Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



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    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I was about to say "Uhh, the Rhysha's" :P It's my aim as well

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    I unfortunately share a name with YouKnowWho (TWDG fans know who I'm talking about), but it's short for something.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I have awoken from my slumber because (I kid you not) my neighbors are having a party. (What's wrong with teenagers these days? Why can't t

  • Well, this is dead.

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, this is dead.

  • Wolf! You're still awake ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, this is dead.

  • Bruh, Tales is super different based on choices, probably the most different based on choices

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    So I decided to start a second save of GOT, trying out different choices and stuff It is... interesting to see what differences it can m

  • Just barely. ;-;

    Killah posted: »

    Wolf! You're still awake ;-;

  • Really? <3

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    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Noooo Domyyy </3 I'm sooo sorry! I didn't mean it that way! runs after

  • Same..I just couldn't sleep when I saw the ending...you know....

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Just barely. ;-;

  • y u so angry, ray? ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    fite me m8

  • beer<3

    well, glad we still have you! thats a lot!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Too much! XP I started with a pint of Greene King beer (grudgingly though, I don't like or drink beer) then I had maybe 4 Jaegerbombs, 4

  • I'll be visiting Fuji, Tokyo, Miyajiama, Kyoto and Osaka. So it's gonna be a fullpacked journe!

    Not sure if that's anywhere near Okoshi though :p

    Where in Japan are you going? I'm from Okoshi, Okinowa (well, was born there)!

  • I know I am a little late, but you know we are here for you, righty? :) I hope you feel better now <3

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    rhonu posted: »

    i had an anxiety attack and now i am sad and lonely but i have rhyiona... thanks rhyiona

  • Update from Japan:

    My flight gate was named 69 :^)

    I traveled to Tokyo in a Thomas the Dank engine train (a.k.a Thomas Land)

    I acquired 5 fancy hats on top of my head to warm up from the very cold weather.

  • Holy crap, hey Quiff! Nice to know that you're doing okay! :D

    Quiff posted: »

    Update from Japan: My flight gate was named 69 :^) I traveled to Tokyo in a Thomas the Dank engine train (a.k.a Thomas Land) I acquired 5 fancy hats on top of my head to warm up from the very cold weather.

  • Hey, Quiff! How ya doing? Did you check your feed yet? ;)

    69 is eternal :^)

    Who doesn't love Thomas?

    Now I'm confused. You wore all five hats at once?

    Quiff posted: »

    Update from Japan: My flight gate was named 69 :^) I traveled to Tokyo in a Thomas the Dank engine train (a.k.a Thomas Land) I acquired 5 fancy hats on top of my head to warm up from the very cold weather.

  • edited July 2015

    oh my effing god, we must put this on our OTP list. so much potential... <3

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  • i just woke up and i am feeling better, i think i was just too tired... thank you, i appreciate that a lot <3

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    Kruzii posted: »

    I know I am a little late, but you know we are here for you, righty? I hope you feel better now

  • here i had to buy fancy hats to protect my head from the sun lmao, funny how different the weather can be from one place to another x)

    i hope you're having lots of fun!!

    Quiff posted: »

    Update from Japan: My flight gate was named 69 :^) I traveled to Tokyo in a Thomas the Dank engine train (a.k.a Thomas Land) I acquired 5 fancy hats on top of my head to warm up from the very cold weather.

  • I found that little interaction adorable...but it's Game of Thrones and every time I ship something, SOMEONE DIES. I'm scared for what episode 5 may hold for these two and everyone else. :(

  • People mostly think that because they get let down by GoT giving them big choices like "save x or y" or "kill or spare x" and in the end the same outcome happens anyway which makes it feel linear. The reason people think Tales is more tailored despite feeling the same is due to choices not being incredibly drastic as saving x or y character but instead being as dumb and simple as "did you give a flower" or "did you grab his hand" or "what mask did you buy". It isn't that hard to make the story more tailored in Tales if the choices are as simple as buying a mask.

    Green613 posted: »

    A lot of people say that Tales has way more choice tailoring then GoT does, but honestly I find them both to be on the same level when it comes to that :P

  • My favourite trainer and favourite pokèmon :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Your new avatar brings back so many good memories. Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

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    don't blame me... it was a request... to me... from myself

  • You should give yourself more requests ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • There was an opportunity, and I took it.

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  • Bro... I think you might be right :)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Bruh, Tales is super different based on choices, probably the most different based on choices

  • Hate it, it's got such a disgusting bitter taste >:P

    I'm ok with cider though, just depends on how sweet it is...

    Trust me, I'm so glad I was with my bro's at the time, otherwise I could've been in worse situations.... or maybe dead :/

    Kruzii posted: »

    beer<3 well, glad we still have you! thats a lot!

  • Nice to meet you, Lexie :)

    I unfortunately share a name with YouKnowWho (TWDG fans know who I'm talking about), but it's short for something.

  • QUIFF!!!! XD

    Nice to see you on here again buddy!!! :D

    Quiff posted: »

    Update from Japan: My flight gate was named 69 :^) I traveled to Tokyo in a Thomas the Dank engine train (a.k.a Thomas Land) I acquired 5 fancy hats on top of my head to warm up from the very cold weather.

  • Hmmm, I don't see the connection due to the age difference and the 'brother/sister relationship' these two have... But it's still a nice idea! :3

  • LMAO!! This is great! :D

    I'm glad you had Fiona be the one to say "Wow" as well :)

  • I have arisen!!

    Now, onto GOT! XP

    ... So how are my bro's and sista's today? :P

  • please, you need a good old german wheat beer!

    yeah, everything worked out fine :) you know it better the next time :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hate it, it's got such a disgusting bitter taste >:P I'm ok with cider though, just depends on how sweet it is... Trust me, I'm so glad I was with my bro's at the time, otherwise I could've been in worse situations.... or maybe dead

  • I've returned from walking my dog, now it is time to replay Game of Thrones and eat pomegranate seeds.

    How is everyone doing? <3

  • hahah :D well, THAT would be their exact reaction!

  • 4 more hours until my workday is over.. :\

    I've returned from walking my dog, now it is time to replay Game of Thrones and eat pomegranate seeds. How is everyone doing?

  • Haha I love how surprised they both are! ;]

  • why can you play it already :(

    pretty good mate, thanks! how are you?

    Pomegranates are dlicious :)

    little story to them:

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    I've returned from walking my dog, now it is time to replay Game of Thrones and eat pomegranate seeds. How is everyone doing?

  • good, thank you! want to go to the gym, cant motivate myself to stand up. hows your day?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I have arisen!! Now, onto GOT! XP ... So how are my bro's and sista's today? :P

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