"Maimed" Gryff

Just to be clear, I maimed Gryff... And one thing I noticed at the end of episode 5, is that Gryff is not missing an eye... Why? Like he doesn't even look beat up...


  • Same for me.

  • Wait seriously? Gryff is totally fine even if you maimed him?

    ...What the fuck, Telltale? He says that he can't see. People blinded him. How did he possibly recover?

    I didn't even maim him and this information pisses me off. I got really pissed at myself for being merciful when I saw him show up on that horse with his ugly smug face but apparently I didn't miss much then since nothing happens.

  • Gryff secretely has wolverine regeneration powers

  • I beat him up until he was knocked out and I wouldn't stop unless mom stopped me and absolutely nothing different happened...

    Donut Funn posted: »

    Wait seriously? Gryff is totally fine even if you maimed him? ...What the fuck, Telltale? He says that he can't see. People blinded him.

  • I guess we stopped just in time. I can't possibly understand how this went overlooked.

  • Well, that's kinda disappointing. I beat his face into bloody pulp and none of that matters since he appears all healthy and "bad-ass" at the end of the episode? Damn, Telltale. Why you missed this one?

  • Gryff won't have any scratch no matter how much you beat him up, WTF? Maybe the final scene is not real? It's some kind of dream or something?

  • Telltale: our words are "Fuck Logic"

  • Nah, it's real.

    Gryff won't have any scratch no matter how much you beat him up, WTF? Maybe the final scene is not real? It's some kind of dream or something?

  • edited July 2015

    Games logic. Duh. It will make more sense if Ludd appeared instead of Gryff if you maimed him.

  • edited July 2015

    Well, now there must be some kind of patch that will fix this, or I don't know.
    That is indeed a very bad way of showing us the consequences of our actions. Now it didn't even matter if we beat the shit out of Gryff or not.
    At least I want to see him disfigured when he smiles victorious at the end of the episode.

  • whaaaat? you mean a choice we made didn't actually have any real impact to the overall story other than 1-2 lines of extra dialogue?... It's always been like this.. that scene only made it painfully obvious

  • Twas but a poke in the eye

  • Yeah, that was lazy. Wouldn't have been hard to just add a patch over his model's eye. Maybe the implication is that he was blinded with no scarring...?

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