House Forrester is doomed



  • lol

    and if that's not worth it, I dont know what it.. Mira, is daaaaayyuum fine. ehuhuhuhuhehehuehuheuhuhuh

  • hehe, indeed. I bet the group will be described as 50+ strong in ep 6. Not sure why it had to look so tiny in this game, probably to make a more manageable group that joins up with Rodrik group that won't stress out peoples old video cards :)

    Seems the set-up is that after you prevented the whitehall's from getting their sellsword army you are against the regular Whitehall army who are in much better shape than the depleted Forrester's army. But with the pit fighters the strength of both groups is more balanced.

    FrostNight posted: »

    Well, when Asher and his "army" disembarks u can see that they aren't too many. But hey, it's Telltale they can do anything they want.

  • From beyond the grave? :v Pretty sure Bowen test-drived Ethan's fate in Episode 1.

    (mfw i can't tell if this is joke or not. if it went over my head i will feel silly)

    Nonoru posted: »

    Bowen will save the day. You'll see!!

  • Of course they are doomed. This is Game of Thrones. I expect only two of House Forrester to survive for the next season.

  • I hope you're right.

    oobga14 posted: »

    hehe, indeed. I bet the group will be described as 50+ strong in ep 6. Not sure why it had to look so tiny in this game, probably to make

  • Maybe he's Peter Baelish's man and will eventually unite her with Sansa. I just pray that it's not some bullshit like he's secretly been working for Cersei this whole time.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    Hopefully he can at least smuggle her out of KL.

  • If he's working for Cersei he had me completely fooled.

    Brn2bwild posted: »

    Maybe he's Peter Baelish's man and will eventually unite her with Sansa. I just pray that it's not some bullshit like he's secretly been working for Cersei this whole time.

  • Me too. It would explain how she knew so much in episode 5 though.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    If he's working for Cersei he had me completely fooled.

  • I will kill Hryff eventually, for I AM JUSTICE!

    _DIO_ posted: »

    I'll take a potato chip... and EAT IT !

  • *Gryff

    I will kill Hryff eventually, for I AM JUSTICE!

  • Or Oompa Loompas. :P

    Hehehe, I'd put more hope in being saved by an army of grumpkins and snarks.

  • Nah I'm chill, he's not worth Mira's maidenhead...

    Besides in Westeros a young lady who lost her virginity out of marriage loses a lot of value on possible matches.

    and if that's not worth it, I dont know what it.. Mira, is daaaaayyuum fine. ehuhuhuhuhehehuehuheuhuhuh

  • That's the reason I think he and Lord Morgryn will be so important in episode 6.

    Abeille posted: »

    Which is why the fact that Tom didn't even show up on episode 5 pisses me off.

  • Are you kidding me? Gared's going to be killed just as he reaches the North Grove by a white walker.

    javoris767 posted: »

    The North Grove better be useful...

  • I expect one of them to help Mira get out of King's Landing. I really don't think that, once Tyrion escapes, Mira will be able to survive if she doesn't leave the city.

    That's the reason I think he and Lord Morgryn will be so important in episode 6.

  • Theoretically she has the help of Cersei, we'll see.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    Mira doesn't even have a friend at this point.

  • Actually Royland mentions them if you ask him to summon allies in episode 2, he just says no one has heard anything from them since the Ironborn took Deepwood Motte.

    Abeille posted: »

    Yeah, though Telltale didn't even mention the Glovers in the game so far.

  • That's a relief. I didn't get that dialogue, I think. I thought TellTale was going to ignore their existence entirely.

    Actually Royland mentions them if you ask him to summon allies in episode 2, he just says no one has heard anything from them since the Ironborn took Deepwood Motte.

  • Yes he does. If you took him to Highpoint then Ramsay Stu is somehow able to have him taken and flayed while he sends the rest of the Glenmores home even though they are right outside the makes zero sense to me

    Yaya1314 posted: »

    Wait, so does Arthur die either way? No matter if you bring him along with you to highpoint or not?

  • I think he works for Cersi cus she knew about you getting into tyrions room which only you and tom would know about that and Lord morgran (whatever his name is) if you told him (which i didnt)

    Brn2bwild posted: »

    She has the coal boy. We still don't know who he works for.

  • javoris767 posted: »

    The North Grove better be useful...

  • In your opinion.

    Lmao I'm just kidding, I find it silly that people say "in your opinion" since it obviously is his opinion.

    In your opinion. In my opinion it was the worst episode yet.

  • Indeed.

    when you play the game of thrones you win or you die, there is no middle ground

    edited July 2015

    Cersei is no ally, she only looks out for her own family. Once she uses Mira to a certain extent, she'll rid of her.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Theoretically she has the help of Cersei, we'll see.

  • I'm really worried about my last choice. Malcolm is still in Meereen with Daenerys Targaryen, so that alliance is sealed. I chose Rodrik to stay behind because I thought it fitted his personality; he would sacrifice himself for his House, and Asher now has the sellswords he needs. They probably don't trust Rodrik.
    What I am hoping is that the Whitehill girl that Asher once loved can stir up trouble in her House and somehow rally her men to Asher, but at the same time, the Glenmores will probably marry Elana off to Gryff now that Rodrik is dead, not because she wants to, but because she wants her House to survive. It's all fragile.

    Meanwhile in King's Landing, my conversation with Tyrion didn't go too well (did he see right through you guys too?) I didn't name Cersei who sent me, but the guard came in and said I was f****** things up. Hopefully I will tell Cersei that he chose Prince Oberyn, lol. As for Tom, hopefully he is as loyal as I think he is. Mira did so much good for me in Episode 4 when she spilled the beans about Sera to that one guy in purple, and I got Andros to stop getting support from that shaking Lannister guy. Episode 6 will be epic to say the least, and if we get a Season 2, even more epic.

  • What Mira has to do is to give Cersei the information she asked for, and then get the hell out of King's Landing, because things are going to get pretty ugly pretty fast once Tyrion escapes. She did what she could, she stopped the army, she got Cersei to murder Andros (or at least it looks like it), now she needs to get out before even more shit hits the fan.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Cersei is no ally, she only looks out for her own family. Once she uses Mira to a certain extent, she'll rid of her.

  • I left Asher behind even though the mission was to protect him :P
    Now I don't know how the marriage between Rodrik and Elaena will work if she is to marry Gryff, probably it will ba a mini Red Wedding or something. I fucked up the conversation with Tyrion too, I don't see a good ending for Mira considering that the guard was listening to what she was saying and will probably tell Cersei about it.
    Now i'm very courious how the Forresters will survive in episode 6, there are 2 possibilities:
    1)Ludd attacks Ironrath and wins. (there was a voice recording session with Ludd)
    2)The Forresters are helped by something or someone or just simply win by their own and kill Ludd.

  • Good point. She did mention Mira being familiar with Tyrion's room.

    Me too. It would explain how she knew so much in episode 5 though.

  • True, she does need to gtfo of there.

    Abeille posted: »

    What Mira has to do is to give Cersei the information she asked for, and then get the hell out of King's Landing, because things are going t

  • Maybe they'll survive. Pretty sure they will, actually. I remember them being mentioned in the series. Not sure though.

  • And the whitehills will probably lose the battle,and there will be a decision about making peace or slaughter them all

    FrostNight posted: »

    I hope you're right.

  • I vote for slaughtering them all. :)

    And the whitehills will probably lose the battle,and there will be a decision about making peace or slaughter them all

  • What if he's one of Vary's boy spies and helps her escape with tyrion from king's landing on the same ship.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    Good point. She did mention Mira being familiar with Tyrion's room.

  • edited July 2015

    Such hurdle didn't stop some characters in the franchise.

    It was half a joke.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    From beyond the grave? :v Pretty sure Bowen test-drived Ethan's fate in Episode 1. (mfw i can't tell if this is joke or not. if it went over my head i will feel silly)

  • House Forrester better not be doomed because well then
    there went 17 hours of my life.

  • Really doubt an allegiance with Daenerys is going to be helpful. She hasn't moved out of Essos in the books or in the show so it's not like she'll send an army to the Forresters to help them out. I also saved Asher so i hope he can fall in love with Gwyn again and create peace between our Houses. If it comes to war, the Whitehills aren't much better of than the Forresters actually. They may hold the advantage over us for the time being but Ramsay said he wouldn't interfere so they have no back up from the Boltons anymore. They aren't getting that army from Andros any time soon i think so it's 50/50 i'd say. I just hope we can get an episode with a good ending for once.

  • And yet Mira has been in the middle ground for 5 episodes.

    when you play the game of thrones you win or you die, there is no middle ground

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