Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Great to know!! <3

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    You have an excellent choice in ships!

  • I wonder if it will be 1000 pages by the time TftB ends? :o

  • Happy birthday! That cake is glorious. It would take at least 5mins to eat it all. :D

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Have some big cake because that's the only thing I can give you for my b-day. I see we're on the page 420, blaze it And happy birthday Aurora @rhonu !

  • This was the first Marvel film since Captain America: The First Avenger that I went to see with low expectations. I just didn't consider Ant-Man to be a cool Marvel superhero, but I was proven wrong :)

    The Marvel films do manage to incorporate some great humor. Unfortunately in my viewing of it, some fuck-head in the back row kept making annoying sounds like "Oooohhhhhh!" whenever a character got angry, and he would laugh stupidly loud at a joke >:(

    buntingsir posted: »

    Haven't seen a lot of Marvel films myself (I am shame) and I went to see this film without big expectations, but I was rather surprised that I actually quite enjoyed it. It was engaging, light-hearted and even funny at times.

  • This is so cute <3 I can't even <3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    "Fiona. Fi, waaaake up." He whispered to her ear that was half covered in her messy brown hair, not wanting the kids to hear him in the midd

  • This one was pretty good. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Oh yeah, I loved Ant-Man, it's probably one of my favorite Marvel movies

  • Aww, birthday fics! I love them, they're always cute, and this is no exception! :D

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    "Fiona. Fi, waaaake up." He whispered to her ear that was half covered in her messy brown hair, not wanting the kids to hear him in the midd

  • Haha, stop being so dramatic, Rhys. :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "In the name of Rhyiona, I will punish you!"

  • Take your time! I'm sure it will be well worth waiting for. :)

    Brawl posted: »

    54 pics , and this only the start of the comic , i hope i can finish it tonight.

  • Wow, that's unfortunate. :( Some people can be really annoying... hate those types.

    At least seems like you still managed to have a nice time, good for you. ^_^

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    This was the first Marvel film since Captain America: The First Avenger that I went to see with low expectations. I just didn't consider Ant

  • Me neither! I'll really have to read those books sometimes so I know all the backstory. I think Ciri is in the books too, right?

    You're probably right about Triss/Geralt. I'm keeping away from the Witcher fandom so I don't get spoilers, but I bet there's some real shipping tensions going on! I'll probably try Triss sometime, but for now, it's Yen 100%. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I've never played the games! Didn't know they were based on books until a few days ago! XP I think cuz Triss and Geralt are a thing in 1

  • This is the only time it has happened, thank God... I was ready to go and smack him in the face.... Then probably get my ass kicked :P

    I did :)

    buntingsir posted: »

    Wow, that's unfortunate. Some people can be really annoying... hate those types. At least seems like you still managed to have a nice time, good for you. ^_^

  • I will definitely read them at some point! Yes, Ciri is in the books as well :)

    Triss and Yen are different in the books, Triss especially. But again, it comes down to what is in the player's heart with the games. For the books, Yen and Geralt were in love, then something happened to Geralt... He hooked up with Triss, although their relationship was always somewhat rocky; eventually he reunites with yen :D

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Me neither! I'll really have to read those books sometimes so I know all the backstory. I think Ciri is in the books too, right? You're p

  • No, I bet you'd kick his ass ;3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    This is the only time it has happened, thank God... I was ready to go and smack him in the face.... Then probably get my ass kicked :P I did

  • Lol maybe. He had his bro's with him :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    No, I bet you'd kick his ass ;3

  • Thank you guys for cheering me up <3 , it makes me work faster and with more dedication

    Brawl posted: »

    54 pics , and this only the start of the comic , i hope i can finish it tonight.

  • I dunno why, but where you live I would expect that kind of behavior, no offence.

    Thou, yeah. Those guys are a-holes :/

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    This was the first Marvel film since Captain America: The First Avenger that I went to see with low expectations. I just didn't consider Ant

  • Behavior from me or from the guy in the back? :/

    I agree, just ruining the experience for other people...

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I dunno why, but where you live I would expect that kind of behavior, no offence. Thou, yeah. Those guys are a-holes

  • Aww, yes! I bet it will be so strange seeing everyone in the books after getting to know them in the games. What if their personalities are really different? :o Tbh, Triss/Geralt always seemed kinda like a friends-with-benefits thing to me personally. But I can see why fans like it. I love the idea of Geralt and Yen reuniting after all their struggles, seems like true love. <3 Very dramatic too!

    And of course there's the fact that Yennefer is really beautiful! That first scene at Kaer Morhen, I was like :o "I'm sold!" And the cinematic with her using magic.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I will definitely read them at some point! Yes, Ciri is in the books as well Triss and Yen are different in the books, Triss especially.

  • In a way, Geralt and Yen have fairytale love like Bigby and Snow, which is why I love them so much as a couple...

    I know Triss is different in that she is more of a bitch in the books, and Yen is nicer in the books as well. That being said, Yen isn't a saint, and a lover of her's almost had a duel with Geralt over her (if the duel had been fought, Geralt would've died)

    Yen has a Snow White look to her which is probably why I like her beauty. Then again Ciri and Triss are beauties as well :)

    Triss has a curvier physique than Yen, but she looks younger as well...

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Aww, yes! I bet it will be so strange seeing everyone in the books after getting to know them in the games. What if their personalities are

  • Hey! And no, sorry :/ a lot of people think I am because of my username, and many misspell it as WolverineCed.

    I used to play this online game called Feral Heart and I needed to come up with an username and I tried to make something random up, so I picked Wolvorine (it was ment to just be a random word) and then only a few days later I realized that it was an actually character and also animal species (I was so dumb back then ugh) and started to regret picking it, but then I started a youtube channel for a while and people in that online game started to regocnize me and I thought "oh well it's too late to change it now anyways." I've stopped playing the game for a long time now but I decided to keep the username on websites.

    And the name "Ced" is my main character from that game as well... once again sorry for the confusion.

    Hi! Another wolverine fan?

  • Thank you! and yeah I hope you guys won't think my music taste is terrible xD

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Welcome! Ooh, if you have stuff to share, it's always welcome on the thread!

  • Good point! Now you mention it, Geralt and Bigby remind me a little of each other too. :)

    I like that though, it makes Yen more well-rounded to have some flaws, especially since the setting is so bleak. I'd be surprised if anyone there is 100% good! I'm always a little wary about the witches in general. Like Philippa. I like her character, but I wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw her (spoiler alert: that's not very far :D ). Huh, I didn't know that about Triss. I wonder what makes her more bitchy in the books? Maybe having a relationship with Geralt mellowed her, heh.

    Very true! All the ladies are really beautiful. I just love the black-hair and blue/grey eyes combo. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    In a way, Geralt and Yen have fairytale love like Bigby and Snow, which is why I love them so much as a couple... I know Triss is differe

  • Thank YOU for your dedication. 54 images is quite a lot and the fact you're trying to finish it all tonight means you deserve even more kudos. Don't try to overwork yourself, take a break when needed! :)

    Brawl posted: »

    Thank you guys for cheering me up , it makes me work faster and with more dedication

  • Holy crap, really? :( If you don't mind me asking, what happened? (You can always PM me if it's too personal to share here)

    rhonu posted: »

    i was having a shitty birthday until i came here and i read all of your sweet messages :__) thank you so much. you do for me more than you c

  • I've got more than 54 images , right now there's 102 images and still working.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Thank YOU for your dedication. 54 images is quite a lot and the fact you're trying to finish it all tonight means you deserve even more kudos. Don't try to overwork yourself, take a break when needed!

  • 102!? Holy crap!

    Brawl posted: »

    I've got more than 54 images , right now there's 102 images and still working.

  • I enjyed it :3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hope you enjoy it!

  • ded thread

  • trying to write like

    Alt text

  • Hyperactive Kermit is hyperactive.

    But if you ever feel Writer's block sneaking up on you, remember the wise words of Shia: Just DO IT!!!!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    trying to write like


    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Hyperactive Kermit is hyperactive. But if you ever feel Writer's block sneaking up on you, remember the wise words of Shia: Just DO IT!!!!

  • Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Our lord Shia is our savior.

    Alt text

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • Shia gives me hope. Lol

  • Shia is our lord.

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    Shia gives me hope. Lol

  • And shall saves us with his endorsement deal with Nike..

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Shia is our lord.

  • Geralt is a lot cooler and than Bigby though ;) Then again, Geralt can't keep his dick in his pants either...

    The sorceresses have their flaws as any person does...

    Yen's eyes are actually violet colored :D

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Good point! Now you mention it, Geralt and Bigby remind me a little of each other too. I like that though, it makes Yen more well-round

  • Good stuff :)

    I enjyed it

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