The North Grove - What could it do?

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I'm just as shocked as anyone about the ending of episode 5, personally I saved Rodrik. However both characters had a great story ahead of them. I'm pretty sure TellTale said somewhere that the Foresters would have atleast another season after this one. Unless they just kill off the other brother surely telltale cannot carry on with the Foresters, which would be pretty appalling if they did. Perhaps telltale is willing to work the extra bit more to have determinant characters for the next episode and possibly season. However they have never done this before.

I have created this thread to discuss what the North Grove could do and why it's so important. I may be wrong here but perhaps it could revive the fallen Forester from the ending of episode 5 and that choice we made at the end was merely selecting our POV character for episode 6? Would be really cool. Do you think this is plausible? What do you think the North Grove is and what do you think it will do?



  • The North Grove will be romantic place.

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  • Might be some cheap device to fight the Walkers

    I swear if it's just a spare stash of Ironwood I'm going to do the biggest face palm in my entire life

  • I think it would kill the story a bit if the North Grove revived the character which we sacrificed. It'd be a bit like, "Oh, you need to choose who to let die, but don't worry, it doesn't even matter, seeing as they just get revived when Gared finds the grove."
    I personally, reckon it might be some way to control the White Walkers, and make them fight for House Forrester, temporarily. Unlikely? Yes. Freaking awesome? Hell yeah!

  • At this point I'm really worried Gareds tale will just turn out to be a giant shaggy dog story.

  • But... she's like, 13 or 14...

    Omid's cat posted: »

    The North Grove will be romantic place.

  • That is true, but I can't imagine Telltale essentially executing all hopes of a sequel with the foresters for season 2. Perhaps it could happen towards the end of episode 6. As much as I would love Telltale to do a second series with our determinant characters I just don't think they would. I think the North Grove could possibly save this by reviving the fallen forester and that choice we made at the end was merely selecting our POV character for episode 6.

  • I really hope not he was my favourite character in the beginning now he's only just below Rodrik. I think Gareds quest will be rewarding in a way and I think the revival of the fallen Forester would we really cool and give us all hope for a 2nd season.

    At this point I'm really worried Gareds tale will just turn out to be a giant shaggy dog story.

  • I doubt it would be a stash of Ironwood, that would be too underwhelming. However the North Grove cannot be too powerful either or the characters from the book series and the show would be seeking it. I think if it gave life to one forester and something else that would be really neat. Especially after all the build up for both of the determinant characters.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Might be some cheap device to fight the Walkers I swear if it's just a spare stash of Ironwood I'm going to do the biggest face palm in my entire life

  • Let it grow, let it grow !! Can't hold it back anymore !

    Don't let her feel, don't let her see. Be the good crow you always have to be !

    Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know.

    Well now they knooooooooow !!

    Let it grow Let it grow !

    Omid's cat posted: »

    The North Grove will be romantic place.

  • Neat indeed. Somehow it seems too good to be true.. We'll have to see

    207Brandon1 posted: »

    I doubt it would be a stash of Ironwood, that would be too underwhelming. However the North Grove cannot be too powerful either or the chara

  • I just can't see them willing to do all of the work for both characters when they're determinant and I also can't see them killing off the surviving brother as that would cause an uproar on these forums. Additionally I think many would not buy a second season if their chosen brother dies anyway, I know I wouldn't.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Neat indeed. Somehow it seems too good to be true.. We'll have to see

  • Nah a final episode would be perfect for Telltale to cut the episode in two distinct paths

    207Brandon1 posted: »

    I just can't see them willing to do all of the work for both characters when they're determinant and I also can't see them killing off the s

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah, I have no idea what the end game is with the North Grove shit.

    Say they find it, which presumably they will. Like, they have to right? What then? They just stand there like "hey, this is great!" then what? I don't see the end game to it, or how exactly it's meant to help the Forresters in the immediate future. I mean it has to be in the immediate future because their distant future is looking pretty fucked. How is this helping? Is it just for some cool snazzy super ironwood 5000 or something?

    Like imagine that.

    Gared running back in to Ironrath. "I FOUND IT! I FOUND THE NORTH GROVE!"

    "For real? Shit, that's great, Gared, what's it do? Maybe we can win this war after all!"

    "Yeah, there's a whole bunch of wood there!"

    "Nice! What else though, come on Gared, don't hold back the details!"

    "Like, a shit ton of wood."

    "Yeah, but what else?"

    "Yeah, I mean... that's it. Just loads of wood."



    "Man, what the fuck? What is the point of you? Gregor's dead, Ethan's dead, Rodrik's dead, YOUR bastard uncles a traitor, but great, hey everyone, Gared's found a load of slightly better wood! Everything's going to be okay after all! Fuck off Gared."

    Point is, if the North Grove does anything short of offering the Forresters the holy grail, the one ring AND the ark of the covenant then I'll kick off.

  • It's game of thrones

    But... she's like, 13 or 14...

  • I agree for the final episode but Telltale have plans for a second season, I'm talking beyond season 1 here. The only way they would do it is if they killed the surviving brother or the north grove resurrected the fallen brother. Telltale have never bothered to put in the extra work for a determinant character especially a POV one. If they resurrected the fallen brother that choice would still matter as it would be selecting our POV character for one episode.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Nah a final episode would be perfect for Telltale to cut the episode in two distinct paths

  • Well controlling a new house in the next season is still an option

    207Brandon1 posted: »

    I agree for the final episode but Telltale have plans for a second season, I'm talking beyond season 1 here. The only way they would do it i

  • Yes that is an option I guess, personally I would like to stick with the same house.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Well controlling a new house in the next season is still an option

  • edited July 2015

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    Omid's cat posted: »

    The North Grove will be romantic place.

  • The one thing I'm actually sure about is that the North Grove will be lost.

  • Gared be like

    Alt text

    Yeah, I have no idea what the end game is with the North Grove shit. Say they find it, which presumably they will. Like, they have to rig

  • That's what I mean it has to be powerful enough to do something great for the foresters but it can't be too powerful otherwise it wouldn't make sense why other people of westeros haven't searched for it

    Yeah, I have no idea what the end game is with the North Grove shit. Say they find it, which presumably they will. Like, they have to rig

  • Didn't sylvi say a group of wildlings went missing? Perhaps a forrester bastard with a army of wildlings?

  • Well, it's pretty clear someone or something lives there that kills all intruders. But whatever it is, I'm fairly sure it won't make an exception with us.

    Didn't sylvi say a group of wildlings went missing? Perhaps a forrester bastard with a army of wildlings?

  • But didn't Lord Gregor say that the north grove must not be lost? I can't really think of anything worth hiding that far north, unless he had a affair with a wildling woman and had a bastard but this is really just a crackpot theory, could be cool though.

    Well, it's pretty clear someone or something lives there that kills all intruders. But whatever it is, I'm fairly sure it won't make an exception with us.

  • It needs to be something good! Keep the ideas coming

    But didn't Lord Gregor say that the north grove must not be lost? I can't really think of anything worth hiding that far north, unless he ha

  • edited July 2015

    I did not consider that. That is a very good point. Dammit, now you've got me eagerly awaiting the reveal of the Grove.

    207Brandon1 posted: »

    That is true, but I can't imagine Telltale essentially executing all hopes of a sequel with the foresters for season 2. Perhaps it could hap

  • Source for a second season? I don't recall them ever saying this.

    207Brandon1 posted: »

    I agree for the final episode but Telltale have plans for a second season, I'm talking beyond season 1 here. The only way they would do it i

  • Maybe it has something to do with Bloodraven and the heart trees.maybe it's full of heart trees(where faces are on ironwood instead of wierwood) and Gared has to sacrifice himself too save the Foresters.
    but i'm pretty sure about two things:1.gared must die's something magical but very subtle.

  • I've found a picture of the North Groove guys.

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  • Hey everybody knows the 6th episode is called Ice Dragon right?

    So its probably a Ice Dragon

  • Am I the only one who thinks it'd be very effective narratively if it turned out to be useless?

    Yes? I'll show myself out.

  • Have they got a Whitehill-seeking missile in there?

    I've found a picture of the North Groove guys.

  • The "Ice Dragon" is a constellation of stars that are supposedly going to lead to the North Grove.

  • Plot starts

    Lord Forrester "The North Grove must never be lost!"

    End of Season 1
    Gared comes rushing into Ironrath's great hall - "Hi Uncle, I've found the long lost North Grove (that nobody knows about and even if they did, is a bloody long way off surrounded by unimaginable danger), after fighting off walkers, climbing the Great Wall, risking a treasonous death after deserting from the Crows and I have now returned. Unfortunately, its just a big bunch of trees. Nevertheless, I have marked it on this map so we don't lose it again. Er....uncle why do you have a big hole in your chest?"

    Cut to credits

    Plot finished :P

    Flog61 posted: »

    Am I the only one who thinks it'd be very effective narratively if it turned out to be useless? Yes? I'll show myself out.

  • Alt text

    yyyggg posted: »

    Maybe it has something to do with Bloodraven and the heart trees.maybe it's full of heart trees(where faces are on ironwood instead of wierw

  • Where was that said, I don't recall

    tyler8160 posted: »

    The "Ice Dragon" is a constellation of stars that are supposedly going to lead to the North Grove.

  • I think Gregor Forrester, the main lord, wanted Gared to bring people to House Forrester as all the Forrester soldiers at the camp where the lord died, have died.

  • Maybe other people didn't search for it because they didn't know about it. Even if it so powerful.

    207Brandon1 posted: »

    That's what I mean it has to be powerful enough to do something great for the foresters but it can't be too powerful otherwise it wouldn't make sense why other people of westeros haven't searched for it

  • This actually beats the "just wood" theory.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I think Gregor Forrester, the main lord, wanted Gared to bring people to House Forrester as all the Forrester soldiers at the camp where the lord died, have died.

  • It's never said, but when Duncan gives Gared the map to the North Grove there is writing in the top right corner that says:

    "The North Grove... beneath the watchful eye of the Ice Dragon"

    There are multiple references to the Ice Dragon constellation in the books. When Bran is beyond the Wall he seeks out the Ice Dragon constellation. The Ice Dragon's eyes point North, while its tail points South.

    Where was that said, I don't recall

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