Just need some clarification for the traitor's identity

So, tell me if I'm wrong, but the traitor is always the one who isn't the Sentinel, right? So, for example, if I choose Duncan as Sentinel, and I did everything against his advice (starving the Whitehill soldiers, getting up from the mud, bringing Royland and soldiers to Highpoint), Royland will still be the traitor?


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator


  • I played it like an hour ago, and I guess so, but I partially wish the maester became the traitor if you were neutral.

  • edited July 2015

    Yep, that is the only choice which sets up the traitor. And even if you follow the non-sentinel's advice to the T, they'll still accuse you of being the opposite. (Be peaceful, Duncan still calls you violent. Be strict, Royland still calls you weak)

  • I read a few youtube comments of people saying they got their Sentinel as the traitor. Don't know if it's happened to anybody here, but it's interesting.

  • Anyone else notice that the things the traitor accuses you of doing, actually happened after he started spying?

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah, like a (+) and (-) formula. A (-) for every decision Royland approves of, and a (+) for every decision Duncan approves of. And in the end if the number is positive, Royland's the traitor accusing Rodrick of acting weak; if the number is negative, Duncan's the traitor accusing Rodrick of acting reckless; and if the number is 0, its the maester accusing Rodrick of being indecisive.

    I played it like an hour ago, and I guess so, but I partially wish the maester became the traitor if you were neutral.

  • We don't know how long the traitor was relaying information.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Anyone else notice that the things the traitor accuses you of doing, actually happened after he started spying?

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