Sorry Telltale, I think you messed this one up badly

Just to get this out the way, I absolutely love every other tell-tale game I have played. Every episode of every franchise, every plot, even the slightly weaker ones have been great. I really am a fan and up to now have fully defended Telltale when people raise things like choice etc.

However Episode 5 is just ridiculous. The things that take place make no sense whatsoever. To have betrayal decided by the action of a boy choosing a sentinel in the very first episode is completely illogical. Furthermore it contradicts everything that happened since that time.

It's just really lazy writing that doesn't follow the narrative whatsoever. I really don't understand why Telltale made this choice.

It kind of makes the game pointless, because I now feel that any ending can randomly appear as it does not have to fit logically with the story as a whole? What were they thinking?

I won't be buying a second season of GoT if it appears.



  • Aren't there enough of these threads?

  • Agreed

    Flog61 posted: »

    Aren't there enough of these threads?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    That's just the way this forum works. TWD had its Kenny/Liliy and Kenny/Jane threads (among others), TFTB has its weird asphyxiation with shipping, it seems that episode 5 of GOT is just getting a lot of negative threads.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Aren't there enough of these threads?

  • Seriously how many threads are there saying this exact same thing? I'll just answer how I answered before. Was episode 5 poor? Yes. Several across the forums including myself think it's sub par but that doesn't ruin the entirety what's been an overall good game. Really this is the only episode I've disliked so I'll let it slide

  • Exactly! Not only they made the traitor thing look completely stupid, they also made me think that sentinel is also as trustworthy as the traitor (imo), I mean what if they don't approve of something and turn on as the traitor and then the sentinel choice would be useless! Royland and Duncan's trust is determinant after all and could end up both of them backstabbing you!
    I will buy second seasons if it appears, though. Maybe. If Forresters survive the 1st season.

  • Nah, I think we need maybe, 5, 10, 1500 more? Then that might be pushing it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Aren't there enough of these threads?

  • Well I think there are going to be more as people finish the game. I only finished it last night and its been annoying me all day.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Aren't there enough of these threads?

  • edited July 2015

    Yeah but I started a thread about gay marriage a few months ago which was closed just because there was another thread about gay marriage months prior to it which the mods said I should have posted in, seems odd that these threads aren't being merged.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    That's just the way this forum works. TWD had its Kenny/Liliy and Kenny/Jane threads (among others), TFTB has its weird asphyxiation with shipping, it seems that episode 5 of GOT is just getting a lot of negative threads.

  • Thank you.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Aren't there enough of these threads?

  • Just goes to show you can't really trust anyone anywhere in Westeros. I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't really mind who the traitor is. :v

  • I actually loved episode 5. It was awesome and my favorite episode. Don't get me wrong TFTB is way better, but GOT has been pretty good these last 2 episodes after the first 3 abysmal episodes.

  • Right? I'm just seeing so much negativity, a lot that is uncalled for, too. Especially when there are like 10 threads like this made each day. I get that people are angry, but one episode that wasn't as good as the rest doesn't change the game experience or my view of the Telltale staff.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Seriously how many threads are there saying this exact same thing? I'll just answer how I answered before. Was episode 5 poor? Yes. Several

  • Plot twists: it was always the mom... dun dun dunnnnn lol

  • As if there hasn't been any negativity or dislike towards Telltales's decisions before on the forums. I call this a Tuesday.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Seriously how many threads are there saying this exact same thing? I'll just answer how I answered before. Was episode 5 poor? Yes. Several

  • I'm just seeing so much negativity

    Welcome to the forums.

    sabinas posted: »

    Right? I'm just seeing so much negativity, a lot that is uncalled for, too. Especially when there are like 10 threads like this made each da

  • Welcome to the forums.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Aren't there enough of these threads?

  • We get it, the episode was disappointing. I have some issues with some matters as well and I explained them on the other threads. Now can we PLEASE move on, let Telltale breathe and cook their last episode before judging completely ?

  • Yes true. This game is the type of game that sucks NOW but will age better as time goes on. It seems like they have more in store if they take their time. Though I do think TT will have something more surprising planned in episode 6.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    We get it, the episode was disappointing. I have some issues with some matters as well and I explained them on the other threads. Now can we PLEASE move on, let Telltale breathe and cook their last episode before judging completely ?

  • I just meant a hell lot more lately. There's always negativity, I get that.

    Green613 posted: »

    I'm just seeing so much negativity Welcome to the forums.

  • Oh I know, but usually somewhere on the forums there's always a fuckton of negativity, before it was TWD S2, after that it was Minecraft, now it 's GoT. And that isn't even counting the things before that and the things in between those periods of negativity. :P

    sabinas posted: »

    I just meant a hell lot more lately. There's always negativity, I get that.

  • edited July 2015

    Absolutely. I won't stop trusting and trash Telltale continuously for one missed in the season. They did well with the other episodes and we already explained several times why this episode was wrong, let's give them some room to work things out.

    Yes true. This game is the type of game that sucks NOW but will age better as time goes on. It seems like they have more in store if they take their time. Though I do think TT will have something more surprising planned in episode 6.

  • Yeah, I wasn't around for that time but I definitely knew what I was getting into when I came here, haha. Fans get passionate. I specified my comment toward the GoT community though, where since the last episode it feels like people are complaining 10x more. When you see the same type of thread with the practically same complaints it gets a bit annoying, especially for people who actually enjoyed the episode and get questioned for liking it.

    Green613 posted: »

    Oh I know, but usually somewhere on the forums there's always a fuckton of negativity, before it was TWD S2, after that it was Minecraft, no

  • When you see the same type of thread with the practically same complaints it gets a bit annoying, especially for people who actually enjoyed the episode and get questioned for liking it.

    Exactly what I went through with the entirety of season 2 of TWD. People are just going to be people, what are ya gonna do :/

    sabinas posted: »

    Yeah, I wasn't around for that time but I definitely knew what I was getting into when I came here, haha. Fans get passionate. I specified m

  • Probably because that's in no way related to TellTale's games.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Yeah but I started a thread about gay marriage a few months ago which was closed just because there was another thread about gay marriage mo

  • [quote] especially for people who actually enjoyed the episode and get questioned for liking it.[/quote]

    For me, that's because, aside from letting Telltale know how very upset I am, I'd genuinely like someone to explain to me how walking into an ambush you know about makes any kind of sense whatsoever. How is it enjoyable when you can't make your characters avoid an obvious trap?

    For me, it's like watching at a screen and screaming at the characters to not open a door. Except that a gaming experience, particularly one that promotes itself as an experience where choice matters, should not have that problem where I feel I am unable to affect the outcome.

    sabinas posted: »

    Yeah, I wasn't around for that time but I definitely knew what I was getting into when I came here, haha. Fans get passionate. I specified m

  • edited July 2015

    The 'General chat' forum is for anything you like, actually.

    I believe that's why it's called 'general chat'.

    LeFedore posted: »

    Probably because that's in no way related to TellTale's games.

  • I think that TT changed the traitor to whom is not your Sentinel probably because the traitor only did turn traitor since he was not the sentinel.

  • edited July 2015

    I won't be buying a second season of GoT if it appears.

    Yes you will. People like you always come back for more.

  • When you see the same type of thread with the practically same complaints it gets a bit annoying, especially for people who actually enjoyed the episode and get questioned for liking it.

    Thats why I don't take most of the opinions of these posters seriously. At most points they either go overboard with their complaints or try to mask the death of a character or a nitpick as a general flaw with the narrative when really the writing of it was fine. TWDS2 is a decent example of what I'm talking about.

    sabinas posted: »

    Yeah, I wasn't around for that time but I definitely knew what I was getting into when I came here, haha. Fans get passionate. I specified m

  • clearly not. but gee, how dare the consumer base voice their disatisfaction amirite

    Flog61 posted: »

    Aren't there enough of these threads?

  • say what? this episode is bad because it ruins all the episodes prior, we're not sorry for having legitimately disliking something as opposed to just hating on it

    Clemenem posted: »

    Seriously how many threads are there saying this exact same thing? I'll just answer how I answered before. Was episode 5 poor? Yes. Several

  • incorrect

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Absolutely. I won't stop trusting and trash Telltale continuously for one missed in the season. They did well with the other episodes and we already explained several times why this episode was wrong, let's give them some room to work things out.

  • i dont get it, is this the new rustled your jimmies thing which was the new umad? wow the 'umad' ohrase evolves so fast and gets stupider each time, glad Im not a sheep who buys into this rubbish but is still streets art enough to see when some clown attempts to copy it

  • Voicing your dissatisfaction has been done to death already and it's only been 5 days. There's a point where it starts to go overboard, and as soon as other forum members start to get annoyed, you know the line has been crossed.

    Anfarwol posted: »

    clearly not. but gee, how dare the consumer base voice their disatisfaction amirite

  • blame the supplier not the consumer then

    Green613 posted: »

    Voicing your dissatisfaction has been done to death already and it's only been 5 days. There's a point where it starts to go overboard, and as soon as other forum members start to get annoyed, you know the line has been crossed.

  • What is ?

    Anfarwol posted: »


  • Except I was fine with what they supplied, when the consumer can't stop throwing their opinion around every 2 seconds, then I'll blame them for it.

    Anfarwol posted: »

    blame the supplier not the consumer then

  • You hate opinions? Just wow, I neednt say more

    Green613 posted: »

    Except I was fine with what they supplied, when the consumer can't stop throwing their opinion around every 2 seconds, then I'll blame them for it.

  • I feel like that's the same thing that happened with TWAU last year. It's almost a completely different game when your playing them in one go between playing them as they come out.

    Yes true. This game is the type of game that sucks NOW but will age better as time goes on. It seems like they have more in store if they take their time. Though I do think TT will have something more surprising planned in episode 6.

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