Meaningful Choices?

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I don't know lads, it kind of feels as if we are still on rails. The only thing that actually changed was the face of the traitor, whether it was Royland or Duncan one of them was simply deus ex traitor. That does not seem all that meaningful to me, basically a glorified palette swap. Furthermore, the sparing of said traitor does not allow for a different ending to the story of asher/rodrik, seems a little fruitless. As if our choices are meaningless and in the grand scheme of their story, when our choices as advertised should be shaping the story and having more impact. Just me though, discuss away lads.


  • yeah, well this is telltale. It's what they do. Fool you into thinking your decisions change everything but you're still on the same road as everyone else but with little bumps and hitches along the way.

  • I just wish it wouldn't be this way you know. Give me a shot to change their ultimate fates, i suppose then everyone will simply rewind their game to the choice that ostensibly doesn't blow creating this loop of no real choice. It's a catch 22, maybe im just salty at rodrik's death, and no killing asher is not an option, hes a total badass, and he literally had just gotten off the boat.

    yeah, well this is telltale. It's what they do. Fool you into thinking your decisions change everything but you're still on the same road as everyone else but with little bumps and hitches along the way.

  • I agree with you. It would be nice if choices did actually change the game completely for you and change the endings you get. I don't know whether telltale find it too hard to do something like that or they just can't be bothered. And it was really close call to save Asher but I saved Rodrik on my first playthrough and it's like 50.8% saved Rodrik and 49.2% saved Asher.

    Noelius15 posted: »

    I just wish it wouldn't be this way you know. Give me a shot to change their ultimate fates, i suppose then everyone will simply rewind thei

  • yeah, it feels as if some of their writing is simply rushed, id like them to work on a game for as long as it takes to get it polished and then release it episodically if they wish, not this wait for an undetermined period of time until we quickly hash it all out piecemeal.

  • They should have taken their time with the entire episode to be honest. 20 minutes short of overall development really showed and they let so many things slip right through their fingers and onto the dirty floor

  • edited July 2015

    Not that the last choice will matter, as far as I know Telltale. Asher will have the angle about Gwyn Whitehill and his sellswords. Rodrik has his alliance with the Glenmores. In the end both of them will be at the exact same spot doing the same stuff.

    They even shot Asher in the leg! So now they can use the same limping animation for Asher and Rodrik! Genius!

  • lol, I'm sure he'll find the secret behind Gryff's magical eye regeneration and be completely kay. They're probably just spreading themselves thin trying to push out too many different games for different IPs. Still we all love telltale, hopefully they right the ship.

  • Not to mention Gryff showing up perfectly fine, even if you maimed the shit out of him.

  • Here the problems I had with this episode, 1. Arthur's death. I mean really, it doesn't matter if you brought him along, he still dies. Also how the f$&@ Ramsay started flaying him so quickly, I mean, he didn't teleport anyway to just take Arthur and started flaying him and come back to Rodrick. I mean come on, you know what they should have done, they should have had the Maestar being flayed if you brought Arthur to Hoghpoint. I mean he is the only on there who is not the traitor, they could have done that! Also, it will still teach them a lesson not to f$&@ with the boltons. Now if you didn't take Arthur to Highpoint, it'll make 100% sense for Ramsay to toture him instead and would explain why he looks so fucked up. I mean he is more valuable than an Maestar as if he dies, the Glenmore's alliance is dead. Now if you say but "but oh they had to make it emotional." Emotional my ass, it would be equally or even more emotional to see the Maestar to die than Arthur. Yeah he is your bride's brother, but we only knew him for one episodes it wasn't like they build him up for it. Also, 2. The traitor, oh god TTG did not do a great job on this. I mean it was probably ideal to have Roy or Dun to be the snitches, but come on. At least do them better, for example, let say you agree with Dun more than Roy, Roy will be the traitor. But via versa, than Dun would be the rat. It's stupid to have the traitor be the traitor because "oh I didn't get to be sentinel." The f$&@, Rodrick didn't get to make that choice, Ethan did, so why start betray him over something he didn't do. Okay, okay, now 3. Why in mother of $&&&$&#%^%%%^++£|!\%>]>{%>{>>^_>]>!>*++[+[+€{€^\%#| is Gryff eyes is okay. You now what f$&@ it, he has regeneration powers.

  • Well, they would reply that they read the forum and change the episodes in some way regarding the feedback of the players.

    I do agree with you though. They should have enough money now for being able to finish a game first and releasing it in whatever way they wish. They could still make some changes that way.

    Noelius15 posted: »

    yeah, it feels as if some of their writing is simply rushed, id like them to work on a game for as long as it takes to get it polished and t

  • It's okay to swear,bro.

    Hunted35 posted: »

    Here the problems I had with this episode, 1. Arthur's death. I mean really, it doesn't matter if you brought him along, he still dies. Also

  • Asher/Rodrik has to matter a ton

    Duncan/Royland (non traitor) will be involved (traitor will be locked up likely)

    Gared .... honestly I'm guessing zero effect of choice for him

    Mira: Most likely a culmination in one final trial scene

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