I hate the mom

Especially when she sent that raven to Ludd during my flirt time with Elaena what a stupid bitch wanted to bash her head in. one of the reasons i dont give 2 craps about Ryon as well.


  • edited July 2015

    Lots of people hate her but I've yet to see one actually fair reason why.

    I mean, she was hated on more than Gryff after episode 4 on these forums, and I never quite got it. She's done nothing so controversial that reactions such as

    'what a stupid bitch wanted to bash her head in.'

    are justifiable. People criticised her for saying she wanted every whitehill dead in episode 2, and now it's one of the most popular opinions on the forum!

  • I give a single crap for Ryon because he's a kid. However mom's constant meddling cost Ryon my second crap. Thanks, Mom! ;)

  • during my flirt time with Elaena what a stupid bitch wanted to bash her head in

    alrighty then

  • You're a lovely person, arent you? (so much sarcasm)

  • Ugh don't you hate it when Mums care about their young children and are eager to get them back but are still loyal to the person in charge of the house ugh

    I give a single crap for Ryon because he's a kid. However mom's constant meddling cost Ryon my second crap. Thanks, Mom!

  • honestly if that was real life and my real mom did that i would fucking beaten her up and thrown her in prison. kinda like what robb did to catelyn but he didnt beat her but i would have.

    You're a lovely person, arent you? (so much sarcasm)

  • :-o

    short_stack posted: »

    honestly if that was real life and my real mom did that i would fucking beaten her up and thrown her in prison. kinda like what robb did to catelyn but he didnt beat her but i would have.

  • edited July 2015

    Alt text

    short_stack posted: »

    honestly if that was real life and my real mom did that i would fucking beaten her up and thrown her in prison. kinda like what robb did to catelyn but he didnt beat her but i would have.

  • ya but the timing was F-ed up

    Flog61 posted: »

    Ugh don't you hate it when Mums care about their young children and are eager to get them back but are still loyal to the person in charge of the house ugh

  • Ok big boy, calm down there and take your badass pills...

    short_stack posted: »

    honestly if that was real life and my real mom did that i would fucking beaten her up and thrown her in prison. kinda like what robb did to catelyn but he didnt beat her but i would have.

  • I think you should talk to someone before it will be to late, dude.

    short_stack posted: »

    honestly if that was real life and my real mom did that i would fucking beaten her up and thrown her in prison. kinda like what robb did to catelyn but he didnt beat her but i would have.

  • Haven't even seen her in like two episodes I think. She's probably getting some from Ludd Whitehill.

  • edited July 2015

    ...Maybe some gamers happen to have mummy issues and don't happen to like characters who happen to be mothers?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Lots of people hate her but I've yet to see one actually fair reason why. I mean, she was hated on more than Gryff after episode 4 on the

  • She's been in every episode.

    MrBoolean posted: »

    Haven't even seen her in like two episodes I think. She's probably getting some from Ludd Whitehill.

  • Now that I know she's not the traitor, I actually think she's okay. She does try to be supportive, no matter what option you choose.

  • edited July 2015

    I haven't really had much of an opinion about her. I doubted she was the traitor, which was then confirmed to me when she had all of the ravens killed. That made me like her a lot more.

  • Wow, scar-y.

    short_stack posted: »

    honestly if that was real life and my real mom did that i would fucking beaten her up and thrown her in prison. kinda like what robb did to catelyn but he didnt beat her but i would have.

  • Yes, you really really should.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    I think you should talk to someone before it will be to late, dude.

  • [sarcasm]I know right? It's just so horrible! [/sarcasm]

    Flog61 posted: »

    Ugh don't you hate it when Mums care about their young children and are eager to get them back but are still loyal to the person in charge of the house ugh

  • edited July 2015

    Never hated her, but at the time she already took initiatives without Ethan knowledge I would have liked to have the opportunity for Ethan to confront her and put her in her place instad of the meek dialogue choices we had (Y-you want him to be lord? /B-but you exiled him/ I hear what you're saying).

    There was room for a fourth option in the lines of "I know you thought you were doing it for the good of the family, but from now on remember I and I alone am Lord of this House, mother. Never act again behind my back."

    I was developing Ethan as confident Lord with authority and this would have been so coherent with this character development. I can't see any reason we weren't given such option.

    And of course as Rodrick, a grown man, lack of any options to confront the mother after the raven to Ludd thing was just insane.

  • Alt text

    short_stack posted: »

    honestly if that was real life and my real mom did that i would fucking beaten her up and thrown her in prison. kinda like what robb did to catelyn but he didnt beat her but i would have.

  • I love her. She is one of my favorite characters in the game.

  • I'm so with you on that but I also don't like her because she stopped Rodrick from killing Gryff which led to Rodricks death. She has to realize Ryon is a Whitehill now .

  • Ryon is a Whitehill now

    Alt text

    Um... what? Ryon was and always will be the Forrester.

    Trickhead posted: »

    I'm so with you on that but I also don't like her because she stopped Rodrick from killing Gryff which led to Rodricks death. She has to realize Ryon is a Whitehill now .

  • "Iron from Ice!" - Ryon

    Trickhead posted: »

    I'm so with you on that but I also don't like her because she stopped Rodrick from killing Gryff which led to Rodricks death. She has to realize Ryon is a Whitehill now .

  • I wouldn't say he's a Whitehill, but I'd say there's no chance of them ever getting him back. Ryon died the moment they allowed him to be taken from the hall.

    Trickhead posted: »

    I'm so with you on that but I also don't like her because she stopped Rodrick from killing Gryff which led to Rodricks death. She has to realize Ryon is a Whitehill now .

  • I agree that she is annoying as hell especially when she goes behind my back. I hated when she didn't let me kill Gryff. I would have liked an option to have had her arrested. I was hoping she was the traitor so I could have a reason to get rid of her.

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