Did you leave behind the one who you loved more?



  • I left Asher behind. I think it works well for the story that he never saw Ironrath again. It's also creates an interesting dynamic with Beskha and the pitfighters having to work with Rodrik (if they can).

  • I left behind the one that I accidentally left behind. The whole thing was poorly implemented and I ended up accidentally leaving Asher when I wanted to leave Rodrik. Guess I'll have to start up that second play through.

  • It could be a toss up though, Arthur's death and Having Eleana's child could Spur the Glenmores into Fighting against Ludd just for that reason alone. (I'm not sure if Arthur is the only son or not but a son's death in general, i doubt the Glenmore's will just take it lying down). And If Eleana has Rodrick's child He can be an Heir to Ironrath which if The Glenmore's win means they automatically have blood ties and rites for the Ironwood.

    Puhtis posted: »

    how are you so sure that you will get Glenmores army? I Think lord Glenmore blames Rodrick for Hes son (Arthur) death And that so wont give Glenmore army to Rodrick

  • I'm actually torn on who's my favourite I like both characters so much. I feel that Ashers death scene is the most heart breaking, Beskha's voice actress did a fantastic job.

  • (Yay fellow ASOIAF Book fan! ++SPOILERS+++)

    Oh I wholeheartedly Agree, the Targaryans had some VERY GOOD kings. Jaehaerys II was my favorite and Aegon V (Though I'm biased because I absolutely adored Egg in tales of Dunk & Egg.) But the Odds really don't look very good for what's good for Westeros. From what little we read of Rhaegar, he may have been charismatic and not Mad but he did kidnap Lyanna and lock her in a Tower. (Even if she went willingly, I doubt someone as Headstrong and Free-loving as LYanna would want to be locked up in a tower during a war that could possibly kill her last two Brothers, she most definitely would want to be with her family supporting them and not be guarded 24/7 Without even Rhaegar there, the son of the murderer who killed his father and Lord brother gimme a break)

    Dany is cool as POV and I sympathize with her but she doesn't live In Westeros and hasn't for her entire life. And most of what she knows about Ruling is Essos and Slaver's bay. That's experience but not the kind of experience needed for keeping All the regions in check. Also with all the Wars in Westeros now, and impending Winter, her dragons will do well Against the Others but no way will she be prepared to take care of a whole War torn country from starving. The only way I can think of her sitting on the Iron throne for the benefit of Westeros is if she marries a Westerosi character that's not only a political intrigue but survives the War of the Others. (My money is on Jon Snow even if its not an outcome I'd like)

    Same with Young Griff, Whether his rule is legitimate or if he's a Blackfyre pretender, The boy knows Nil nothing to ruling Westeros. His only ties would be if he Marries Arianne, and if JonCon doesn't bite the dust before he claims it either.

    The Only reason I'd want Independent region Kingdoms (I.E North, Vale, Reach, Riverlands, Stormlands, Westerlands and Dorne) Is because from the very first Book It was strongly implied that These nations were restless and that the Iron Throne for a very Long time has failed to support them in any meaningful way that hasnt put a heavy strain on the houses and people. Of course the Targaryan rule Has instilled a level of stability in raising these regions through various Good Kings but As of late it's only led to trouble and dragging nations to blood shed. If the Vale and Dorne (and to a different degree the North) is anything to go by, the Nations actually work really well on their own with what little they had of Iron throne influence. And the nations suffer when One overarching king is Weak or Cruel (which is a high stakes gamble with one ruling family).
    A good example of how the Iron throne really impedes on a nation is the Bolton-ruled North. Stark drama aside, The Northern Lords are resentful because the Boltons have the supposed Iron throne to back their Claim, and the Northern Lords are far from happy from that. But if they didn't the North would likely go the First men Route and Overthrow them immediately and place a different Lord as King (well in this case Warden). It's been a reoccuring theme that the Nations themselves know what's best for their perspective Nation, not the Iron throne who uses their allies as pieces they can control and not whether those allies can even rule effectively. I actually have no issue with Roose as Warden, his treachery aside. The Bolton rule under him has proven efficient before he became Warden, but with Ramsay being a tit and ruining everything, his quiet land is just a keg ready to pop, and the Northern Lords have their own customs and Honor code that's different from the other Kingdoms. Also we see from the very beginning of GoT that What should be the Iron throne's responsibility up at the wall and provide men for the Night's watch is even being neglected and only the North is providing bodies to join. Whereas The Lannisters actively threatens to not send anyone since it's a mere bargaining chip for them and an issue that doesn't threaten the current Westerlands.

    I.E: A more direct example is the Riverlands and how it's even more War torn under the Iron throne than before because other nations waving the Flags of the king wouldn't butt out in their attempts to restore what little they had left.

    Agh, Sorry I'm rambling.
    But I agree with you, Stannis Baratheon is by far my favorite player and the King that SHOULD have been and what's best for Westeros on the Iron throne after Robert's death. (we all know him winning is unlikely as high hell but we can dream). I hope he does survive and gets sent to the Night's watch (or sends himself to go after possibly losing) instead of just killed off because he'd be a Stunning Lord Commander after Jon Snow.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Do you read the books ? I'll assume you do ^^ The Targaryens did have some really good kings such as Jaehaerys I and II as well as Daeron

  • edited July 2015

    It was a really tough choice for me, but I chose to save Asher. I just feel that his story will be more interesting than Rodrik's would have been. I'm really looking forward to seeing how his past relationship with Gwyn Whitehill plays out. Plus it just didn't sit right with me that his story arc would end upon landing back in Westeros.

    “Asher is…volatile. But that is his strength, too.

    Do you remember the miller’s boy? How he tormented you…I wanted to intervene, but your father said, ‘Ethan must fight his own battles.’ But when Asher saw it, he didn’t take a breath. He grabbed the miller’s boy by the neck. That was his first instinct.

    Asher knocked out half the poor boy’s teeth. Of course your father was furious, but you were in danger and there was nothing else Asher needed to know.

    Asher does not hesitate. He acts. And we need that.” – Elissa Forrester

    His mother put it better than I ever could.

  • How did you coppy the save? I'd like to do it too.

    Abeille posted: »

    I'm afraid I don't have any strong feelings towards any of them I like them, but I don't love either and I don't like one more than the ot

  • edited July 2015

    Go to "change save file", click your save file, click "copy" and click one of the empty spaces.

    Parrotguy posted: »

    How did you coppy the save? I'd like to do it too.

  • As heartbreaking as it was, I left Asher behind. In my mind it seemed right, Ironrath couldn't lose another lord of house Forrester, Rodrick finally healed passed his injuries at the twins, and Rodrick was going to marry Elena with (Hopefully) a child and i couldn't let Elena suffer losing Arthur and Rodrick like that. I loved Asher so much but i had to keep Rodrick alive for his house. Iron from Ice!

  • edited July 2015

    Rhaegar was pretty much a prophecy delusionist, his obsession about the three heads of the dragon and the fact that he could kidnap the daughter of the most powerful lord in the North wasn't healthy. The fact that he let his family with Aerys in KL while he gave Lyanna almost full Kingsguard protection at the Tower of Joy is even worse. He managed to piss off and disregard 2 Great Houses who in turn had the backing of 2 other Great Houses so 4 in total. Then acts like they are traitorous rebels. Fuck you dude... He was an arrogant fool above his head like all the bad Targaryen Kings. Daemon Blackfyre gets a lot of hate but at least his justifications made sense..

    Anyway Dany is an absolute no-no for me. Her false justice get under my skin, her desilusion about how the world works gets under my skin, the fact that she has A LOT of luck and many characters died for lesser mistakes than her gets under my skin, the fact she has a bunch of top-class advisors and doesn't even listen to them is incredible... The fact that she REJECTS and screws any chance of alliance with Dorne is even worse... She thinks everyones owes her everything. I'm sure even if Aegon proves to be legitimate, thus becoming first in line of succession before Dany, she will stil go to war against him and make her dragons eat him alive or something... URGH

    Aegon has me very curious tho. He has great allies and councillors, if he is wise enough to listen to them... Well he could make a fine king.

    For the struggle in the realm currently I guess that's Littlefinger for you. He started the war between the Starks and Lannisters and by extension the rest (Renly, what a prick). After that, he just had to throw oil on the fire then sit and wait... If you look at Bobby B reign, sure he was a drunk and didn't give a shit about ruling but the realm was extremely peaceful and prosperous. I also believe Robert would have done the job when the Others come.

    If Stannis kicks the Bolton's ass and restores the North then dies against Young Gryff or something I would be fine with it tbh. Ramsay will more than likely bite the dust but somehow I just don't see Roose dying in TWOW. The guy is like 100 years old, something is wrong about him.

    Krazehcakes posted: »

    (Yay fellow ASOIAF Book fan! ++SPOILERS+++) Oh I wholeheartedly Agree, the Targaryans had some VERY GOOD kings. Jaehaerys II was my favor

  • Yes, I left behind Rodrik. Like you, I'm not going to do an opposite play through or rewind. I am satisfied by my choice, though my favorite character has died.

  • edited July 2015

    I cared about Rodrik more, so I kept him alive. Hated leaving Asher though and I agree that the Beskha scene was beautifully depressing.

  • i left behind rodrik,it was a pretty sad death,but then i saw asher's...

  • Except Beskha can't be either his sentinel or master at arms

    Flog61 posted: »

    I like them the same, but I'm addicted to Beskha and Asher's bromance and couldn't face the idea of them being apart. I need Beskha as his sentinel and master-at-arms

  • I left Rodrik behind because I saw him more as the type of guy to have a honorable death/sacrifice himself to save his family. Not saying Asher wouldn't do the same, but I just saw Rodrik having more of that kind of death.

  • I did, I think Asher is the most interesting of the PCs. Though my main playthrough Rodrick is a badass and pretty awesome too. My other playthrough has a less cool Rodrick, so I'll save the Asher from that one - unfortunately, he is a bit more family-driven and tends to screw Beshka over a bit more, so I may not see that awesome relationship develop further. <3 Beska and her "little brother"

  • edited July 2015

    I had no problem killing off Asher. Never liked him. Rodrick is where I felt truly immersed in the game, where everything mattered.

    But my god it was a sad death. He died as he lived; a violent bastard.

    And did anyone else feel like, ''Asher a la Jon Snow?'' Like there were three Whitehills stabbing him while two held him. And I counted: Two crossbow bolts, two daggers, eight stabs and one pommel strike to the face. With six kills before he died. It was sadly beautiful, and the music helped.

  • Right there with you. I had trouble killing Asher, but Rodrik is the main character of this season for me.

    Barthanax posted: »

    I had no problem killing off Asher. Never liked him. Rodrick is where I felt truly immersed in the game, where everything mattered. But m

  • edited July 2015

    Rodrik was my favourite and I left him behind. Regretted it INSTANTLY. Not sure why I did that. Fitted his arc and in the moment made more sense I think, also I'm a masochist.

    However, completed my 'opposite' playthrough tonight and Asher sacrificing himself was actually excellently done, again utterly heartbreaking and to echo everyone else's sentiments, Beskha's voice actress in particular did a stellar job.

    In short, safe to say those last few minutes managed to wring a fair amount of tears out of me!

  • I loved Asher and Beshka, but I grew tired of their bromance, because of her bitching all the time. I feel their writing was touching its limits.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I like them the same, but I'm addicted to Beskha and Asher's bromance and couldn't face the idea of them being apart. I need Beskha as his sentinel and master-at-arms

  • I saved Asher because I figured he could control the pit fighters and right now that looks like my only chance. I'm a bit sad though, not only at the death of Rodrik but I mean...it's a telltale game so I figure both Asher and Rodrik aren't living past episode 6. Their teams never bother to write story very long for characters who live based only on user choice.

  • Both amazing characters and I hate to lose either. It felt fitting to me to have Asher go down swinging. Beshka was making it so damn heartbreaking though. I can't wait for revenge.

  • edited July 2015

    I easily liked Rodrick more than i did Asher, which is the main reason why leaving Rodrick was so much harder for me. He was easily my favourite character, but with these types of games i always try to play the game from the characters pov not my own. So leaving rodrick behind just felt right somehow as much as I hated doing it. I felt like it was right for the character, being honorable and hardwilled as he was, his sacrifice just fiited, Asher on the other hand I dont feel would have left unless he had told to be by his older brother- which is just why it becomes all the sadder :'( thanks telltale for being just as heartless as martin.

  • edited July 2015

    I love them both, but I honestly would've rooted for Rodrik, but in the end I didn't. Yes, he's probably the most fit to save House Forrester, but there are many other factors that would probably prevent that - one including that so many people hate him. Also, ditto to everything Thundastrikez101 said. At the same time, I'm not so sure how the pit fighter army would react if Rodrik was their lord, and not the one who brought them there in the first place. In addition, everybody seemed to want Asher back, including Royland, so now that he's lord he can probably deal with that traitorous bastard better than Rodrik.... maybe... idk

    ... is it weird that I also put Asher's suave on the scale?

    anyway, I'm still really gutted that I made the choice (although I won't change it) - with Rodrik I felt extremely immersed in the story and choices. Like, while playing as him you really realize what a tiny thread the House is standing on.

  • Too late for the glenmore army, we're pretty much at war already.

    Sai Madadi posted: »

    Rodrick because we may need glenmore army

  • is that supposed to be book daario lol????

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Come on, isn't that any teenage girl's fantasy ?

  • i left behind asher. because i loved him so much, and he had his redemption. he was never his fathers pride! he was exiled. he was never a hero...... but he was to me, in that moment he had his redemption. he was a hero! rodrick had always been that, to his family, in his fathers eyes, but to see that asher can also be a hero, made my mind of giving him that. he deserved that. his father would be proud.

    plus i cried so hard... beshka and asher forever <3

  • edited July 2015

    Telltale uses their secret weapon ..

  • No, I didn't. I couldn't. I find myself way too attached to Rodrik to leave him to die and as much as I love Asher, Rodrik was the first character who I felt a strong connection with in this series and it would of been absolutely heart breaking for me to go into the season finale without him. I did end up making separate save files, with the other having Rodrik stayed behind but during my first playthrough I didn't really hesitate to leave Asher, and yes I'm sort of ashamed to say that but Rodrik has always been my main homie. Always will be.

    Though, I must admit. That last scene between Beskha and Asher was unbearable and it really tugged on my heartstrings. I felt like shit afterwards. :'(

  • edited July 2015

    The only reason I chose Rodrik to stay and not Asher ( The hardest and most gut wrenching choice I've had to make in a Telltale Game by far) was because Rodrik tells Royland that if Asher was around he'd tear his traitor heart out and I just need to see that, that bastard doesn't deserve a quick death. However I need to replay it and choose Asher to stay just to see Rodrik vs Gryff, to think I actually showed him mercy.

  • I like both Asher and Rodrik. So I was really hoping for a cool brothers fighting in war side-by-side moment in the final episode.

    But narratively I thought Rodrik being the one to stay behind made more sense, aside from the fact Asher has the loyalty of the pit fighters at the moment, I feel like Rodrik's defied death once and he's been almost running on fumes ever since, so this was his moment to go, plus I think sacrificing himself for his younger brother felt like a Rodrik thing to do. I also thought it would have just been a weak, anti-climactic end to Asher's journey by taking him so far, being found by Malcolm in Yunkai, traveling to Meereen and going through everything he did there to get together a group to help fight the Whitehill's only for him to die two seconds after arriving in Westeros. It'd be like Scatman Crothers returning to the Overlook Hotel only to get an axe to the chest asap. Like, just a bit of a non-event, and a particularly deflating end for the character in a way having Rodrik die there wouldn't. Also I just think Asher is cool as fuck.

    I mean, it still pisses me off that they decided one of them has to die, and I think it was a terrible decision to have that even happen, but if I had to put together a rationale behind why I saved one over the other there it is.

  • I loved Asher from the second I saw him. Really before he even spoke. I love the rebellious types, but Asher has loyalty. I like Rodrick because he is kind, noble, and honorable. He someone how survived the worst of circumstances. However, I felt like he needed to die a hero. Putting someone before him, is what MY Rodrick would do.

    So the one I loved most is alive (not happy though)

  • Yes ! Flamboyant as ever !

    sbk12345 posted: »

    is that supposed to be book daario lol????

  • I had left Asher behind too. Beskha's reaction and music made me cry like a bitch Alt text

  • I cried like a stupid bitch too! T__T

    I had left Asher behind too. Beskha's reaction and music made me cry like a bitch

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