Rodrik's fate

What will happen to rodrik? What do you think Ramsay is going to do to him? I think he'll flay him,and kill him.Share your thoughts in this thread!



  • Not sure about that. He might take an eye depending on what you did to Gryff. It'd be funny if you maim gryff he doesn't maim you and if you don't maim gryff he does maim you.

  • Rodrick is a dead man.

  • I think that isn't going to happen. Ramsay doesn't care what you did to Gryff,he doesn't care about the whitehills (if you play all the episodes you will start to see that), it's most likely to happen the opposite,Ramsay will maim you if you didn't maim Gryff

    Wigams posted: »

    Not sure about that. He might take an eye depending on what you did to Gryff. It'd be funny if you maim gryff he doesn't maim you and if you don't maim gryff he does maim you.

  • Wound him, but nothing too severe.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    Probably maim him in some way if it's not a 'game over' scene. It'd be ironic if he permanently injured his arm and leg right when they were getting better.

  • I think Rodrik will probably die.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    Probably maim him in some way if it's not a 'game over' scene. It'd be ironic if he permanently injured his arm and leg right when they were getting better.

  • I know lol. It was a sarcastic joke ;p Ramsay has a weird way of thinking, he's a psycho fuck and he could possibly respect you if he sees what you did to gryff. If he sees that you did nothing he might be like "haha pussy"

    I think that isn't going to happen. Ramsay doesn't care what you did to Gryff,he doesn't care about the whitehills (if you play all the epis

  • I like to say to nether... Ramsay says "Its important you see what comes of disobedience"... He could mean he's going to flay someone else (Another Forrester, Duncan or Roland maybe?) while Rodrik is retained to show him what happens if he disobeys to Bolton's....

    At least that's what I'm telling myself... Ramsay... is a volatile and unpredictable, psychopath but he isn't stupid he could get more out of the Ironwood with Rodrik alive.. It will ether go bad for Rodrik.. or really bad for Rodrik...

  • rip Elaena

    Legionari3 posted: »

    I like to say to nether... Ramsay says "Its important you see what comes of disobedience"... He could mean he's going to flay someone else (

  • I thought the same thing myself. I don't think Rodrik will get killed but something major is going to happen.

    Legionari3 posted: »

    I like to say to nether... Ramsay says "Its important you see what comes of disobedience"... He could mean he's going to flay someone else (

  • He died once already, if he dies again that'll be dumb. He should at least survive the season. If he dies, how will we see that side of the story?

  • People are speculating that Asher will return to Westeros this Episode so that's how they would continue. Hopefully Rodrik doesn't die I really like him.

    He died once already, if he dies again that'll be dumb. He should at least survive the season. If he dies, how will we see that side of the story?

  • That is actually a pretty fricking theory,thank you for sharing it in this thread

    Legionari3 posted: »

    I like to say to nether... Ramsay says "Its important you see what comes of disobedience"... He could mean he's going to flay someone else (

  • Rodrik can't die since his plotline isn't complete yet. He was brought back in ep 2 for some reason that can be retaking his home to die under the thick plot armor of Ramsay, would be just stupid.

    "You need to see what comes from disobedience" is a tricky sentence, The whitehills also didn't obey him, they took the entire forest.

    I think in this episode we'll have the chance to "join" the bad guys. Talia's face look more like* "what is happening is horrible"* than "the fuck? another brother dead? screenwriters pls"

    The odds are on Gryff Whithill being flayed, that would make sense to "the walk" and the soldiers holding Rodrik because if Gryff dies, Ryon is pretty fucked.

  • I just realized that i am stupid and that you're right

    Rodrik can't die since his plotline isn't complete yet. He was brought back in ep 2 for some reason that can be retaking his home to die und

  • I'm almost certain both the Forresters and the Whitehills will be punished for their 'disobedience'.

    Rodrik can't die since his plotline isn't complete yet. He was brought back in ep 2 for some reason that can be retaking his home to die und

  • I doubt he'll kill him, but I'm almost positive he will end up killing someone, most likely either Duncan or Royland. Depending on what you did to Gryff, he might do the same to you, but Rodrik and the Forresters are too valuable to be killed, he'll definitely keep some of them alive.

  • edited July 2015

    I respect your opinion, but as i see it punish both of them is a dead end. Why keep fighting if Ramsay is above shitting on them? This wouldn't lead to a great finale (except for a ForresterWhitehill aliance against Boltons but that's too soon in show world and too late in telltale story to rework the entire setup made in 4 episodes)

    But add a dead Gryff, a Ryon in real danger and shazam, you get an open war between the two houses where the resources you've been collecting all the way will define it's ending in next episode.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I'm almost certain both the Forresters and the Whitehills will be punished for their 'disobedience'.

  • Rodrick will be Ramsay's bitch. I don't see how he can overcome his current situation.

  • Really hoping he won't kill Talia

  • Ramsay will kill Rodrik then Asher will come with an army they will fuck Whitehills and Boltons

  • edited July 2015

    Ramsay killing Rodrick would be kinda stupid, because that would mean the only guy who can do any harm, is also the guy that's cannon and we cant do anything. But he might die, seeing that Asher might arrive and take over.

  • Please dont kill him, plese dont kill him, pleasepleaseplease, he cant die, omg, Am so worried and gonna cry so hard, i know that...

  • If Talia dies we riot?

    Really hoping he won't kill Talia

  • edited July 2015

    Highly doubt we'll see any serious harm come to Rodrik. Knowing Ramsay, he'll do something to please his sociopathic palate. Since we see Rodrik being held back by soldiers it's easy to assume he'll be the one being hurt, but what if Rodrik is the one choosing who get's punished?

    Ramsay will probably have two, possibly a third, person for Rodrick to choose who Ramsay flays and or kills. Who it could be can be from a pretty good pool of choices; our mother, Royland, Duncan, Arthur, or even our bride to be. Doubt it'd be Talia since we see her turning away from what we have to assume is Ramsay's brutality being displayed.

    Plus this could explain the final scene we see Rodrik in where he's obviously pissed and staring into the fire, he could be enraged to what he was forced to do. And naturally Ramsay may make the choice for us if we don't choose fast enough too.

    Anyone else think so or say differently?

  • I'd like to believe this.

    Highly doubt we'll see any serious harm come to Rodrik. Knowing Ramsay, he'll do something to please his sociopathic palate. Since we see Ro

  • I would love to see the Whitehills get a dose of Ramsay's obedience training! If they don't get what they deserve soon, i might start throwing things at my TV....

    Rodrik can't die since his plotline isn't complete yet. He was brought back in ep 2 for some reason that can be retaking his home to die und

  • He wouldn't outright kill her anyways, he would take her hunting first....

    Really hoping he won't kill Talia

  • May the old gods hear you.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I would love to see the Whitehills get a dose of Ramsay's obedience training! If they don't get what they deserve soon, i might start throwing things at my TV....

  • No, Rodrik will not die. Sorry.

    I think Rodrik will probably die.

  • Source for that?

    Or just opinion presented as fact?

    YForrester posted: »

    No, Rodrik will not die. Sorry.

  • NO!!! That's what Ethan died for to prevent!

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    He wouldn't outright kill her anyways, he would take her hunting first....

  • And Arthur will be Rodrik's bitch.
    Alt text
    Rodrik is too valuable.

    Drbg posted: »

    Rodrick will be Ramsay's bitch. I don't see how he can overcome his current situation.

  • So? It's still what Ramsay would do if the situation arose.

    NO!!! That's what Ethan died for to prevent!

  • Alt text


  • What if the choice comes down to Arthur and whichever Sentinel you didn't take to Highpoint? if you choose Arthur you lose the Glenmore alliance, choose Royland/Duncan and you lose respect from your own people.

    Highly doubt we'll see any serious harm come to Rodrik. Knowing Ramsay, he'll do something to please his sociopathic palate. Since we see Ro

  • I know, that's just my reaction at the thought of it, why I pulled Talia away from his grasp after he said that line since we know all too well what it entails.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    So? It's still what Ramsay would do if the situation arose.

  • That's a good possibility although at this point I'm not sure how much more respect there is to lose with all that's happened to Ironrath and it's people already. I do wonder though that if Arthur is a choice and he's killed if that will stop the wedding since she may think we're a monster for choosing him, she's been pretty level-headed thus far but I could understand that choice really jeopardizing the wedding.

    ranger563 posted: »

    What if the choice comes down to Arthur and whichever Sentinel you didn't take to Highpoint? if you choose Arthur you lose the Glenmore alliance, choose Royland/Duncan and you lose respect from your own people.

  • I see. I wouldn't want it to happen either, just sayin it's a possibility.

    I know, that's just my reaction at the thought of it, why I pulled Talia away from his grasp after he said that line since we know all too well what it entails.

  • Mhm, hopefully though if it does come up again, we'll be able to stop it again and not lose another lord XP

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I see. I wouldn't want it to happen either, just sayin it's a possibility.

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