Does anyone know if this is possible/how to do it?

So, I'm going to keep this nice and simple. I played up to Episode 4 on my old computer, and I have a new computer now. My old choices are linked with my Telltale Account, so I was wondering if there is any way to transfer those choices onto my new computer? If not, I'll just play it all through again right now before Episode 5 is released on Steam.


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    You should have copied your save files from you directory (C:\Users\Your Name\Documents\telltale games) and pasted them onto your new computer, if you didn't make a backup of those save files you will need to play all the episodes again.

  • Who doesn't love bacon?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    You should have copied your save files from you directory (C:\Users\Your Name\Documents\telltale games) and pasted them onto your new computer, if you didn't make a backup of those save files you will need to play all the episodes again.

  • I still have my old computer, I didn't get rid of it, it's just that it was a piece of junk.

    How do I go about pasting it onto my new computer? It's not like they're connected with each other, is there a third party thing I need to use? Sorry, I'm horrible when it comes to computers.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    You should have copied your save files from you directory (C:\Users\Your Name\Documents\telltale games) and pasted them onto your new computer, if you didn't make a backup of those save files you will need to play all the episodes again.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    If you have a USB pen drive or external hard drive you will need to copy your "telltale games" folder from your old computer and paste into your "Documents" folder on your new computer.

    I still have my old computer, I didn't get rid of it, it's just that it was a piece of junk. How do I go about pasting it onto my new com

  • In addition to doing what OzzyUK said in the post above, using any other regular method of file sharing (such as uploading files onto a cloud file-sharing website, sharing files via a network connection, etc) would also work, I imagine. However, OzzyUK's methods are quicker if you do have a USB drive/etc on you.

    I still have my old computer, I didn't get rid of it, it's just that it was a piece of junk. How do I go about pasting it onto my new com

  • Bacon.

    Wigams posted: »

    Who doesn't love bacon?

  • edited July 2015

    Thank you @both of you for the great help! (Idk how to tag people in my posts like some people do,) I will do that now.

    Edit: ...oh

    In addition to doing what OzzyUK said in the post above, using any other regular method of file sharing (such as uploading files onto a clou

  • Don't be such an arse, Bowen.

    Wigams posted: »

    Who doesn't love bacon?

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