Is Gryff the most hated Telltale villain ever?

I've never seen the amount of bloodlust aimed at any other Telltale character - just about everyone wants to mount his head on a spike. Understandable after the ending of Episode 5. Is there any Telltale character who comes close to Gryff's level of douchebaggery?

In terms of pure villainry I think Carver from TWDs2 exceeds him, douchebag wise Troy from the same series comes close, an unrepentant asshole with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I don't think anyone in TWDs1 comes close, Larry had charm coming out of his ass and the Stranger was more creepy than douchey.

I think the only competition is his walking lard-cake of a father. What'd you think?



  • edited July 2015


    That's my opinion at least.

  • I love Ramsey, really...he's the crazy psychopath unpredictable son of a bitch that GoT deserves, he does his own dirty work, not like that Joffrey bitch.

    1:Gryff. 2:Ludd. 3:Ramsey. That's my opinion at least.

  • Nah, he's just an annoying ugly goblin.

  • I honest don't hate Gryff, ok he's a fucking jackass, but c'mon...Whitehills and Forresters hate each other since forever, his family never expected much of him, i mean...Someone really think he wouldn't be cruel with the Forresters? I don't know if the Forrester were in the Whitehills position they would be any different.

  • Same here. I like how people, who wanted to murder every last Whitehill even before Rodrick/Asher death go apeshit on Gryff's account now. Also, many seem to forget, that Gryff has killed a man, who was about to march against his family with an army of sellswords. Like, what do you think was the right thing for him to do? Let that happen?

    I honest don't hate Gryff, ok he's a fucking jackass, but c'mon...Whitehills and Forresters hate each other since forever, his family never

  • I think Kenny has the title of most hated Telltale villain ever for me, but Gryff is pretty close.

  • Uh oh, you mentioned you-know-who.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think Kenny has the title of most hated Telltale villain ever for me, but Gryff is pretty close.

  • edited July 2015

    I'm ready for the Kenny Defense Brigade to attack.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Uh oh, you mentioned you-know-who.

  • edited July 2015

    I think he is a villain depending on your perspective and how you play your Clem.

  • I never saw him as a villain, everyone is fucked up in TWD...

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think Kenny has the title of most hated Telltale villain ever for me, but Gryff is pretty close.

  • Really? More even than Carver? I don't follow the TWD forum.

  • While Gryff is a nuisance, he's not my top TellTale villain. That honor goes to the Stranger from TWD S1, you try and take Clem away from me, you're going to die. And runner-up is actually the girl who shot Omid in S2, while she got blown-away right after she still did it, and tried to take Clem's hat, another grave offense.

  • So you don't think anyone in TWD is a villain? :P

    I never saw him as a villain, everyone is fucked up in TWD...

  • Kenny's in the group for 9 episodes, Carvers in the story for 2 episodes - it makes sense that people who dislike Kenny have a more intense reaction to him as they've been forced to be in the same group as him for 9 episodes :P

    Really? More even than Carver? I don't follow the TWD forum.

  • edited July 2015

    I never thought this moment would come even if hell froze over, but Arvo has dropped to second on my Telltale Shitlist.

  • Alt text

    Flog61 posted: »

    So you don't think anyone in TWD is a villain? :P

  • Aaaaaand they're here.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'm ready for the Kenny Defense Brigade to attack.

  • I think he's more of a villain depending on how you play your Lee. Even though he is still a huge prick in S2, he's TECHNICALLY a protagonist, because Clem likes him, regardless.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think he is a villain depending on your perspective and how you play your Clem.

  • edited July 2015

    I'd like to twist that lying little Harry Potter SOB's head right off though!

    dinofire posted: »

    I never thought this moment would come even if hell froze over, but Arvo has dropped to second on my Telltale Shitlist.

  • Remember when everyone thought Gryff might be a good guy? Those were the days.

  • Alt text

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think Kenny has the title of most hated Telltale villain ever for me, but Gryff is pretty close.

  • Can't believe I forgot about that little shit, he's probably worse than Gryff thinking about it. Gryff hasn't yet been guilty of attempted child murder (though I wouldn't put it past him). Ramsay is of course worse than both of them, but he's not an original Telltale character.

    dinofire posted: »

    I never thought this moment would come even if hell froze over, but Arvo has dropped to second on my Telltale Shitlist.

  • That asshole has gone too far.

    1. Gryff
    2. Ludd
    3. Harys
  • I kinda think Crook is the best Telltale villain, he was a perfect foil to the protagonist.

    He was calm, collected, in the know with absolutely no mercy or even decency. He was ruthless but had a tiny shred of good.

    Where as Bigby was angry, emotional, and moral. There was always something dark lurking below his surface too.

  • I think that Gryff is the most hated telltale villain ever,the second place goes to Arvo.And the bad guys that i love and hate at the same time are Carver,Vasquez and the Crooked man.

  • I liked crooked, Beauty and Beast were some ungrateful pricks if you ask me.

    Lucky_Maybe posted: »

    I kinda think Crook is the best Telltale villain, he was a perfect foil to the protagonist. He was calm, collected, in the know with abso

  • Really? I thought it was mostly evenly matched. Not including here because all we see is Kenny hate whenever he's mentioned

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think Kenny has the title of most hated Telltale villain ever for me, but Gryff is pretty close.

  • Lol where is that gif from anyway ?

  • Looks awfully a lot like my list of favorite male characters from the game...

    Sorry. Couldn't resist.

    Killah posted: »

    That asshole has gone too far. * Gryff * Ludd * Harys

  • I see Kenny hate when he's mentioned just as much as kenny worship when he's mentioned.

    I think Kenny isn't a villain for some people, but for those who do see him as a villain, he is really hated, and so is easily one of telltale's most hated characters, even if at the same time one of their most liked.

    bloop posted: »

    Really? I thought it was mostly evenly matched. Not including here because all we see is Kenny hate whenever he's mentioned

  • edited July 2015

    Clem likes him, regardless

    Nope. In episode 2 my Clem says 'I never really liked Kenny' to Luke at the dinner.

    She doesn't have much of a reason to like him specifically. I mean, they never interact in season 1, and if Kenny dislikes Lee then he refuses to save Clem which is pretty horrific and shows he doesn't care much about Clem herself.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I think he's more of a villain depending on how you play your Lee. Even though he is still a huge prick in S2, he's TECHNICALLY a protagonist, because Clem likes him, regardless.

  • edited July 2015


    Flog61 posted: »

    I think Kenny has the title of most hated Telltale villain ever for me, but Gryff is pretty close.

  • I thought you'd stop this a year or so a go Flog61, you call Kenny a villain irregardless of a canon or anyone else's perspective for that matter, he was certainly not a villain in my play through and Kenny's well regarded on these forums. So please, stop running your dribble on what I believed to be a fantastic character and one of the highlights of my TWD experiences.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Kenny's in the group for 9 episodes, Carvers in the story for 2 episodes - it makes sense that people who dislike Kenny have a more intense reaction to him as they've been forced to be in the same group as him for 9 episodes :P

  • Gryff is just an arrogant little shit. The real cunt is his precious daddy, that cowardly sack of shit who needs ambushes and the bastard of fucking bolton to deal with a house with absolutely no army or financial significance.

  • Who's Harys?

    Killah posted: »

    That asshole has gone too far. * Gryff * Ludd * Harys

  • edited July 2015

    Alt text

    He may not be in the game but we were still at the wedding.

  • [removed]

    Brody100 posted: »

    I thought you'd stop this a year or so a go Flog61, you call Kenny a villain irregardless of a canon or anyone else's perspective for that m

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