Sorry Telltale, I think you messed this one up badly



  • To be fair, you probably will as well. We're all stuck in this together until it truly ends. We're almost like the Naruto Fandom to a much lesser extent. Where we'll hate what we watch but we keep watching it/ talking about because we have to see how it ends, like it's an obligation.

    I won't be buying a second season of GoT if it appears. Yes you will. People like you always come back for more.

  • To be fair, you probably will as well.

    Well yeah. I'm loving their take on Game of Thrones so of course I'll be back for more. Speaking of Naruto, I should go back to watching it sometime. I usually just play the ultimate ninja storm games than watch the anime.

    tintin1029 posted: »

    To be fair, you probably will as well. We're all stuck in this together until it truly ends. We're almost like the Naruto Fandom to a much l

  • So you want all the games to be the same? then don't buy season 2! Stop acting like a professional critic and play the game. I like the game for what it is. One bad episode doesn't mean it's the end of the series.

  • He never said he hated opinions, he's saying he hates people saying they hate the game every 5 seconds. It's been done to death, we get it, a lot of people hate this.

    Anfarwol posted: »

    You hate opinions? Just wow, I neednt say more

  • Still, it's just something you've gotta deal with. Every game has it's own demons and as more people complete the game and join the forums, it's just going to happen.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    He never said he hated opinions, he's saying he hates people saying they hate the game every 5 seconds. It's been done to death, we get it, a lot of people hate this.

  • Well this by no means has any effect on be buying hopefully a Season Two. So far all of Telltale's games have left me wanting another season for them. However I was disappointed with the traitor. Especially since as Rodrik you could side with either's logic no matter who Ethan picked. I'm not saying this to spam hate, it's just this is the same people that made The Wolf Among Us. Remember all the twists and turns finding the murderer in that one? I wouldn't have objected to the traitor being pre-determined. It's just when I saw the reveal it was like, 'oh, it's the opposite Sentinel choice...that makes sense." It was very predictable which Telltale strives not to do to its players. Personally I was really hoping that the traitor would be their maester. It's someone motivated to the salvation and service of the house as the traitor seemed to be and I think more people would have been surprised by it. However I will say one thing to it's benefit and it's that the ramifications of Duncan's fate should prove interesting in the choices people make as Gared. As my traitor was Royland though, well, the reveal just wasn't what it should have been.That's just my rambling two cents and I wanted to get it off my chest since Tuesday and this is the first thread I stumbled upon. Sorry if it just riles more people up. It was not my intention.

  • They can voice their dissatisfaction on the many threads about this topic that already exist.

    Anfarwol posted: »

    clearly not. but gee, how dare the consumer base voice their disatisfaction amirite

  • Love how you just made something up out of nowhere and didn't actually do anything to counter my argument.

    10/10 rebuttal bro

    Anfarwol posted: »

    You hate opinions? Just wow, I neednt say more

  • "Help the nazis are attacking us"

    "Wow is that all you can say? so sick of it, thats it we wont help you now"

    your logic

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    He never said he hated opinions, he's saying he hates people saying they hate the game every 5 seconds. It's been done to death, we get it, a lot of people hate this.

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