Ramsay scene = Pointless

What did the death of Arthur bring to the story at all?



  • Shock factor, and now you have no allies.

  • Well they always need to find ways for us to hate Ramsay even more. ;)

  • Also that House Bolton will not get involved in the war between the Forresters and Whitehills. So now we have at least a small chance to win.

  • That Ramsay won't be interfering with the conflict any longer, something he tells you immediately after revealing he's completely crippled your side. Thanks Ramsay. You're so considerate.

  • Getting rid of the Glenmore's and letting us know that the Bolton's won't interfere. I feel like it also has/will have an impact on Talia's character.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited July 2015

    An excuse for them to model a giant batch of intestines, and for some lucky animators to get to make them spill out of someone's stomach

    Seriously. Sometimes it feels like Telltale plays it a bit conservatively when it comes to gore in their games (which is understandable, given their tech and time constraints and all that), so seeing a scene like this is refreshing

  • Pointless all around. What pissed me off is they made trying to stab him a major choice which is by all means stupid. We know he's a canon character so why are they doing this. Telltale, get it together with some of these choices

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Still better than "Held the baby?"

    Clemenem posted: »

    Pointless all around. What pissed me off is they made trying to stab him a major choice which is by all means stupid. We know he's a canon character so why are they doing this. Telltale, get it together with some of these choices

  • "Refreshing". I laughed my ass off. I was fucking disgusted

    Deltino posted: »

    An excuse for them to model a giant batch of intestines, and for some lucky animators to get to make them spill out of someone's stomach

  • You know....The real Ramsay would have killed us. Also another thing that would have been brilliant is if they brought Theon, or should I say Reek. WHY wouldn't they include Reek in the Ramsay scenes. It would have added another level of fucked-upness to his scenes.

  • Hahaha maybe still Telltale have slipped up with their choices in recent games

    Deltino posted: »

    Still better than "Held the baby?"

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Thats exactly why it's refreshing

    It's been quite a while since the gore in a Telltale series has actually made me feel uneasy

    So I appreciate them for making me feel sick

    Wigams posted: »

    "Refreshing". I laughed my ass off. I was fucking disgusted

  • So...Rodrik x Elaena happens?..

  • Alt text

    Killah posted: »

    So...Rodrik x Elaena happens?..

  • With all the good lady parts censored out like it wasn't M Rated

    Killah posted: »

    So...Rodrik x Elaena happens?..

  • This whole season has become pointless now.

  • Wonder if Elaena will give birth to a bastard in season 2

    Killah posted: »

    So...Rodrik x Elaena happens?..

  • Because Ramsay can't just go on a happy road trip with the heir to Iron Islands, too risky

    Wigams posted: »

    You know....The real Ramsay would have killed us. Also another thing that would have been brilliant is if they brought Theon, or should I s

  • It's so stupid, it's not like we didn't see Nerissa's tits in TWAU

    Clemenem posted: »

    With all the good lady parts censored out like it wasn't M Rated

  • Pfft "he's not a man anymore". His father doesn't give a shit about him.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Because Ramsay can't just go on a happy road trip with the heir to Iron Islands, too risky

  • Is it really that stupid that we didn't see a pair of tits? Get over it, they're just boobs.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    It's so stupid, it's not like we didn't see Nerissa's tits in TWAU

  • Sighs. It made more sense for them to appear here than TWAU

    Green613 posted: »

    Is it really that stupid that we didn't see a pair of tits? Get over it, they're just boobs.

  • Ok? That doesn't change the fact that they're still just boobs.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Sighs. It made more sense for them to appear here than TWAU

  • Obviously but in a series where nudity and explicit sex is so frequent to an unnecessary point even. I'm disappointed

    Green613 posted: »

    Ok? That doesn't change the fact that they're still just boobs.

  • [removed]

    Clemenem posted: »

    Obviously but in a series where nudity and explicit sex is so frequent to an unnecessary point even. I'm disappointed

  • Oh sure Balon will not waste any effort in rescuing him, but I doubt he wouldn't reward someone who brought him back. It's easier to disown an heir by his own admission than by letting him rot in dog shit. Besides getting back Theon would boost the morale and the respect in Pyke no matter what.

    Anyway I'm sure you can understand my point

    Wigams posted: »

    Pfft "he's not a man anymore". His father doesn't give a shit about him.

  • I understand your point. I just don't think the Forresters would recognize Reek as Theon.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Oh sure Balon will not waste any effort in rescuing him, but I doubt he wouldn't reward someone who brought him back. It's easier to disown

  • Why are you attempting to start an argument again? This wasn't a major cause I just felt they held back on this one scene

  • Attempting to start an argument? Again?

    What are you even talking about? Lmao.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Why are you attempting to start an argument again? This wasn't a major cause I just felt they held back on this one scene

  • edited July 2015

    It's not just the boobs, it's the on-and-off mature. One minute we see bowels coming out, the other the guy apparently has no insides.

    One minutes we get boobs, the other none. Frankly it doesn't make much sense does it ?

    That and it's boooooooooooobs lol jk. I'm just fucking with you ^^

    Green613 posted: »

    Is it really that stupid that we didn't see a pair of tits? Get over it, they're just boobs.

  • edited July 2015

    Attempting to start an argument? Again? What are you even talking about? Lmao

    Sure.... -_-

    Green613 posted: »

    Attempting to start an argument? Again? What are you even talking about? Lmao.

  • Oh I wasn't thinking about the Forresters. More like the bounty-hunters on the roads

    Wigams posted: »

    I understand your point. I just don't think the Forresters would recognize Reek as Theon.

  • edited July 2015

    Ok don't let me get started Mr "I can make 300 threads complaining about something and accuse others of trying to start arguments again".

    Clemenem posted: »

    Attempting to start an argument? Again? What are you even talking about? Lmao Sure.... -_-

  • Mr "I can make 300 threads complaining about something and accuse others of trying to start arguments again".

    You're getting yourself started you have for awhile. I didn't make this thread nor more than one about one thing. Every time you respond to any of my comments you deliberately attack me. It's gone on for long enough and it's not benefiting anyone.

    Green613 posted: »

    Ok don't let me get started Mr "I can make 300 threads complaining about something and accuse others of trying to start arguments again".

  • Every time you respond to any of my comments you deliberately attack me

    You honestly seem way paranoid right now.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Mr "I can make 300 threads complaining about something and accuse others of trying to start arguments again". You're getting yoursel

  • Alt text

    Green613 posted: »

    Every time you respond to any of my comments you deliberately attack me You honestly seem way paranoid right now.

  • edited July 2015

    Super cool meme you have there.

    Great job trying to prove a point by the way.

  • There's no point to prove in this discussion. There's no real need or want for an argument

    Green613 posted: »

    Super cool meme you have there. Great job trying to prove a point by the way.

  • Why are you attempting to start an argument again? This wasn't a major cause I just felt they held back on this one scene

    Please don't try to start something if you're going to give up after 5 minutes.

    Clemenem posted: »

    There's no point to prove in this discussion. There's no real need or want for an argument

  • edited July 2015

    DIO already summed it up well enough by saying the game has the same type of story, action and violence an episode of Game of Thrones has but sex is absent.

    Green613 posted: »

    Why are you attempting to start an argument again? This wasn't a major cause I just felt they held back on this one scene Please don't try to start something if you're going to give up after 5 minutes.

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