It's Time to Face a Hard Truth [Ep.5 Spoilers]



  • Show runners said he was real dead. That they felt showing the actual killing was gratuitous.

  • Funny, Mira has been stricking me as the one that will die for some times now. I've been expecting her to die at any moment everytime I've been playing as her, and my choices really reflected that: I am the reckless Mira, doing literally anything needed.

    Gared is pretty safe and if I had to guess I would say Mira has a good chance at surviving as well. But, I don't see how the brothers will s

  • They also claim Jon is dead. Gratuity has never stopped them before.

    ezay posted: »

    Show runners said he was real dead. That they felt showing the actual killing was gratuitous.

  • Thread: Determinant Character Thread [ATTENTION TELLTALE]

    Well as we know at the end of the latest episode we have to choose who lives between Rodrik and Asher, 2 of our playable characters. So far when it comes to determinant characters, they fade to the background a bit and end up dying soon as well. This is a first for Telltale cause its 2 playable characters, the only reason making this a decision would be who would be the perspective at Ironrath as it can't be both Rodrik and Asher(It could but not in thos game, where all perspectives are speead out from each other).

    So obviously whoever lives in your playthrough isn't going to die at the beginning of the episode or have a minor role because its at fucking Ironrath, where the center of the problems for the Forresters are. The brother you let live though could die at the end or at the beginning of season 2 but I and I'm sure many of you don't want that to happen, at the point most of the Forresters are dead. It would be a first for Telltale and would take more work but I would like to see Telltale do things differently with determinant characters(at least for Rodrik and Asher) and not make being determinant and automatic death sentence. If telltale needs more time to put in that effort by all means please take your time, if I recall correctly Telltale reads the forums and listens to fans feedback, so lets see if this thread can be enough attention for them to at least consider attempting if not for this game, then their future games.

    Because fuck I really don't want Rodrik and Asher to both die, they're the best characters in the game!

  • I hope this is the case, I'm speculating that perhaps the other fallen forester gets revived by something to do with the north grove so telltale doesn't have to do the extra work. It would be very a bad idea of telltales to kill off the other brother, bringing back the other would be received better.

  • As much as I hate revives, as long as it doesn't come off as contrived I would be fine with that, I'd rather have them both alive then both dead.

    207Brandon1 posted: »

    I hope this is the case, I'm speculating that perhaps the other fallen forester gets revived by something to do with the north grove so tell

  • I am split on this because I agree and disagree with you. I didn't hate the death.

    I love Asher and I love Rodrik. They both are very different which makes them fun to play. I hope that Brandon is right! That would be very very nice to have one come back with the North Grove. I feel like it makes sense.

  • I have faith that Telltale won't make either Rodrik or Asher the same case with other determinant characters. Unlike the others, these two are KEY characters. If they kill the one we saved in episode 6, I'll be livid.

  • I have the exact same views that's why hopefully the other one gets revived as I couldn't stand losing both of the main characters, you should check out my thread on what the north grove could do :p

    As much as I hate revives, as long as it doesn't come off as contrived I would be fine with that, I'd rather have them both alive then both dead.

  • Why does everyone go, "Blah blah blah, Rodrick and Asher are going to die no matter what blah blah blah they will have no important role blah blah blah."

    There is one episode left, and they are both playable characters. They won't be killed off early, and they wont be underused.

  • Having Ryon become the last surviving male Forrester just so he can become lord, doesn't really feel conclusive to me. The story can only end conclusively, if either Rodrik or Asher survives the war against the Whitehills and lives to be the lord of House Forrester.

  • Yep. Having a little kid as Lord just makes no sense. Seriously, what does someone his age know anything about being a Lord?

    Having Ryon become the last surviving male Forrester just so he can become lord, doesn't really feel conclusive to me. The story can only en

  • edited July 2015

    Even though we don't want it to happen it will happen. It's inevitable just because the lack of time they have during production. TT don't like over branching stories that's why most our decisions in any of their games don't matter. It's just too much work. Their games are about the illusion of choice, not actual choice. Both the person you saved and the sentinel will die. The only way I see other wise is if they don't follow Asher/ Rodrik in the next season and leave them off screen, barely mentioning them. Personally I think TT don't even know what they're going to do next episode. Hell, they didn't even have a preview at the end of episode 5 showcasing episode 6 like they usually do.

  • I wish there was some way to merge my thread with this one. It is basically about the same thing and it would make one big thread, which makes the chances of Telltale seeing it higher. Is there anyway to do this?

  • I dunno man, all we can do is have people keep looking and replying at this thread and hope Telltale sees it, since they like to take their sweet time with Borderland, no reason why they can't do it with Thrones to make it great.

    I wish there was some way to merge my thread with this one. It is basically about the same thing and it would make one big thread, which makes the chances of Telltale seeing it higher. Is there anyway to do this?

  • i just want a happy ending where the north grove revives Gregor,Ethan,Rodrik or Asher and they live happily ever after unfortunately the worst hasn't even came yet. This house. Is doomed.

  • They've been doing some voice sessions so I'd like to hope that they know what they're doing next!

    MosesARose posted: »

    Even though we don't want it to happen it will happen. It's inevitable just because the lack of time they have during production. TT don't l

  • I have the Hound still in mind. He's pretty dead, afaik. Of course, the TV rules tell us that if you didn't actually see the character die, he's not dead. And I think Jon is a very different situation: he is basically the plot of the entire universe we're following, being a Stark+Targaryen, wielder of super sword, and so on. Did you know that show runners discussed for a very long time not to show Ned's death ? They didn't want the scene, but felt people would keep discussing his death if they didn't see his head actually being cut.

    I can't prevent you from hoping, but I wouldn't get my hopes high if I were you. :P

    They also claim Jon is dead. Gratuity has never stopped them before.

  • I didn't forget about it but it's not going to do us a lot of good at all. It's nice having her favor and Malcolm in her court but by the time we can call-in on that favor it'll probably be too late.

    Olimario posted: »

    Did everyone just forget about Dany's alliance existing? lol.

  • Just because one is dead doesn't mean the survivor won't be able to appear next season. Maybe they won't be playable, granted, but its pretty easy to just have the ruler in Ironrath referred to as "Lord Forrester" without explicitly stating the name and necessitating several different line recordings each time they're mentioned.

  • I would be fine with that, just don't want them both dead. First Ethan, then Asher/Rodrik, its too cruel.

    ranger563 posted: »

    Just because one is dead doesn't mean the survivor won't be able to appear next season. Maybe they won't be playable, granted, but its prett

  • To be fair, if everyone followed the rules of succession, none of the Baratheons would be the 'true king'. Westeros would still be ruled by that Targaryen nutter. Or be a continent-shaped bonfire by now, probably.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Brienne is NOT awesome, she had no place forcing herself into Stannis's storyline and calling his YOUNGER brother Renly 'the one true king' just because she was in love with him and ignorant of the laws of succession.

  • Telltale managed to kill my interest in this family. :( Choosing between the brothers killed me inside. I don't think they will make it, but even if they do I'm not sure I want it to continue like this... just end it here with episode 6. Or a new house might be better and I hope Telltale thinks through the story more thoroughly. (yes I can't get over the traitor bullshit)

    brbsmoking posted: »

    This is pretty sad when you think about it. 6 episodes. Almost 10-11 months including last episode. 1 House. House which i love with all my

  • It's not gonna end.House Forrester need to exist so Stannis can have his H. Forrester scouts.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    This is pretty sad when you think about it. 6 episodes. Almost 10-11 months including last episode. 1 House. House which i love with all my

  • I'm not confident at all that the Forresters will survive this, I assume that a few might, but their house will be completely destroyed by the end. The way this is gearing up I'm foreseeing a great battle and some satisfying kills but at this point I'd be happier moving on to another family/house. While I want episode 6 to be great, I'm afraid one of the bigger problems will actually be the body count where too many people are dying left and right just so TellTale can tie-up loose ends.

  • Both brothers will die. It's not even a question.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Luckily, Moderators can merge threads. Leave me a link to your thread and I can merge the two if you guys like.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I found your thread and merged them together.

    I wish there was some way to merge my thread with this one. It is basically about the same thing and it would make one big thread, which makes the chances of Telltale seeing it higher. Is there anyway to do this?

  • You got it merged KingWarhammer96 nice, hopefully Telltale actually takes this into consideration!

  • Thanks! Maybe now we have a better chance of getting Telltale to see it.

    Luckily, Moderators can merge threads. Leave me a link to your thread and I can merge the two if you guys like. EDIT: Nevermind, I found your thread and merged them together.

  • edited July 2015

    It was Blind Sniper that merged them, but yeah, I hope Telltale notices the thread and considers it.

    You got it merged KingWarhammer96 nice, hopefully Telltale actually takes this into consideration!

  • I thought the same thing. Unfortunately TTG always pulls this crap. Choose to save one and the other will die next episode. Prove us wrong or be as predictable as ever.

  • Yeah, but Dany is still in Essos. She may be able to help us in the future (if she ever takes back the Iron Throne), but what matters is what's happening now and unfortunately she's not going to aid the Forresters in this current war against the Whitehills.

    Olimario posted: »

    Did everyone just forget about Dany's alliance existing? lol.

  • Normally I'd agree with you but I dont think it will play out like that. I think Beskha will die if you save Asher and someone close to Rodrik will die if you save Rodrik. (Eleana, or the sentinel)

  • Agreed.


  • I don't care how long it takes, they need to make two completely different variants of the finale, depending on which brother you saved, there should be different dialogue choices, different story choices and a different ending for each brother.

  • I want to say Talia is like 13 at the beginning of the series, but I'm not sure why I think that. Maybe Gared says it when you look at the Forester painting in episode 1?

    Ortengryn posted: »

    LMAO I whispered the exact same thing to myself when I read that.

  • unfortunately,ethan and gregor can't be revived as they were burned at the funeral

    i just want a happy ending where the north grove revives Gregor,Ethan,Rodrik or Asher and they live happily ever after unfortunately the worst hasn't even came yet. This house. Is doomed.

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah, if they just accepted the mad King's tirany, one of these scenarios would be likely to exist. Which are two good reasons that justifies the Baratheons taking the Iron Throne by conquest thus making now Stannis the rightful king, according to the rules of the actual succession. If Stannis isnt in pieces by now (most unlikely), of course.

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    To be fair, if everyone followed the rules of succession, none of the Baratheons would be the 'true king'. Westeros would still be ruled by that Targaryen nutter. Or be a continent-shaped bonfire by now, probably.

  • Yeah no duh, I've agreed with that from the start of the thread, FINALE is the keyword, we don't know if there is going to be a season 2 for this game that's my whole point, and if there is if they don't die I doubt they'll be the POVs. The reason I stated that at all is because I dount there will be a season 2 given the amount of support this game has had, cameos with the actors from the show doesn't sound like cheap or easy casting to me.

    Ramsay shouldn't have even been in the game at all, it's beyond retarded that he goes around murdering highborns with impunity, I know this game caters to the show watchers but even in rhe show Roose scapegoats Theon for Ramsays actions at Winterfell, and in the books the Lord of White Harbor openly challenges Ramsay, "Lord Glenmore is no coward," yet that's exactly what he becomes, he kisses Ludd's ass and offers up his daughter to the monster that is Gryff and does nothing when Ramsay murders his son, getting away with murdering Ethan? Maybe since the Forresters had no army, but the Northerners should've been on the verge of deposing house Bolton once word got around that Ramsay murdered a boy and a lord because he didn't surrender his livelihood and sister. Murdering a Glenmore should've started a Civil war.

    MosesARose posted: »

    Key word FINALE, who's to say they will not die at the beginning of season 3. Branching story means more work for TT, why do you think most

  • edited July 2015

    Hmm. All the same, I'm really not convinced Season 2 will see us controlling another House. I mean, how would that work?

    This is House... Borrester. And there words are... Ice with Iron. Here are the four playable characters who totally aren't going to get systemically killed off as the episodes go on.

    I mean, the Forresters are already doppelgangers of the Starks. So, if Season 2 has doppelgangers of doppelgangers... no. They have to keep moving forward just like the show and books do, with the story they have. It's the only way. If the determinant lord thing is, in their eyes, too complicated--they'll kill them off and be done with it, not start an entirely new House...

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