Season 2 playable characters

So since Rodrik and Asher are determinants, if telltale's history thaught us anything, is that they're both dead anyway (probably by episode 6 or the beginning of season 2), Who would we play with in season 2, then?

  • Mira somewhere (maybe still KL)
  • Malcolm in Essos doing random things
  • Gared in his roadtrip to the north grove (and back?)
  • Ryon new lord confirmed?
  • Vengeful Talia? 'Cause really, she's sounding more like Royland than anyone else before



    But seriously though--him, Talia, Malcolm, and Gared/Mira if they survive.

  • edited July 2015

    I believe that either Rodrik or Asher survives, depending on your choice of course. But I think Gared's story/journey is going to have huge ramifications during season 1's final episode.

    Something interesting to think about that I read from a previous comment in a different post, what if Elaena bared a child with Rodrik? Assuming that both Asher and Rodrik both die, no matter what choice you made at the end of episode 5.

  • Game of Thrones Season 2: A clash of bastards

    I believe that either Rodrik or Asher survives, depending on your choice of course. But I think Gared's story/journey is going to have huge

  • Yes that would be perfect

  • Having sex with Elaena is determinant, so no.

    I believe that either Rodrik or Asher survives, depending on your choice of course. But I think Gared's story/journey is going to have huge

  • You need either Rodrik/Asher in there for me to care.

  • God please not Ryon. I don't want to play as a kid.

    The only protagonist of season 1 that I think will likely return is Mira or maybe no Forrester at all. As much as I like Asher I hate to say it, but he's a goner since he is determinant.

  • Beavis the Great Cornholio.

    Alt text

  • episode 6 is titled ice dragon.

    I believe that either Rodrik or Asher survives, depending on your choice of course. But I think Gared's story/journey is going to have huge

  • edited July 2015

    Ramsay 4 playable 2016!

  • I'd have said Arthur would have made a good playable character had they not just killed him. Wasted potential, really.
    And perhaps it could have been Gwyn or Elaena, marrying into the family, if Rodrik/Asher hadn't just died.

    So, I imagine, if they stick with the Forresters, it'll be Gared, Mira, Malcolm, Talia, and a new character. Maybe whoever becomes the new sentinel.

  • Mira will be the only one playable character left by the end of Episode 6.

    We don't need to play as Talia.. what can she really do.....?

    It'll be a new family.

  • edited July 2015

    Same for me, and maybe even Beskha. Other then those three I couldn't careless about anyone else.

    You need either Rodrik/Asher in there for me to care.

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