A way for Gared to survive into season 2.

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Ever since Gared killed Britt and deserted the Night's Watch it seemed almost certain that he was a dead man. But now that they've killed off Asher/Rodrik, I've been wondering. Would Telltale really be so bold as to kill off THREE playable characters? Seems like overkill, even if they're making room for season 2 protagonists.

Yesterday I was thinking that maybe Gared could flee to Essos, but I didn't know where his story there could go. But now, I do know where it might go - him meeting up with Malcolm the both of them serving Daenerys together. I'm still not sure how it could pan out, but that's definitely a potential starting point. It's certainly more hope and possibility for Gared than he had before.

Of course, there's the question of how he goes from the North Grove to Ironrath and escapes safely to Essos. Well, I'd say he arrives back at Ironrath in the evening and delivers the info, and Rodrik/Asher decide to leave his execution until the morning. So he'd be in a cell, probably guarded, but there could easily be some contrived circumstance to get him away from the door.

Now, who would free him and inform him of Malcolm? Well, I'd say that could be the Sentinel. Duncan was fine with Gared breaking his Night's Watch vows for the greater good, and he's shown a willingness to undermine the Lord (by sending Gared to the Wall in the first place without consulting Ethan).

Royland, however, is a bit trickier. Firstly, he definitely didn't like seeing Gared get sent to the Wall. Secondly, he's shown to be a reckless man who's more than willing to do dangerous things. Thirdly, as we've seen today in A Nest of Vipers, he has the capacity to commit treason, and will do so even without many valid reasons. He still betrays you if you agree with him %100 of the time but don't choose him as Sentinel, so would it be too much of a stretch to think he says "fuck Rodrik/Asher, I'm going to do what I know is best!"

I think they'd cover their tracks somehow as well, maybe by giving Gared a head start before calling the guards, and it's possible (unlikely, but possible) that Talia could provide an alibi for Roy/Dun. She obviously likes Gared and I don't think she'd just sit by without trying to help. Roy/Dun might even manipulate her into helping him. Nothing cruel, just pressuring her and making her feel bad. She did say "I'll do whatever I can to help this House". So a little bit of pressure/persistance from Roy/Dun and she may very well help.

Then, I imagine he'd lay low for a while. After the heat dies down somewhat, he could head to a harbour, find a shifty captain who's not likely to care about vows or honour, bribe him and set sail to Meereen. Maybe this captain has taken other Night's Watch deserters before, and knows of ways that they can be useful to him. I think it'd be an interesting storyline.

So there's my little theory. I figured it's better than the 18,000 ending threads that have been made so far. What do you think? Got any other theories?


  • I guess all the other threads drowned this one. Bump.

  • I don't really like Essos, so I don't want this to happen, but I want Gared to survive more than I don't want to go to Essos again, so I would be fine with it.... For Gared.

  • Alt text

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I don't really like Essos, so I don't want this to happen, but I want Gared to survive more than I don't want to go to Essos again, so I would be fine with it.... For Gared.

  • The only character I am almost certain will live and be a protagonist in S2 is Mira.

  • TTG has showed me they're way too lazy. They've shown they don't give a shit about characters and will incoherently choose the easiest, laziest, and most idiotic way for everything.

    [No offense to TTG at all, i love you guys no matter how much you frustrate me.]

    S2 better be better. The whole game was just the Forresters getting raped by everyone regardless of your choices. When you finally feel in control, you get revenge on Gryff and you feel unstoppable gonna get Ryon back, Ramsay just fucks everything. Ramsay just made us Reek basically.

  • I'm not sure how that relates to what I said :L

    TTG has showed me they're way too lazy. They've shown they don't give a shit about characters and will incoherently choose the easiest, lazi

  • Unlikely I'm afraid. Just for those who don't watch the show, every Night's Watch deserter that has gone beyond the wall died eventually no matter what.

  • All of the stuff about Gared, i just don't see TTG doing any of it.

    Great theory though.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I'm not sure how that relates to what I said :L

  • Well, they have been few deserters in the show. The first was a guy from episode 1 season 1 who went back to Westeros, of course he was an easy catch. And then there's the group of mutineers at Craster's keep, easy targets too. Gared is aheaded to a place nobody knows about, so if he manages to reach it his chances of survival are pretty high.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Unlikely I'm afraid. Just for those who don't watch the show, every Night's Watch deserter that has gone beyond the wall died eventually no matter what.

  • By a logistical point of view, I'd say that him going to Bravos is more likely than Essos, but , I think he'll just stay in the North Grove for whatever reason.

  • Mance Rayder was king beyond the wall and every wildling bent their knee to him and even he was killed. Wherever the North Grove is I doubt it's north of Mance Rayder. Plus his death was already foreshadowed by fake Allister Thorne when he said "The Night's Watch will be your death". Wouldn't come as a shocker if he did

    Well, they have been few deserters in the show. The first was a guy from episode 1 season 1 who went back to Westeros, of course he was an e

  • Gared is no more in the Night's watch. Mance was tremendously close to the Wall when he was apprehended, and since Silvy said "we head SOUTH to join Mance", yes, he North a Grove is indeed way north of Mance.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Mance Rayder was king beyond the wall and every wildling bent their knee to him and even he was killed. Wherever the North Grove is I doubt

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