Episode 5 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS3/PS4/Xbox One/Xbox 360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • I call that bullshite.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJtDzCetdLs NOTE: It's just on the menu screen!!!

  • lmao i just tricked the game to think that I have the episode.

    do you think i can do those hacking shit like what happened with ATR?

  • Oh god... Now that I think about it, what if Beshka's story about killing her friend/fellow slave in the pits as a child is just foreshadowing a forced fight between Asher and Besh in the fifth episode? I doubt they'd just fight each other like that, though. Still, Beshy is my favorite non-POV character at this point and I'd be so heart broken...

    Abeille posted: »

    Hm. Taking by Adam David Miller's tweet answering to that, looks like it is about something one of the main characters do that is rather des

  • Oh crap. Imagine if it depends on how badly you beat Gryff up?

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Can't be the only one who saw this, right?

  • edited July 2015

    Malcolm? Talia!? RODRIK!?!?!

  • Do you like any secondary characters in this game? xD

    RIP Talia. I won't miss you.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Sera, Cotter, Finn, Malcolm, Royland, Elaena, Ludd, Gryff and that's about it.

    Do you like any secondary characters in this game? xD

  • How could you? ;-;

    RIP Talia. I won't miss you.

  • Well, that sure doesn't sound good. :(

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    You got both. :-)

    Wigams posted: »

    Trailer? Tweet of release dates? Both? That'd be awesome ArthurV

  • Oh! That's brilliant good eye!

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Can't be the only one who saw this, right?

  • Give milk of the poppy to lyman lannister and he'll show you just about anything.

    I don't care whose, but this is a Game of Thrones game, you need to show at least one pair of boobs before this is over. Bacon from ice

  • YES! Last episode came out for Kindle same day as Android, can only hope and assume it's the same this time round.

  • edited July 2015

    YAAAAAAAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAYA, I will gladly suck up this defeat

    Wigams posted: »


  • edited July 2015

    Oh man, can you imagine if the heartbreaking moment was somehow getting to a point where you had to choose between saving Talia or saving Ryon right on the spot? (a la Asher choosing to help Beshka or Malcolm with the Drogon scene, but more final and uh...fatal.)

    Because if so...

    Alt text

    I'll get up from the game and walk away if I must. It would break my heart to do that. T_T

    PS: Yay for this being my first post? LOL

  • Welcome to the Forums :D

    StephyDee posted: »

    Oh man, can you imagine if the heartbreaking moment was somehow getting to a point where you had to choose between saving Talia or saving Ry

  • I’d probably choose ryon because he’s less annoying.

    StephyDee posted: »

    Oh man, can you imagine if the heartbreaking moment was somehow getting to a point where you had to choose between saving Talia or saving Ry

  • What am I supposed to do for the next 96 hours...?

    Well I suppose if I slept for 12 hours each day...

  • Talia! No doubt.

    StephyDee posted: »

    Oh man, can you imagine if the heartbreaking moment was somehow getting to a point where you had to choose between saving Talia or saving Ry

  • Alt text

    What a waste of those 3 seconds of my life...

  • Agreed - if Rodrik has to die, then I don't care if Ryon would be the rightful heir because he's the only remaining Forrester male (Asher was exiled and presumably disinherited from Ironrath, so he's doesn't count, not to mention its more of a fighter than a ruler, though still might make a good leader) - I would save Talia, I think she has potential to make a good Lord (though technically she'd be a Lady).

    Talia! No doubt.

  • edited July 2015

    Yes, Lady Talia does sound good. THo I don't want Rodrick to die either D:

    Harian96 posted: »

    Agreed - if Rodrik has to die, then I don't care if Ryon would be the rightful heir because he's the only remaining Forrester male (Asher wa

  • Honestly, if I HAD to eventually choose, I would go that route too. I'd just hate to even have Rodrik be in that situation where no matter what, he has to witness the death of yet ANOTHER family member/loved one, not to mention feel responsible for their deaths. These poor Forresters have gone through the shittiest of shit, so to have that happen would be like someone kicking an injured pet that's already lying on the ground. >_<

    Harian96 posted: »

    Agreed - if Rodrik has to die, then I don't care if Ryon would be the rightful heir because he's the only remaining Forrester male (Asher wa

  • What about you stop bad newsing?

  • 4 days, 4 hours, 32 mins, 40 secs (for steam users)

  • edited July 2015

    Welcome to real life my friend :). I guess I would save Talia because.... um... she is girl? Also I guess she understands House things better than Ryon.If House Forrester faces real dissaster,she could rule things better than Ryon

    StephyDee posted: »

    Oh man, can you imagine if the heartbreaking moment was somehow getting to a point where you had to choose between saving Talia or saving Ry

  • You ate some bacon did you?

    Wigams posted: »


  • Dude, you need to calm the fuck down and stop taking things seriously.

  • You have a good point with the Gryff thing, but why is Talia even there? I don't like this at all. Game of Thrones never has a happy ending.

    I'm thinking it will be Gryff.

  • [removed]

    Killah posted: »

    Dude, you need to calm the fuck down and stop taking things seriously.

  • Actually and honestly and of course truly, you're the one who is mad here. I'm sick of your rudeness everytime I look into your profile.

  • edited July 2015

    Oh wait, he got banned. Heh, nevermind.

  • Oh so you...want to..uh....R...um...eh...

    Welcome to real life my friend . I guess I would save Talia because.... um... she is girl? Also I guess she understands House things better than Ryon.If House Forrester faces real dissaster,she could rule things better than Ryon

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