Ramsay Bolton is Awesome



  • She's also a Roswell isn't she? I remember her sister was Roose' first Wife. I know she pretty much provides a chunk of the Bolton's calvary forces.

    Gasp!! Do you think she might be the one to Kill Ramsay/ attempt to? I know she was super fond of Domeric and she's pretty much Bitter about Ramsay lacking any sort of grace or subtlety as a Lord (which she hoped he'd inherit from his father but didn't). I mean she practically planted the seeds of betrayal in Theon's head by even talking to him. I wouldn't be surprised if she turns on Ramsay and throws him to Stannis.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    We can hope. I'd like to see Barbary Dustin do something drastic.

  • Twenty good men....., meanwhile Asher only brought 8 or so : /

  • Too efficient. I get what you are saying Nonoru, but there comes a point where it's just not believable anymore. Every time he comes on screen i just roll my eyes now. In the books he is scary messed up and unpredictable, which makes him a good villian. In the show, they have exploited the character so much that he is a joke and a ridiculous one at that. IMO the game just compounds that effect.

    Ramsay Snow is not a great strategist, or fighter, or commander. But HBO makes him out to be the scourge of the North. Running to and fro, singlehandedly flaying everyone in sight.

    Nonoru posted: »

    I think TC meant to say that he's an efficient villain. Which he is, if we are to give credit to your (and the majority of the fans') reactions to him.

  • Could be the Boltons just had a history of having more Male heirs?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Wait, he has an unborn baby brother? How does that make sense? If its unborn, how do they know its male?

  • Shirtless Ramsay and 5 men and 2 dogs scared away Yara and her 50 best Ironborn Reavers.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Him and 20 men killing an army of thousands is pretty ridiculous isn't it? :[

  • Yes her Father's House is Ryswell and her Husband's was Dustin.

    I would love to see someone unexpected take Ramsay down. A woman would be even better, justice for all the 'hunting' trips. Yes. Barbary Dustin for murderer of Ramsay.

    Krazehcakes posted: »

    She's also a Roswell isn't she? I remember her sister was Roose' first Wife. I know she pretty much provides a chunk of the Bolton's calvary

  • I don't think genetics work like that.

    Krazehcakes posted: »

    Could be the Boltons just had a history of having more Male heirs?

  • ..there's no reason to think it's a boy though?

    I mean, Rebecca thought AJ was a girl at one point.

    sbk12345 posted: »

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yILpilqeGXQ @4:24 - Ramsay finding out about his baby brother and that Roose thinks its a boy (but feel free to watch the entire scene because it is an amazing Bolton scene imo)

  • edited July 2015

    It's because GRRM, D and D, Iwan Rheon, and Michael McElhatton are all CIS white male scum who want males to oppress females and assert their dominance. GG you caught them, #feministzrule

    Flog61 posted: »

    ..there's no reason to think it's a boy though? I mean, Rebecca thought AJ was a girl at one point.

  • In ASOIAF there's magic involved in their genetics.

    (An example of where this comes into play is that Baratheons ALWAYS have black hair, no matter what.)

    Flog61 posted: »

    I don't think genetics work like that.

  • Yeah but, weakness and all, he'd still be Immune to everything in the game, so I'd rather go with this version.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I'd rather deal with book Ramsay. At least he has weaknesses to exploit. This show/game Ramsay is like immune to everything and can travel at the speed of light.

  • Nice meme.

    It's because GRRM, D and D, Iwan Rheon, and Michael McElhatton are all CIS white male scum who want males to oppress females and assert their dominance. GG you caught them, #feministzrule

  • I also think Roose was just saying it was a boy to fuck with Ramsay and make him feel insecure about his inheritance

    Flog61 posted: »

    ..there's no reason to think it's a boy though? I mean, Rebecca thought AJ was a girl at one point.

  • edited July 2015

    He's over the top and his plot armor doesn't help. I'm not even shocked anymore, it's just, "Ah, Ramsay's raping/flaying/mutilating/killing someone... How very unpredictable of him" now. If you say you like villains and think he's a good one, fair enough, but I definitely have to disagree on calling him likeable.

  • I really do not like him. 8U; He's just so creepy and ugh, I hate feeling helpless with a creep in the room, which is how he made everything feel in episode 5 I think.

  • I wholeheartedly agree with you about his show version. However, we can't really deny he was a convenient tool from the get go for the writers to use, even if he ends up being misused on screen.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Too efficient. I get what you are saying Nonoru, but there comes a point where it's just not believable anymore. Every time he comes on scre

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