Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Yep, played by Colin Farrell :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    a 'gangster' name GASP I just remembered. There was a character Ray in the film 'In Bruges'.

  • edited July 2015

    Okay now I think it's time to get some sleep..again.. see ya tomorrow!

  • Thank you so much. You guys help more than you can imagine. :)

    rhonu posted: »

    i'm so sorry to hear that... i hope we can cheer you up a bit! i wish i could give you a big hug right now.

  • Don't be, I feel ill and everything else that comes with eating A LOT of red meat :(

    I did have a good day actually, now I can spend my evening with my online friends here!!! XD

    kristi78968 posted: »

    :'D Jealous of you Hazza! I'm good and obviously, you had a good day as well

  • I know, he's a really cool actor. I like that film. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yep, played by Colin Farrell

  • He's a cool guy actually, he used to be pretty active on this forum (TheZorkij is his username, he's a MASSIVE fan of Bloody Mary from TWAU!)

    He told me it translates into 'twilight' :/

    buntingsir posted: »

    'Soomrak' means 'dusk' in Russian (but not a state of the day, more like the essence itself, if that makes any sense). To be honest that's the first time I hear a name like that... But it really sounds epic!

  • edited July 2015

    lol I it is, I like that movie

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Thanks! I like Alex a lot! (mostly reminds me of Madagascar but hey, it's a nice movie :P)

  • You're a girl?!

    I would've never guessed that.. :O

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I'm Joanna, nickname Joey, Jojo and, occasionally, Yoda (which my friends only call me because they know I hate it) I can totally see you as a Hanna! I love that name, btw.

  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Okay now I think it's time to get some sleep..again.. see ya tomorrow!

  • edited July 2015

    Oh no, I'm sorry for your loss :( stay strong

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Also, I should warn everyone before someone thinks I died: I'll probably be gone for a couple of hours tomorrow (hopefully I can come later, though). Unfortunately someone passed away and yeah. You know the drill.

  • sumrak has several meanings, including the one you just said ;)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    He's a cool guy actually, he used to be pretty active on this forum (TheZorkij is his username, he's a MASSIVE fan of Bloody Mary from TWAU!) He told me it translates into 'twilight'

  • edited July 2015

    Edit: Meant to reply to a post :P

  • It's a good film :D

    I'm quite enjoying his performance in True Detective Season 2 actually! Him, Rachel McAdams, Kelly Reilly, and surprisingly enough, even Vince Vaughn!!

    buntingsir posted: »

    I know, he's a really cool actor. I like that film.

  • Fair enough :)

    sumrak has several meanings, including the one you just said

  • Night, Hanna (feels weird saying that)!

    I should also be off, hoping to get more than six hours of sleep unlike last night :P

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Okay now I think it's time to get some sleep..again.. see ya tomorrow!

  • edited July 2015

    Well yeah you can translate it into 'twilight' as well.

    The thing is, there're a lot of synonyms for some words :p

    Like we have 'soomrak' and 'soomerky' the latter being a plural, but not of the first word. These words have a bit different meaning in our language, but in English they're translated similarly. I just thought that 'twilight' is more proper for translating 'soomerky' that's all.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    He's a cool guy actually, he used to be pretty active on this forum (TheZorkij is his username, he's a MASSIVE fan of Bloody Mary from TWAU!) He told me it translates into 'twilight'

  • Haha yeah, people often comment on my "boyish" nickname :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You're a girl?! I would've never guessed that.. :O

  • That name reminds me of a particular character from the Spartacus TV Series :D

    Certainly sounds like it's spelt...

    Green613 posted: »

    My name's Ashur, kinda like the guy from Game of Thrones but not. It's pronounced the same way though

  • This is great!!! :D

    Hmm, am I somewhere in the bottom right corner?? :P Either way it is a brilliant drawing!

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I have to say I LOVE U GUYZZZZ RhyionaIsLove.RhyionaIsLife P.S: Sorry for those that are not in the drawing, I either forgot to put you, or I just didn't know how to portray you...

  • What does it mean? :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    dear Hanna ;3 Oh why this gives me shivers? xD Like "What are you talking about, I'm nohuhhuh!!!" Btw, have I ever mentioned what "nohuhhuh" means?

  • Fair enough :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Well yeah you can translate it into 'twilight' as well. The thing is, there're a lot of synonyms for some words Like we have 'soomra

  • Sorry if I offended you btw :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Haha yeah, people often comment on my "boyish" nickname

  • Oh, I started to watch the first season of that show, but wasn't interested enough to continue. Come to think of it I wasn't really paying attention at the time, because of the circumstances, so I guess I should give it a second chance.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It's a good film I'm quite enjoying his performance in True Detective Season 2 actually! Him, Rachel McAdams, Kelly Reilly, and surprisingly enough, even Vince Vaughn!!

  • edited July 2015

    Speaking in a deep Russian accent

    I have made a list of the real names for some of the people on here. I shall endeavor to remember them >:)

  • Thanks, man. :)

    Oh no, I'm sorry for your loss stay strong

  • No no, it's fine! I just thought it was funny how some things that I take for granted (like being a girl) can be confusing for others :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Sorry if I offended you btw :P

  • Oh my God, that first Season is an amazing piece of television!! XD My one complaint is the abundance of Southern accents means they can be quite hard to understand sometimes :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    Oh, I started to watch the first season of that show, but wasn't interested enough to continue. Come to think of it I wasn't really paying attention at the time, because of the circumstances, so I guess I should give it a second chance.

  • Well I usually screw up by calling a user 'dude' or 'bro' and they reply with "I'm a girl"

    ... Then I feel stoopid :P

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    No no, it's fine! I just thought it was funny how some things that I take for granted (like being a girl) can be confusing for others

  • edited July 2015

    Speaking in a deep Russian accent

    What's that supposed to mean? :'D

    Just kidding :p It's awesome that you want to remember the names.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Speaking in a deep Russian accent I have made a list of the real names for some of the people on here. I shall endeavor to remember them

  • I don't know actually... In my head that sentence I wrote sounded funny in a really deep Russian accent :P (I mean no offense)

    I will try and remember the names, Eugenia :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Speaking in a deep Russian accent What's that supposed to mean? :'D Just kidding It's awesome that you want to remember the names.

  • Hey, there's no reason why girls can't be dudes or bros! ;) No need to feel bad or anything.

    Anyway, I should reeeally be off to bed now, I've been stalling by refreshing this thread every twenty seconds. Good night, Hazza!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well I usually screw up by calling a user 'dude' or 'bro' and they reply with "I'm a girl" ... Then I feel stoopid :P

  • Well then, I'm definitely gonna give it another try and actually watch it attentively this time. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh my God, that first Season is an amazing piece of television!! XD My one complaint is the abundance of Southern accents means they can be quite hard to understand sometimes :P

  • Man, you always bring fun in the thread, I will miss you though =\

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Also, I should warn everyone before someone thinks I died: I'll probably be gone for a couple of hours tomorrow (hopefully I can come later, though). Unfortunately someone passed away and yeah. You know the drill.

  • I know you didn't mean any offense. I think Russian accent is a bit annoying and hilarious myself, because of our pronounciation of 'r'. xD

    That's good, Harry. :p

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I don't know actually... In my head that sentence I wrote sounded funny in a really deep Russian accent :P (I mean no offense) I will try and remember the names, Eugenia

  • That sounds like something a villain would say. :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Speaking in a deep Russian accent I have made a list of the real names for some of the people on here. I shall endeavor to remember them

  • Thanks, bro, I'll be back soon. :)

    Killah posted: »

    Man, you always bring fun in the thread, I will miss you though =\

  • I live close to there, I'm on my way! ^-^

    Wait.. I might have been there before? 0_o


    HazzatheMan posted: »

    This would a pub-restaurant called The Turnpike, located in Oxford, England

  • Okay, so this prompt for episode 4 came into my head:

    What if you (as in Rhys) have the dialogue option whether or not to start to get friendlier with Fiona. 1)Seems a little more... "I really fucking like you" 2)The option to be just really close friends or 3) To still remain enemies.

    Then the next day, or whatever something happens which splits them apart and after who ever tells their part of the past then Rhys or Fiona's there and then depending they can either; run up to each other and give this tight hug (as in "okay, I think I just really love you), a completely platonic hug or just a smile or something, idc when it comes to option 3.

    I mean, it's completely optional and not forced! So people who just want a platonic relationship can be happy too! I should become a fucking writer for tt because I think of everybody when it comes to this shit.

    Sorry for my ramblings and sorry if I'm getting anyones hopes up Dx

  • I'm so sorry to hear that Wolf. You take as much time as you need, we understand :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Also, I should warn everyone before someone thinks I died: I'll probably be gone for a couple of hours tomorrow (hopefully I can come later, though). Unfortunately someone passed away and yeah. You know the drill.

  • I really fucking like you

    I need this in my life.

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