'A Nest of Vipers' Ending Discussion [MOD NOTICE: Thread contains Episode 5 spoilers]



  • I had Asher stay behind. It was a difficult choice, but for me and from my story perspective, this was Asher ultimate show of love and loyalty to his family.

  • It's not quite that bad. The way I see it, is Rodrik's story was ending here and Asher's is basically just beginning. To kill Asher here does nothing for the story and GRRM is all about his story, as much as it is to poke fun he doesn't kill characters for the hell of it. If it was canon and there were no choices I'd bet that Rodrik dies here making one final heroic stand against the Whitehills. Why would Asher show up and pay for the mistakes that Rodrik made? With the way the episode went this was a very fitting and GoT style ending to Rodrik's character. I truly believe that Asher is meant to be the overall hero of this house. Whether he gets to be in the final episode is yet to be seen.

    But isn't that a very George RR Martin thing to do? Have the rising hero come to a swift and cruel end right when he was about to hit his peak?

  • Don't you think that disliking Asher influences your decision here though? Asher and Rodrik were my favorite two characters in this series. I chose which one made the most sense to me given the story and that was Asher. However if I disliked one I wouldn't of cared, I'd have kept the one I liked around so I understand why you did it. But I still think Asher living benefits the over all story more than Rodrik.

    YForrester posted: »

    Well, I don't think so. It's meant for Rodrik to rule this house, not the secondbor-long-exiled-son-coming-from-the-East with such a small '

  • edited July 2015

    what a hard decision, especially when you can stare at their forlorn faces!

    I think that, creatively, they wounded Asher with a crossbow bolt in order to have both Rodrick and Asher be equally crippled, so you can't make the argument "well, Asher was more physically likely to escape this situation and hold his own in future fights, and so is maybe the one who should live"

    They were both wounded, to equalize their physical condition. So the judgement is purely on character.

    I sacrificed Asher. Not only did it seem like the more brave ("crazy") thing to do, but i think Rodrick has more emotional ties to the people of House Forrester. Yeah, Asher exerts more influence with the barbarian/cagefighter/ex-slave/mercenaries/insane-killers than Rodrick ever would...so it's probably more likely that the mercs start a rampage. But Rodrick has a stronger moral center than Asher, and is more Lordly in general. So, sorry, little blood-thirsty Sister, Rodrick will not kill the traitor.

    Sorry Asher :(

  • I personally liked Asher more than Rodrik because he was so cool with his rogue lifestyle that really made him stand out from the other Forresters (reminded me a little of Edward Kenway) - but when it came to that moment in the ending I made him make the ultimate sacrifice for his family, it just didn't feel right ending Rodrik's story there but I had to end one of them, and it felt slightly better for Asher, known for having a lot of fight in him, going out in an epic blaze of glory taking down as many Whitehills as he can before he's overpowered and killed.

    I don't care if the pitfighters lose control without - as long as their bloodlust can be directed towards the Whitehills they can pillage and destroy as much as they like. Still I'm mourning Asher's death - I enjoyed his story and its regrettable what I had to do when pushed into that corner between choosing who to save - though I do get some solace knowing Asher did die on his own terms - willingly sacrificing himself, knowing that he was going to die and accepting that - and killing several Whitehill soldiers like a terminator before dying, it was both sad and awesome.

    what a hard decision, especially when you can stare at their forlorn faces! I think that, creatively, they wounded Asher with a crossbow

  • Okay, the ending was weird for me just because it was two playable main characters. I sacrificed Rodrik, mainly because Asher has the gold, the loyalty, and I just like him more. This ending has convinced me though that the North Grove has to have some sort of ability to resurrect the dead. Either that, or the next season of GoT follows a completely different story. I just have trouble seeing Mira and Gared as being the only surviving main characters going into a second season at this point.

  • edited July 2015

    I haven't said that disliking Asher didn't influenced my decision. I chose the one who made the most sense to me, you did the same. To me that was Rodrik, to you- it was Asher. I don't see problem here. I have to say that I felt pity of that I left Beskha alone. I cried when they said their last words to each other. But.. everyone can choose who to save. People are all different and that's have to be ok, not a reason for problems. ;)

    Smurfbate posted: »

    Don't you think that disliking Asher influences your decision here though? Asher and Rodrik were my favorite two characters in this series.

  • How did he catch Arthur anyway without you seeing it - if Arthur was /right next to you with his guards/ during the dinner with the Whitehills? I swear they will push plotholes in order to push shock and needless tragedy.

  • To be honest, this episode had me rage-quit five minutes in. It's not fun anymore. I don't even get excited when I listen to the Game of Thrones music anymore - but they have my money, so I'll play it out.

  • edited July 2015

    Gwen is probably blaming Rodrik for Asher's death. She has been a cunt like that before.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Yes, while I stopped Beskha from killing her former master to gain Dany's favor, this time I'm going to let her go beserk - she must avenge

  • You know they did that with The Walking Dead: The Game Seasons one and two? That's what they will do now too.

  • No. Rodrik is the first son.

    stevean2 posted: »

    But Asher is the older brother isnt he?

  • Did you think there was a problem? I was just having a friendly discussion about it.

    YForrester posted: »

    I haven't said that disliking Asher didn't influenced my decision. I chose the one who made the most sense to me, you did the same. To me th

  • I do not get the hate vibe after Gryff. He's just a soldier, following his father's orders. Of course, he's also a sadist, enjoying all of it, but really, he's a pawn. His father is the one I want to kill more than anything. Gryff is dumb and cowardly.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I swear if Telltale won't let us kill Gryff, I might just start pulling at my own hair - I need to kill him, forget avenging Ethan thanks to

  • I know, right ? Furthermore, the process of changing of leader is traumatizing for a house, especially one in such danger. Of course Asher was a great fighter, but you need a leader in the Forrester's situation.

    YForrester posted: »

    You choose. Him or Rodrik. I chose Asher to die. Just... I'm really into Rodrik's storyline and I don't like Asher's one, so.. to me- the choice was clear. After all Rodrik is meant to rule the house, not a long exiled son from the East.

  • After the eye transplant Gryff got and Rodrick's limp gone, I have to say my opinion of Westeros healthcare has gone through the roof.

    But Rodrik isn't crippled anymore.

  • If surviving brother survives to last ep, it means they have to write to entirely different season 2. I hope this happens, I would simply not put money on it.

    I really hope Telltale surprises us with how they handle Rodrik or Asher. It would be nice to see them put more effort into it so being a de

  • Like some have mentioned, the story works better from an emotional perspective if it's Rodrik who dies. The story feels kind of generic and soulless if it's Asher that dies just because of the players inability to make the conscious decision to let a beloved protagonist go.

    I also like the idea of the lost brother coming back to restore things. He's probably not as wise, but he's a fit, less run-down character who probably just needs the chance to prove his ability to lead. C'mon, he's basically like Han Solo. ... .. .. basically.

    I like where it's going and I hope the story enables the flow to go as follows: Rodrik gets pushed around, has his vengeance, has revenge bestowed upon him, is ultimately avenged by his family.

  • I keep hearing all this talk of Ramsay's Plot Armor. I didn't stab him or try to stab him or whatever because he's an actual character in the show and I knew I wouldn't actually kill him regardless, plus Talia wasn't very supportive.

    So what happens if you do decide to "stab" Ramsay?

  • edited July 2015

    This has been the hardest choice I have made so far but I decided to let Asher live.

    I would have have let Rodrik live but the only reason I did not was because of the Pit Fighters. Asher got them to trust him and listen to him, so I dont think they would of listened to Rodrik. However due to the fact that the Whitehills ambushed the Them and killed The Beast along with other Pit Fighters they may want vengeance and end up listen to Rodrik until they get the job done. If that is the case I would go back and save Rodrik because he is already Leading the house and should get Justice for everything that has happened to his family.

  • From what I remember Ramsey gets a small scratch and knocks Rodrick to the ground.

    I keep hearing all this talk of Ramsay's Plot Armor. I didn't stab him or try to stab him or whatever because he's an actual character in th

  • How tough and strong is this "The Beast" guy meant to be by the way? He couldn't do jack shit to that lever to get the gate moving, surely he's supposed to have at least the strength that a combined Rodrik and Asher would have and they were able to get it moving together, hell, Rodrik even held the thing open by himself and "The Beast" had no impact getting it moving at all.

  • I'm on It too. Thanks for the reminder.

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    I'm rewinding episode 4 just to maim Gryff.

  • I played it with the thought in mind that Game of Thrones isn't always satisfying, that people do survive all sorts of things just to die and leave a bitter taste in our mouth.

    I felt for Rodrik to escape the Red Wedding only to be killed in another act of treachery had all the right sort of dramatic irony to it. I think you are right though, that Asher's story is just as ironic and tragic in the sense that he works so hard to prove he can be responsible and to go home to help his family, then achieves both in a mere matter of seconds after reaching shore and to die in the process.

    I think it's understandable for Rodrik to die before he's faced the consequences of his actions; that's precisely what happened to Ethan and (to a lesser extent) Lord Gregor - hoping their choices were the right ones that will lead to victory. Gregor's final decisions lie with Gared finding the North Groves, Ethan's in who he chose as Sentinel to honour him and Rodrik with all the choices he made in the hopes Asher will end the war for him.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I couldn't let Rodrik die like that - to me he cheated death so that he could fulfill something great before eventually dying for good - he

  • Ramsay gets a scratch on his neck, knocks Rodrik over and laughs, saying "I'm impressed. I came here to kill you, but now I think it might be more fun to watch you and Ludd tear each other apart."

    I keep hearing all this talk of Ramsay's Plot Armor. I didn't stab him or try to stab him or whatever because he's an actual character in th

  • I think someone said the gate was jammed, so any one person could lift the gate that high without much issue, but not even someone of The Beast's strength could get it past whatever was jamming it.

    How tough and strong is this "The Beast" guy meant to be by the way? He couldn't do jack shit to that lever to get the gate moving, surely h

  • Holy, i choose to save rodrik because of elena. My god..

    Smurfbate posted: »

    While I see your point about killing Gryff with Rodrick, I would have to disagree about Asher dying making the most sense. This whole story

  • I have two savegames, so I usually decide to choose a different path for the second one. In my first one (the one where my first instinct answers), I left Rodrik stay behind. Because, Beskha already pointed out, that Asher would not be in charge with Rodrik being the lord. And, yes, I think Asher is okay with and also only wants to be the Commander, but this pushes him to man-up and deal with the things he can't change. So with letting Rodrik go (in a very hero-like fashion, I might add... He killed many motherfuckers, before he went down) Asher faces something much scarier to him than going into battle - responsibility. He takes over a fucking house, that's chances of survival are pretty darn low.

    The only thing that kills me right now is, that Asher may not survive the next episode either. House Forrester is getting the "Stark" treatment, with all son-and-heirs gone (including Ryon), the name Forrester will go extinct.

    Dayron669 posted: »

    Like some have mentioned, the story works better from an emotional perspective if it's Rodrik who dies. The story feels kind of generic and

  • This was the hardest decision you had to make in the game by far, for me personally I chose to save Asher over Rodrick for a variety of reasons.

    Here are the positives for saving Asher.
    1.He already has the respect of his men, with Rodrick who knows what could have happened with them.
    2.Gwyn Whitehill, if you remember they used to be lovers so maybe Asher can unite the houses and end the blood feud once and for all.
    3.He just got there, he was there for 3 minutes and already he was about to die what the heck, that just doesn't happen.
    4.Asher is a better fighter, I mean lets be honest Rodrick cannot kill shit with his handicap at least until the end when he dies in a blaze of glory.

    Now here is the negatives to saving Asher
    1.Relationship with Elaena and the Glenmores. the glenmores will most likely side with the Whitehills and have Elaena marry Gryf now that they have no other choice with Rodrick gone, they are at the mercy of the Whitehills and Boltons(maybe)
    2.Asher is inexperienced as a lord. He has never desired power so his decisions may be more reckless than Rodricks.

    Besides the Glenmores being gone I really see no point in saving Rodrick over Asher. Rodrick had his time now it's Asher's turn. Then again I always liked Asher more than Rodrick anyways, I just thought it would be fair if Asher lived over Rodrick because it just makes more sense to me.

  • Doesn't matter TT railroads us again and he regenerates any maiming.

    Jaesong1 posted: »

    I'm rewinding episode 4 just to maim Gryff.

  • As I mentioned in another discussion - it was a stupidest episode from the beginning. I have no words besides swearing! Traitor identity, Griff's healed face, stupid last scene, where whitehill soldiers just stood and whatch while brother decide who is going to stay. Telltale, I am disappointed with the way you treat your fans, I hope you will never ever do such sh*t again!

  • @ezay Yeah.. I heard they got a good doctor, you might have heard of him: dr.DRE... no? ok.. I'll see myself to the door)or the x browser button)

    ezay posted: »

    After the eye transplant Gryff got and Rodrick's limp gone, I have to say my opinion of Westeros healthcare has gone through the roof.

  • Does anyone else may hope that which ever one you decided to axe (no pun intended, Asher)..... isn't dead?

    I mean, to me, that would be the only logical course of action, unless they decide to get rid of the surviving Forrester brother very soon. I had Rodrik stay behind. I thought it could have very much been left open to interpretation, but I don't know what the rest of you saw based on your choices....

  • God I do like this game. But I also think that all that Grimm is starting to have the opposite effect it's supposed to have. I feel like I'm watching a parody where everyone is an arsehole and every important character dies after an episode or two.

    Still the script is very well written and paced, the characterisation well done, and that helps me immerse myself into the story. But tune down the drama for god's sake. :D At least it's very GRRM-y.

  • I saved Rodrik and I already regret it.

  • Pretty miraculous if Rodrik came back to life twice.

  • This is Game of Thrones. I know it's probably not the case, but here's to hoping!

    Pretty miraculous if Rodrik came back to life twice.

  • So instead of the "strongest house remaining", you're saying that they could just join their houses and create a stronger house than they could be on their own?

    That would have been a lot easier if I hadn't killed Asher.

    And it would have been a genius way to say "Fuck you!" to Ramsay.

    Wigams posted: »

    The reason i think Asher's story is better is because Asher can marry Gwyn Whitehill and officially merge the houses together. After Asher flays the shit out of Ludd for causing everything.

  • edited August 2015

    I had to leave Rodrik behind. It seemed so fitting an end when I stopped to think about it; he'll probably never fully heal, and having been so belittled for his weakness, it was time for big brother to step up. The very act of holding the gate alone showed the Whitehills he was stronger than he looked. He goes down swinging, just to remind them.

    Asher had come a long way to save his family, and watching his brother die will probably align him and Elaena. Together with Gwyn, they'll use their soldiers and sellswords and go to war with Whitehill.

    And everybody but Talia and Ryon will die. The end.

  • Penultimate episodes are always the worst episodes in TTGs

    MarkGreyFox posted: »

    As I mentioned in another discussion - it was a stupidest episode from the beginning. I have no words besides swearing! Traitor identity, Gr

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