Is Gryff the most hated Telltale villain ever?



  • The bearded guy who always accompanies Gryff.

    Galhaar posted: »

    Who's Harys?

  • I don't know why I like Walder, I know he is an asshole but I like him.

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    He may not be in the game but we were still at the wedding.

  • edited July 2015

    I'd still rather kill this guy.

    Alt text

  • I hated the St. Johns more.

  • No. Gryff is charismatic and cunning lord. Roman was true jerk.

  • Which is why I'd argue hero or villain he's clearly one of the most interesting, because even with the utterance of his name, the argument continues even when the thread has nothing to do with him.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I see Kenny hate when he's mentioned just as much as kenny worship when he's mentioned. I think Kenny isn't a villain for some people, bu

  • Yup. I was pretty disappointed to find out he was just a villain with no redeemable qualities, it made rearranging his face much easier and enjoyable even if he has a wizard maester. Although his voice actor is epic.

    Remember when everyone thought Gryff might be a good guy? Those were the days.

  • edited July 2015

    Don't think he's the worst, but he's definitely the most annoying villian for me. Due to things outside the protagonists control, Griffs untouchable it seems and he takes great pleasure in gloating about it.

    He does have a chin built for an uppercut though.

  • I don't know if he's the worst but after seeing his smug face at the end of that episode I was so ready to torture him.

  • I think Nathan Prescot (Life is Strange) was just as bad as Gryff (hope he's not like that after ep 3) Not just that, both Nathan and Gryff are very similar if you ask me, current life of having a father back them up, both act like children and only resorts to violence when being humuliated themselves, and both had bad experiences when they were younger.

  • Yeah, but that grin on his face as Asher/Rodrik gets killed, after he sacrificed himself to save his brother is really... I dont know a suitible word. I mean "now" its too late to life in peace with the Forresters, but he made no effort to live in peace with the Forresters, provoking and treating them very bad. And the sad thing is, even if you (Forresters) try to make peace, dont hitting Gryff while the Glenmores hold him, even then this ends in Gryff smiling about their death. I would call that evil, but each to their own.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Same here. I like how people, who wanted to murder every last Whitehill even before Rodrick/Asher death go apeshit on Gryff's account now. A

  • Still think Jane is worse.

  • Well actually i think Gryff is just a puppet of Whitehill, but still i hate him! And i think the most hated villain of me probably is Bloody mary lol she is just so annoying ! And ramsey too , he deserve to be treated like Arthur !

  • And yet the worst part is that his smug face is fully healed if you maimed him. I hope TT patches that up. This episode, I swear to god...

  • What's wrong with thinking he started as a nice guy and lost it after losing his family, to the point of becoming a non-aware villain ?

    Brody100 posted: »

    I thought you'd stop this a year or so a go Flog61, you call Kenny a villain irregardless of a canon or anyone else's perspective for that m

  • No way. Gryff is just a soldier following orders. Sure he added douchebagery to it, he added the insult, but he certainly did not create the injury. Ramsay is by far, far the worst guy in the story. And I even love Ramsay, mostly thanks to Iwan Rheon's interpretation, so that's saying alot.

  • Gryff is just a little wiener that was picked on by this brothers and has a huge inferiority complex. He's a product of a messed up family.

  • To be honest, all of the Whitehills are so over the top that it makes it hard for me to care enough to actually hate them. There's no subtlety, no cunning, and very little personality in their characters. I feel that Telltale is going a bit too far in trying to make us hate them as much as possible.

  • Loved that quote Rodrik said to that smug little sh*t.

    “You know what they did to me at the Twins?” he growls as he looms over Gryff. “They shredded my face. They put their swords through me. They tried to smash my skull open. But they couldn’t kill me — and you’re not the man to finish the job.”

    How do you let Rodrik die by Gryffs men after a quote like that!? Seriously...

  • I actually quite liked Gryff because he got so annoyed when you defied him it was quite funny but after episode 5's ending I want to flay him from head to toe. Him and Harys

  • edited July 2015

    Lots of the debate is arguing that he shouldn't have returned in the first place though, which means he's not absolutely one of the most interesting in terms of characterisation :P

    Which is why I'd argue hero or villain he's clearly one of the most interesting, because even with the utterance of his name, the argument continues even when the thread has nothing to do with him.

  • edited July 2015

    you call Kenny a villain irregardless of a canon or anyone else's perspective

    ...I literally said right above:

    'I think he is a villain depending on your perspective and how you play your Clem.'

    So you've just criticised me for something I haven't done.

    For lots and lots of people Kenny is a hero. For lots and lots of people Kenny is a villain. For lots of people he's well written. For lots of people he's badly written.

    I've stated that it's only my perspective several times in this thread - to accuse me of 'running my dribble' (think you mean drivel btw) is rather ironic as you're the one insulting me for doing literally nothing.

    Either that or you misread my comments. In which case I'd be more careful before you decide to criticise another.

    Brody100 posted: »

    I thought you'd stop this a year or so a go Flog61, you call Kenny a villain irregardless of a canon or anyone else's perspective for that m

  • Is everyone forgetting Arvo? Why does everyone forgive Arvo and not want to mount his head on a spike?

    Eh, Gryff is probably still worse though... the only thing worse than Gruff is his Magic Eye.

    Crooked Man was an awesome villain though - if TWAU has a Season 2 then I hope the choice to spare him does carry over and we get a cameo of him in his imprisoned form.

    I used to pity Gryff Whitehill after Gwyn told us his tragic childhood backstory - but after Episode 5 I don't care - if he doesn't die I'll go beserk.

  • Well, Rodrik is just like his father and he would sacrifice himself for a member of his house. I mean i get that people would want to keep Rodrik alive but i dont think he would leave his little brother to die.

    Theres plenty of symbolism between the last scene of ep 5 with Rodrik and the one with his father. The both get shot on the same spot and break the bolt.

    In the last segment, with Gryff looking down the corpse with his smug face, it kinda makes sense Rodrik fits there, if its Asher it doesnt make much sense since there was like no rivalry between the two.

    I get that people would want to keep Rodrik alive, i loved his character but i dont think it fits him to leave his little brother.

    I am gonna do another savefile with him alive tho.

    Loved that quote Rodrik said to that smug little sh*t. “You know what they did to me at the Twins?” he growls as he looms over Gryff. “Th

  • I hated Jane too but I don't think she counts as a villain tbh

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Still think Jane is worse.

  • I personally think the Whitehills in general are the best and therefore my most hated Telltale villains, maybe because we've seen them from the very beginning and gotten to know them the best.

    Carver was killed off way too soon, the Crooked Man was underplayed, and even though Bloody Mary left a mark she was only really there for like 2 major scenes. Tales also switched the antagonists around mid-season (Vasquez to Vallory) and probably will do it again since I think Vallory will be killed off in Ep4.

  • I completely disagree, but thanks for your input. My Rodrik is not the same man he was at the Twins. He's about survival and isn't going to throw his life away for someone who was exiled from the House. Gryff would have looked smug over any Forrester body. He's a scumbag. lol

    Well, Rodrik is just like his father and he would sacrifice himself for a member of his house. I mean i get that people would want to keep R

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah that smug face gryff has at the end of episode 5 makes me want him to suffer even more. Ludd at a close second, some of his lines are unintentionally funny because of his voice i think :D

  • Ramsay may be crazy but he has lasted this long without ever dying. He must be doing something right ... 0.0

  • Yeah i guess theres plenty of ways to have Rodrik be.

    Personally i love his "Let me save your life and our house" and the smile he gives Asher.

    I completely disagree, but thanks for your input. My Rodrik is not the same man he was at the Twins. He's about survival and isn't going to

  • I can respect that. We have all built these characters in our own ways. I must admit I've made my Rodrik violent and a tad self serving. He firmly believes himself to be the true Lord of Ironwrath.

    Yeah i guess theres plenty of ways to have Rodrik be. Personally i love his "Let me save your life and our house" and the smile he gives Asher.

  • He hasn't been killed mainly because the person with the opportunity knew that they'd be screwed with bolton's going after them.

    Ramsay may be crazy but he has lasted this long without ever dying. He must be doing something right ... 0.0

  • Yeah, she's more a victim of circumstance. Bit like Kenny really. He started out as a nice family man, but as surviving was getting to him, he became a source of friction within' the group. He then fell down a deeper whole that saw him completely change in season 2.

    Jeez...that decision at the end of TWDS2 was awful to make.

    I hated Jane too but I don't think she counts as a villain tbh

  • So, does no one else think he has a chin build for receiving an uppercut? :)

  • I've grown to hate her so much I consider her a villain, but that might be a product of the bad taste TWDG2 left in my mouth.

    I hated Jane too but I don't think she counts as a villain tbh

  • I'd say it most likely was. So many things in S2 was mishandled. I like what they did overall, but how they got there could of easily of been better. I think that's what annoys me the most really.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I've grown to hate her so much I consider her a villain, but that might be a product of the bad taste TWDG2 left in my mouth.

  • I don't think so. Everyone's just trying to survive. But there are some pretty fucked up people like the Governor who kill people for entertainment, so for me yes and no.

    As for Kenny as a villain, he definitely is emotional and seems to be constantly frustrated to the point to where he acts irrational or in some people's eyes actually rational. But in the Kenny ending(s), he does show that he cares for the safety of Clem and AJ more than his own that's not villainous to me.

    The entire Kenny vs. Jane thing is just so weird i don't even know what to think of it, it happens so fast. On one end, Kenny was being irrational and should've calmed down to talk about. On the other end, Jane could've stopped the fight because most of the fight she was in control and had the advantage.

    Kenny has acted villainous quite a few times, but for the most part he does truly care for Clementine. I can understand why someone could like Kenny and why someone could dislike Kenny. On one end, he's a good guy just trying to lead groups and his family to be safe. On the other end, he's an asshole and gets angry a lot.

    Flog61 posted: »

    So you don't think anyone in TWD is a villain? :P

  • Ramsay is definitely the worst Character in the game. Let's see all the things he has done if you didn't notice.
    He dishonorably murdered Ethan in cold blood in HIS OWN HALL!!!!
    He gave the Ironwood forest to the Whitehills who desecrated it.
    He flayed innocent people
    He ordered Bolton men to kill all that wouldn't give up their land this includes Gared's father and sister!
    After he murdered Ethan he had Ryon kidnapped by the Whitehills who could kill him at any moment!
    He brutally flayed Arthur Glenmore and cut his stomache open while he made Talia a young girl watch!

    He is not only the worst character in the game he may be the most evil character in the whole series.

    And what did Gryff or Ludd do? Nothing! in comparison to what Ramsay did there actions could be justified as cute.

  • Regardless, he does get a lot more characterisation than some of the other characters, being in nine out of ten episodes will do that. I was under the impression most of the arguing was about whether people hated or loved him. As for how they brought him back, I've seen other works of fiction bring back characters from much clearer deaths and do a lot less with them once they have. I don't really have an issue with that so long as there's a place for him in the story.

    He's quite a controversial character, broken and protective to some and offensive and violent to others. Whether he's hero or villain is really depending on the player. So I suppose he's a valid candidate for the position of "Most Hated Telltale Character", especially considering whenever he gets brought up the discussion seems to become all about him, showing Telltale fans must have strong feelings about him, as to what those feelings are though seems to vary.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Lots of the debate is arguing that he shouldn't have returned in the first place though, which means he's not absolutely one of the most interesting in terms of characterisation :P

  • LOL

    Flog61 posted: »

    you call Kenny a villain irregardless of a canon or anyone else's perspective ...I literally said right above: 'I think he is a v

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