Do not let Telltale trick you



  • edited July 2015

    I dont belive this kinslaying theory. If a Lord has problems with a son he can send him to he wall, especially if this son is a bastard. Ned did, Lord Tarly did and some others probably did as well. The reason why he didnt "killed" Ramsay is he is useful in some matters and his real son isnt born yet. He needs a heir until his true son is born. In the meantime he uses Ramsay for other matters, letting him do his work, letting him think Roose needs him and that he one day will be warden of the north.

    One point of this game I dont like is that Roose lets Ramsay do all this things without intervening. Roose isnt stupid and would never let his son do all this, he needs Forrester ironwood-weapons. In sure in the books/show he would never tolerate that.

    Galhaar posted: »

    Only reason Roose hasn't killed Ramsay (according to books) is because kinslaying is considered worse than forsaking guestright. Unless you accept the bolt-on theory, which I don't.

  • Thing is, Roose had a son when he first saw Ramsay as an infant, when he decided not to kill him. He didn't want Ramsay to live, but he didn't murder him because his eyes were pale blue like Roose's, and because of the kinslaying taboo, so he let Ramsay's mother go back to her mill or whatever she had and sent a servant (Reek) to look after his bastard. Also, Ned didn't send Jon to the wall, Jon volunteered to go with Benjen.

    N8eule posted: »

    I dont belive this kinslaying theory. If a Lord has problems with a son he can send him to he wall, especially if this son is a bastard. Ned

  • edited July 2015

    Too true. I've f*cked up so many times because I try to be diplomatic. It has only ever worked with Mira in Kings Landing.

    Drbg posted: »

    Being reasonable and diplomatic never works out in this game.

  • If they don't, Telltale are going to get into some deep sh*t next episode.

    I think we can all agree, the Whitehills better get proper f*cked in the next episode.

  • I will do it. I will sing, dance and post it to youtube for everyone to see if the Whitehills get destroyed next episode!

    I swear if the Whitehills are actually destroyed next Episode, someone better write that song, official or not

  • I hate telltale for forcing me to choose between Rodrik and Asher, as the player I developed a lot of sentiment towards them and they then just tell me for the penultimate episode 'Oh by the way you have to kill one of the two brothers, HAVE FUN!' No its not okay to do that. I was literally crying over my laptop, god damn you telltale. how could you do this to us! You better have the red priestess bring Asher/Rodrik back! Why? To me this was the hardest decision in the whole game and next episode I better be able to strip the Whitehills of everything they have, burn it to the ground, torture them and then give them a slow excruciating death for what they've done! If anyone else agrees let me know because god damn!

  • nope jokes on you, gryff's magical powers are revealed he is in fact a priest of the light, revives his entire family after you think you've taken them out and then he revives rodrik/asher, and kills them again for the lols.

    If they don't, Telltale are going to get into some deep sh*t next episode.

  • God damn it Gryff!

    Noelius15 posted: »

    nope jokes on you, gryff's magical powers are revealed he is in fact a priest of the light, revives his entire family after you think you've taken them out and then he revives rodrik/asher, and kills them again for the lols.

  • Well you cant send a little child to the wall. And if he really wanted him killed you could just hire someone to do it, they would never know who it was. Or he could just not accept him as his child, thats possible too.

    I just dont believe in this kingslaying theory. I think he first wanted Ramsay as his son, but all the envy Ramsay had about his brother made him mad and that was the first step to make him crazy. Some people belieave he killed his brother. Maybe Roose later saw how Ramsay really is and started making plans how to get rid of him in the best way.

    We cant know for sure, well have to wait and see.

    But Iam sorry about the Jon thing, dont know how I could forget that. Its been years and I forgot that he volunteered. I had something in mind with Ned suggesting him to leave.

    Galhaar posted: »

    Thing is, Roose had a son when he first saw Ramsay as an infant, when he decided not to kill him. He didn't want Ramsay to live, but he didn

  • edited July 2015

    I see what you're doing there. Selling her as a xxx slave so that she lives in pain and agony for the rest of her miserable life. Since you can't be naive enough to think that she wouldn't murder the Forresters, if you just let her go.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I'll kill Gryff, but Gwyn stays alive.

  • The Whitehills are going down. They have to. Please Telltale, just let us burn their house to the ground, I'm begging you. And then Talia can write a song about it. :P

  • We'll hold you to that. :)

    I will do it. I will sing, dance and post it to youtube for everyone to see if the Whitehills get destroyed next episode!

  • I'm sure you will. ;D

    We'll hold you to that.

  • edited July 2015

    I'll destroy House Whitehill, no mercy. I won't care if there are kids and womens. Everyone NEEDS to die.

  • Poor potatoes.

    AKz Effect posted: »

    Fuck Wall street, fuck The Crooked Man, fuck The Whitehills and fuck potatoes. Sorry, had to get it out there.

  • edited July 2015

    I play as ruthless as I can already. I guess I could run a Caesar on them and kill all the men and enslave all the women and children.

  • edited July 2015

    Please let us do something like Kenny has done with Carver.. only more brutal.. Please.. Please!!!!!!!!!!

  • Flay them a little and then send them to Stannis so he can burn them alive, thats really gotta hurt

    Harian96 posted: »

    Killing the Whitehills would be a mercy compared to what they have coming - I want to flay them all for Ethan's death and Asher/Rodrik's dea

  • edited July 2015

    Can't help but think this all could have been avoided if Asher and Gwyn had just been allowed to marry.

  • Eh Mance was taken in as a child (a toddler I think) and in the show they have Olly as well, so I think Roose could get away with it. Or yeah, just have someone else kill him.

    N8eule posted: »

    Well you cant send a little child to the wall. And if he really wanted him killed you could just hire someone to do it, they would never kno

  • For me, NOT killing the Tweedle is making sure Bigby does not become a monster in the heat of the moment. I mean, yes, the Tweedles were gonna kill you 5 mins ago. but when the choice to kill him or not comes, Bigby had already won. Doing anything more would be cruel and monstrous. That's just how I saw it, at least...

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Was there ANY reason not to tear the asshole's throat right off ? I didn't worry much about scaring Snow since the pairing was comic-canon anyway

  • Damn, son. That's just the resolve we all need to get through Episode 6 and show no mercy.

    I know you're right. Telltale has a pattern. Each and every fucking time they've got me all stoked and ready to let some blood, they throw a

  • edited July 2015

    Well... I am actually willing to make an exception (even peace) with the Whitehills if the following conditions are met:

    • Laura Bailey's character (Gwyn is it?) is not killed / leaves the house or whatever.
    • The guy who commanded the battalion at the end of Ep5 is killed. You know, he murdered our brother / or leaves the house (sent to the wall?)

    Our son (the captive) is collateral damage. I'm willing to sacrifice him - in fact, given the choice I'd probably kill him anyway (can't stand children! the girl's nice, though but she's closer to pre-teen really). Otherwise, I'll go all Lannister on them!

  • Randal Tarley wanted to kill Sam.

    Galhaar posted: »

    Only reason Roose hasn't killed Ramsay (according to books) is because kinslaying is considered worse than forsaking guestright. Unless you accept the bolt-on theory, which I don't.

  • Yes! A "hunting accident."

    Randal Tarley wanted to kill Sam.

  • "At least, that's what i'll tell your mother"

    Yes! A "hunting accident."

  • Highpoint delenda est.

  • I don't see it like that. From the very first episode they were there to piss me off. Then there was the bar, then the ceremony then the alley. That was it. When a bad weed keeps coming back you tear it off cleanly by the roots so it stops bothering you. Those bastards had already been too much of a nuisance on the case.

    I kept my cock in my pants with Grenn, but I set the limit when two guys threaten my friend and fire bullet waves at me with the intention to kill. Good riddance

    fayescarlet posted: »

    For me, NOT killing the Tweedle is making sure Bigby does not become a monster in the heat of the moment. I mean, yes, the Tweedles were gon

  • Yea that Pissed me off because Ramsey even mentions it in the beginning.

  • edited July 2015

    Man, I killed the asian dude in the pit just because I didn't want him to give me attitude later on. Do not think for a second that I would not kill the Whitehills and have them bite my ass back a month later.

    As others BrogusKaar said, I'll go Lannister: kill them all and make a song out of it.

  • Yeah, but Olly had no one left, either he went to the watch or died (I dont think he would surive alone in this world). I dont know Mance's child-story though. My point was: It would give Roose a bad reputation if he brings some young child to the watch, and I wasnt sure if its even allowed to bring someone that young there. If he doesnt wanted Ramsay as his son he could have denied him as his son, or even let someone kill him.

    Eh Mance was taken in as a child (a toddler I think) and in the show they have Olly as well, so I think Roose could get away with it. Or yeah, just have someone else kill him.

  • I think the Rodrik Asher choice was probably the ONLY thing this episode did right, honestly...

    I hate telltale for forcing me to choose between Rodrik and Asher, as the player I developed a lot of sentiment towards them and they then j

  • I don't get people who are hating on Gwyn.

    O.k., so she gets annoyed if you insult her family, and for goodness' sake, who wouldn't? But apart from that she's positively civil and courteous towards you and is clearly trying to help you out, even if you don't want to do it her way. She's obviously bothered by her father's arrogance and tendency for violence, but she knows there's nothing she can do about that, so she works around him to help make peace and support the Forresters any way she can. Yet people are calling her a 'cunt' and seem to think she's lying to you or just as bad as her father somehow.
    You think being in conflict with Lord Whitehill is bad, imagine growing up with him and having to live with him. Being a woman in that society, she doesn't really have the choice to run away from the family either.

  • I honestly don't consider Gwyn a bad person just because her family are psychotic jerks. I do resent her telling me to cow to her father and brother though. Sure she thinks she's doing the right thing for everybody but she's not. My family wasn't meant to live on its knees. That's why I'm going to mow down her father and brother like crab grass. If she gets in my way she'll share their fate. If she lets things proceed as they will I won't harm a hair on her pretty little head. She'll hate me for life though as I will have ruined hers. Just another day in Westoros.

    I don't get people who are hating on Gwyn. O.k., so she gets annoyed if you insult her family, and for goodness' sake, who wouldn't? But

  • edited July 2015

    Gwyn is as condescending as her father she wants you to bow to him. Look at the deal they gave you in episode 4, Ludd wanted your family to slave for his to produce quality Ironwood for the Boltons, she helped put that deal together. Atleast Ludd is forthcoming with his motives, she on the other hand hides behind a facade. She will die as with every other Whitehill.

    I don't get people who are hating on Gwyn. O.k., so she gets annoyed if you insult her family, and for goodness' sake, who wouldn't? But

  • She wanted you to submit to Gryff at Ironrath for the time being to avoid bloodshed, which is exactly what half of the players ended up doing. And it worked just as well as standing up to him anyway. As for the deal, if she did help put that together, which I don't believe is stated, I suspect that was probably a last ditch attempt to prevent her father from just riding into Ironrath and massacring everyone, which was completely within his capability and which he still plans on doing eventually. So, in that case, she still saved them. If it's a choice between a war that the Forresters were never going to win and them having to work for the Whitehills until they can build themselves up to being able to defend themselves again, then the deal still sounds preferable. Not sure what this facade your assuming is.

    MosesARose posted: »

    Gwyn is as condescending as her father she wants you to bow to him. Look at the deal they gave you in episode 4, Ludd wanted your family to

  • edited July 2015

    Exactly, she wanted you to submit to her brother when standing up to him resulted in the same results. So why bow? Only differences is when submitting to him your down in the mud where the Whitehills want you. She wanted you to learn your place. Who cares what half of the players did, because submitting to him does nothing, it just shows you're a good little dog. She did help put the deal together, because she the one who wanted you to meet with Ludd concerning it. It was another way to put the player in their place. She has done nothing to save the Forresters, she's as delusional as the traitor. By facade I mean she hides behind a smile, when really she's as bad as her father even if she doesn't realize it.

    Her entire goal has been for the player to submit to her family, the same goal as her father's. She just goes about it in a more welcoming way.

    She wanted you to submit to Gryff at Ironrath for the time being to avoid bloodshed, which is exactly what half of the players ended up doin

  • Exactly, she wanted you to submit to her brother when standing up to him resulted in the same results. So why bow?

    Wait, so do you think that Gwyn Whitehill wrote the actual game?
    She didn't know that submitting to Gryff and standing up to him would have the same result, and neither did you until you played the episode and then went and checked what happened if you chose the opposite. Don't be ridiculous.

    She wanted you to learn your place. Who cares what half of the players did, because submitting to him does nothing, it just shows you're a good little dog.

    Well, now you're putting Gryff's words into Gwyn's mouth and it's making you sound delusional, not her.

    She did help put the deal together, because she the one who wanted you to meet with Ludd concerning it.

    While Gwyn does say that she's glad you came to meet with her father at Highpoint (because she's a diplomat like Duncan, and would rather you talk it out, than just automatically try to kill each other), if you go against her suggestion to submit to Gryff, she also says that 'we're going to have to do things her father's way now'. Meaning the deal is Ludd's plan and she only supports it, because it means you'll still be alive.

    By facade I mean she hides behind a smile

    Yeah, I know what a facade is. But most of the times I've seen her she's been either frowning, solemn or wistfully sad, not smiling.
    Good luck to you. You sound paranoid and I'm curious what must have happened to you, that you're projecting all of this onto the character. Even if any of it does turn out to be accurate, there really hasn't been anything to suggest what you're implying is any more than speculation. You seem to have cast her as some kind of Lady Macbeth.

    MosesARose posted: »

    Exactly, she wanted you to submit to her brother when standing up to him resulted in the same results. So why bow? Only differences is when

  • edited July 2015

    Point is she wants you to summit to her family same as her father. She didn't need to know the out come with Gryff, because the whole point was to have the player to do as she told you to do to make it easier for Gryff. I'm sorry if you can't see that.

    Exactly, she wanted you to submit to her brother when standing up to him resulted in the same results. So why bow? Wait, so do you t

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