So far, which playable story is your favourite?

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I've got to say, by far my favourite hands down has to be Gared Tuttle's story. It's so intersting and entertaining. The adventure he has had so far is very amusing. Being sent to The Wall, making new brothers; Finn and Cotter "The Potatoe know", killing the man who killed his family which he is then sentanced to his death for breaking his vowes but breaks out of the cell with his brothers and escapes The Wall to find mystical The North Grove. After escaping, they run into Wildlings and defeats them in battle, then after Cotter reunites with his Sister Sylvi (who knows about The North Grove) and soon after they are attacked by Wildlings but not just any Wildlings... White Walkers! Finally, they make a run for it and head north to find The North Grove.
The adventure is amazing and looks like it should be a movie, Game of Thrones: The North Grove. It all sorta reminds of 'Chronicles of Narnia: Lion, Witch and The Wardrobe'.

So which is your favourite story and why?


  • edited July 2015

    I liked Ethan's story through the last 4 episodes, but it was a but linear for my taste...

    Nah seriously I enjoyed the "bandit" way of things with Asher and the intrigue with Mira because King's Landing of course.

  • Mira's story is my favourite (but it was absolutely awful on episode 5).

    I would love her to become some master manipulator, to become really good at playing the game. I do enjoy playing the game quite a lot with her. After the disappointment episode 5 was for her story (and it was the one I was more hyped up to play, too), I really hope things pick up on episode 6. I assume episode 6 in King's Landing will be about Tyrion's trial and escape, it should be good.

  • I loved Mira's story up until Episode 5. Is Tyrion a wizard? He can see through any ruse... it's almost out of character even for him.

    It's almost like, "Hi, I'm Tyrion. Your Mira, and even though the only time I've seen you communicate with my sister is once, I'm going to assume that you are Cersei's new pet and she has this, this and this planned out for you. By the way, I know you're not a loyal handmaiden to Margaery and you're going behind her back! Oh, and even though only about two or three people tried to see me, I'm going to assume that even in the unlikely event that any one else who came to visit me did try to bring me wine, that they let you in with it because you're working for my sister. Have a nice day!"

  • edited July 2015

    well Tyrion is one of the smartest people on the show and he knows that Cersei has tried to manipulate the trial in any way she can (he makes this very clear in the show and the game and Cersei isn't shy about her attempts to manipulate the trial either) so I don't think it's his wizard ability as much as it is him being suspicious of anyone who goes down to visit him (minus Podrick Bronn and Jamie)

    and as for him knowing what cersei has planned for mira, he speaks in general terms of how cersei is just using her to get what she wants (tyrion to be found guilty at trial and his head on a spike) and after growing up with her for all his life tyrion knows a lot about what kind of person cersei really is

    I loved Mira's story up until Episode 5. Is Tyrion a wizard? He can see through any ruse... it's almost out of character even for him. It

  • Yeah I didn't like that part in Ep 5, we should've had an option of what to bring to the cell and better dialogue options to make Mira a good liar. TTG could've let us reveal that Tyrion's whore was gonna speak so that we can tell Cersei some truth. Especially since she actually does speak, but I bet Cersei is gonna screw us anyways. Shame...

    I loved Mira's story up until Episode 5. Is Tyrion a wizard? He can see through any ruse... it's almost out of character even for him. It

  • edited July 2015

    but shae is against him and cersei wanted people who would speak on his behalf & as far as tyrion knows she is on a boat heading for essos

    AKz Effect posted: »

    Yeah I didn't like that part in Ep 5, we should've had an option of what to bring to the cell and better dialogue options to make Mira a goo

  • Easily Gared's. I have always loved the idea of the north in Game Of Thrones, so actually being there in the game is pretty fuckin great.

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