Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • :]

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    buntingsir posted: »

    :] No no no no no, don't die, please don't, don't, I'm so sorry! Although dying from adorableness is better than from anything else. Anyway, I'm super happy that you liked it, thank you!

  • Thank you! :)


  • Half a million views. Heck yea. B)

    TheQuebecer posted: »

    Dear Rhyio- er, God! Only approximately 600 views to go till we hit 500k. Thats like, the population of where I live.

  • edited July 2015

    This is the hardest decision I've had to make in a Telltale game.

    But I've made it.

    I cried like a baby. :|

    Does this even need a spoiler tag? I'm just scared.

  • i hope you've chosen our glorious king asher to survive

  • edited July 2015

    This shows up in Green's feed man, careful. He might not have played yet. :P

    And yes... I did.

    i hope you've chosen our glorious king asher to survive

  • Game of Thrones Ep.5 is done downloading! Time to record it, cry, edit it as tears still roll down my cheeks, and put it up on YouTube. I'll see you guys later!

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  • Don't forget to tell us how many tears you cried. B9

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Game of Thrones Ep.5 is done downloading! Time to record it, cry, edit it as tears still roll down my cheeks, and put it up on YouTube. I'll see you guys later!

  • Good idea :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    That reminds me I have to pay a visit to my dentist .__. Have fun

  • following that thought i just wanted to say how much we should appreciate the effort and enthusiasm put in this thread <3 there are always people here constantly posting amazing things for us they put their time into and we're hardly bored here, that wouldn't be possible without people wanting to do things. i think that's rad!

    i've only been active here since last month, but you know. not since the beggining, but until the very end. :)

  • Everyone here matters and that's a great thing. :)

    rhonu posted: »

    following that thought i just wanted to say how much we should appreciate the effort and enthusiasm put in this thread there are always peo

  • joke-minute XD

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  • edited July 2015

    Didn't @Pipas make this? :D

    Houpps posted: »

    joke-minute XD

  • my heart is always warmed by the love you put into this thread. it's amazing, really, and i hope you feel we give that love back! <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Everyone here matters and that's a great thing.

  • I found it in our social networks :) (vk .com (i closed page with pic))

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Didn't @Pipas make this?

  • I think it's safe to say that this thread and the people are very important to everyone here. <3 So yes!

    rhonu posted: »

    my heart is always warmed by the love you put into this thread. it's amazing, really, and i hope you feel we give that love back!

  • XD

    Houpps posted: »

    joke-minute XD

  • edited July 2015

    guess what I'm gonna post soon...

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    nohuhhuh posted: »

    guess what I'm gonna post soon...

  • Can't wait to see it! :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    guess what I'm gonna post soon...

  • I had waaay too much fun with this one.. I hope you guys will like it too.. :3

  • I'm sure we will, they're always amazing!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    I had waaay too much fun with this one.. I hope you guys will like it too..

  • I bet it's gonna be real good :D

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    guess what I'm gonna post soon...

  • AHHH i can't wait! <333333

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    guess what I'm gonna post soon...

  • Yes! I can't wait!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    guess what I'm gonna post soon...

  • Good evening, friend <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Morning friend!!

  • Oh my God!!! :O

    Jesus Christ that must've hurt so fucking much!!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I once had my tooth pulled out without any anesthesia, it hurt so bad I cried a bit

  • (You guys chose the present option if I remember correctly. This present will be in the part :3)

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    First of all: I apologize for my English mistakes. I just suck at writing in English....:/ But I tried my best!

    Secondly: I can't believe how happy I am right now... I enjoy drawing these comics and drawings because you guys give me so much inspiration!! ;A;

    I'm so lucky to have this community! <3 <3 Without you, I wouldn't even draw these..

    Oh, and remember to vote! <3

  • Lol :D

    Kruzii posted: »

    Good evening, friend

  • Surprisingly...none. Just a broken heart. D:

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Don't forget to tell us how many tears you cried. B9

  • This is amazing Hannah!!! <3

    I love it all, and your English is superb! XD

    My choice is: I passed out...

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    (You guys chose the present option if I remember correctly. This present will be in the part )

  • AHHH THIS IS AMAZING <3333333 i can't stop staring at that loader bot, it's so well drawn and with all of those details... and VAUGHN... and rhys and fiona and everything... gorgeous and very cute!

    i choose 1 because i like to tease rhys... B)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    (You guys chose the present option if I remember correctly. This present will be in the part )

  • Jesus H Christ.

    I'm now off to the pub for an hour or so, so NO ONE reveal any GOT bullshit until I have played the episode alright?!

    And @ABigBadWolf I can't believe you spoiled something for Green >:(

  • Oh my god these just get better and better. :D Little Vaughn and his runny nose!

    I vote number 1 because Rhys is a baby. :P

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    (You guys chose the present option if I remember correctly. This present will be in the part )

  • ???????

    What? I didn't spoil anything.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Jesus H Christ. I'm now off to the pub for an hour or so, so NO ONE reveal any GOT bullshit until I have played the episode alright?! And @ABigBadWolf I can't believe you spoiled something for Green >:(

  • None at all? Not even tearing up? I tear up even if it's just a playthrough. D':

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Surprisingly...none. Just a broken heart.

  • You spoiler tagged it above, but it will show up in Green's feed!!! :I

    -sigh- Stupid Parent's wanting me to watch crap with them... Now I'm obligated to go to the pub, when I REALLY want to play the episode instead :'(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    ??????? What? I didn't spoil anything.

  • Did you uh... open the spoiler tag? Because I didn't say anything spoilery.

    Can't you excuse yourself?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You spoiler tagged it above, but it will show up in Green's feed!!! :I -sigh- Stupid Parent's wanting me to watch crap with them... Now I'm obligated to go to the pub, when I REALLY want to play the episode instead

  • I did (I already knew that spoiler though :P) but it's for Green's sake...

    I can't now...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Did you uh... open the spoiler tag? Because I didn't say anything spoilery. Can't you excuse yourself?

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