That decision was brutal

I had a really hard time deciding who would stay behind, was sad to let one of them go but ultimately i left rodrick behind and decided to move forward with Asher

What did you chose?


  • Rodrik. I wanted him to die a honorable death and to prove to the traitors (Duncan/Royland) that he is a true lord and protected House Forrester, plus to show everyone that he wasn't crippled. If Asher died then Rodrik probably can't control the Pit Fighters because Asher promised the Pit fighters a shit load of gold.

  • i dont see any trouble, Beshka will be in charge of pit fighters.

    Killah posted: »

    Rodrik. I wanted him to die a honorable death and to prove to the traitors (Duncan/Royland) that he is a true lord and protected House Forre

  • That decision was really one of the hardest I've ever made in all of Telltale games games. I paused the game when I had to choose who to stay and I just sat there sobbing for maybe 5 minutes. But after choosing Rodrik to stay and watched his final battle I literally couldn't see the screen of how much I cried. And I don't cry. Like ever. I don't know why. I haven't cried since the TWD season 2 ending. I was really an emotional wreck. Poor Rodrik. He didn't deserve to die. At least I saved him in my alternative save file. (╥_╥)

  • I hope you remember Beshka isn't held in fond memory by the pit fighters, and Asher is now the commandant for them.. Or for the time being. Pit fighters can't be held.

    Istibul posted: »

    i dont see any trouble, Beshka will be in charge of pit fighters.

  • lol, all 4 pit fighters left. XD

    Killah posted: »

    Rodrik. I wanted him to die a honorable death and to prove to the traitors (Duncan/Royland) that he is a true lord and protected House Forre

  • I sacrificed Asher and saved Rodrik. It has been his story for me and he's my favorite character too.

  • I saved Asher. I couldn't break up the Asher, Beskha duo. Even though I loved playing with Rodrik, I had more of a connection with Asher.

  • I was more emotionally attached to Rodrick as I felt you play more of him and the story has progressed more with him, so I left Asher to die. Asher was a good character by like Prince_Charming said, it's more of Rodricks story.

  • This, Asher and Beskha's bromance is one of my favourite friendships in a Telltale game.

    MosesARose posted: »

    I saved Asher. I couldn't break up the Asher, Beskha duo. Even though I loved playing with Rodrik, I had more of a connection with Asher.

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