted: »

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4uuyxnSeM0 7/21 - PC/Mac, @PlayStation 7/22 - @Xbox 7/23 - Mobile

  • What would you have done in her situation?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I'd be pissed but I wouldn't kill her that's a bit extreme, I'd punish her somehow though. I'd probably just remove her from all council meetings and forbid any info to be passed onto her.

  • I don't know what I'd do I like to think I wouldn't have kept it to myself but who knows.

    Flog61 posted: »

    What would you have done in her situation?

  • Just when i think im out THEY PULL ME BACK IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • You can catch one of the QTE prompts in the Ep4 trailer, too.

  • The just hope Rodrik doesn't get killed off. :v It'll be a bigger waste than Ethan. It would be SO disappointing to have Rodrik miraculously cheat death only to get killed again.

  • Can't be the only one who saw this, right?

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