Rodrik's fate



  • This should make me worry... why am I laughing?

    Giraffehat posted: »


  • I can see Talia and Elissa guilt-tripping Rodrik for choosing the Sentinel. Y'know "how could you betray him, he worked so hard for you, where's your loyalty to family," etc etc.

    That's a good possibility although at this point I'm not sure how much more respect there is to lose with all that's happened to Ironrath an

  • Pretty sure Rodrick and/or Talia are going to suffer REALLY HARD!! But they'll live... I'm not even sure if Ramsay likes Rodricks way of acting, I mean the way I play Rodrick is crazy and takes no shit from the whitehills... I don't think Ramsay likes teh Whitehills that much either... He'll allways hurts us either way I'm guessing but we'll have to see

  • edited July 2015

    Think of it: Rodrik survived the Red Wedding. He made it through all the way from the Twins to the Ironrath. Why would they build such a strong character, make him pass through so much only to be killed by Ramsay. That's insane, isn't it?
    Plus, look at that face of Talia- it's more like "OMG! This is so awful!" rather than "OMG! WTF?!?! Another brother killed?!".

    P.S. Promos, teasers, trailers are always misleading. You all will see next week that I'm right. Rodrik will not be flayed by Ramsay, he is too valuable and surely, useful.

    P.P.S. What I can tell for sure is that someone will be flayed in fron of Rodrik's eyes, might be Elyssa, Duncan, Royland or even someone from the Whitehills. Ramsay says "It's very important to see what comes of disobediance."

    Flog61 posted: »

    Source for that? Or just opinion presented as fact?

  • I agree. Rodrik ain't dying yet. Ramsay will kill someone though.

    YForrester posted: »

    Think of it: Rodrik survived the Red Wedding. He made it through all the way from the Twins to the Ironrath. Why would they build such a str

  • I think Rodrik will be fine for now. Ramsay wants to show him the price of disobedience, which I suspect he will do by flaying someone. My money is on Gryff.

  • If they say crap like that I NEED there to be the option to say -

    "Really? Really? You're going to bust my balls after I was forced to choose one life over another or else that psycho would flay us all? How about you be lord and see how easy it is!"

    Talia/Elissa will remember that and quit busting your balls

    ranger563 posted: »

    I can see Talia and Elissa guilt-tripping Rodrik for choosing the Sentinel. Y'know "how could you betray him, he worked so hard for you, where's your loyalty to family," etc etc.

  • I could see Asher and sellswords coming just in time to save everyone.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    People are speculating that Asher will return to Westeros this Episode so that's how they would continue. Hopefully Rodrik doesn't die I really like him.

  • If you pause it, Talia is right next to soldiers holding Rodrik. She is looking off to the left and seems horrified. Go to the trailer and pause around 55 seconds.

    Rodrik can't die since his plotline isn't complete yet. He was brought back in ep 2 for some reason that can be retaking his home to die und

  • okay so opinion presented as fact

    YForrester posted: »

    Think of it: Rodrik survived the Red Wedding. He made it through all the way from the Twins to the Ironrath. Why would they build such a str

  • Think of it: Rodrik survived the Red Wedding. He made it through all the way from the Twins to the Ironrath. Why would they build such a strong character, make him pass through so much only to be killed by Ramsay. That's insane, isn't it?

    Unfortunately thats exactly how Game of Thrones works. There are so many characters that had a good story and died suddenly and unexpected. Like Jon Snow, which was good-hearted and in the middle of assembling the wildlings to fight the white walkers. Or Stannis' story, building up an army and sacrificing all his family to become the one true king, just to lose the battle against the Boltons before he can reach King's Landing.

    But I know what you mean, I dont want and think that Rodrik will die in episode 5. I think Ramsay will flay Gryff, or at least maim him. He will probably lose his eye so that no matter how you "handled" Gryff in episode 4 he still lost that eye, since characters with a "determinant" status are known for either die or not having an important role in the next episodes.

    On the other hand it would be interesting if Ramsay flays the person you left at Ironrath. For example Duncan is my sentinel, and almost everyone brings his/her sentinel with him/her to Highpoint. But I brought Royland with me, cause then so many people speculated that Duncan could be the traitor, so I chose Royland to come along. And as you can see the decision who accompanys you to Highpoint is "more" important than we thought, at least if this theory turn out to be true.

    YForrester posted: »

    Think of it: Rodrik survived the Red Wedding. He made it through all the way from the Twins to the Ironrath. Why would they build such a str

  • edited July 2015

    More than hear, they know us

    May the old gods hear you.

  • Nice theory but I dont think this will happen. I dont think Ramsay will let you chose who will die or being flayed, thats not his style. He didnt asked which Forrester should be the ward of house Whitehill and probably dont lets you chose now. Ramsay is doing what he likes, and he doens like taking orders or giving Rodrik the possibility of chosing the someone to get killed/flayed.

    But if you could chose one of them, then every one of them would have a "determined-status" and is doomed to have no important role for the future.

    Highly doubt we'll see any serious harm come to Rodrik. Knowing Ramsay, he'll do something to please his sociopathic palate. Since we see Ro

  • Well I didn't to make it sound like Ramsay was taking orders, just that given Ramsay's version of fun he'd give us the "pleasure" of choosing who he'd do the deed to. I look at this possibility as Ramsay still torturing us but on another level, he does have a good way of disturbing a person's mental state as you may have seen in the show.

    I don't think the survivors would become non-important, it is fair to say that they may be set down a certain path for the remainder of the episode and next but i don't think it'll be as black and white as you may fear and myself too.

    We'll just have to wait and see though, less than a week now!!

    N8eule posted: »

    Nice theory but I dont think this will happen. I dont think Ramsay will let you chose who will die or being flayed, thats not his style. He

  • i dont think that Snow will kill Rodrik but hell might hurt him or do something to Talia

  • Yes, cant wait to play it, Iam so excited :D

    Well I didn't to make it sound like Ramsay was taking orders, just that given Ramsay's version of fun he'd give us the "pleasure" of choosin

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