''Damon! Did you kill the slaver?'' Harold asked his friend ''Yes i did,we will be rich by tomorrow morning!'' ''We will split up t… morehe payment though right?'' Harold asks Damon ''No i will be getting the money,i need it more than you'' Harold is shocked by Damon's statement ''Why? Are you planning to go somewhere?'' ''Maybe,but even if i didn't i would be getting all the pay anyway'' Damon smirks at Harold,he is quite handsome with tanned skin, heart shaped face and a jawline that could chisel granite, high cheekbones, prominent chin, deep-set bright green eyes, high-arching eyebrows, straight nose, full lips, long well-groomed chocolate brown hair that just goes past his shoulder blades, stubble, he is 6"4, lean and athletic, thick neck,he stands tall with cockiness. ''So are we going to Croft's tent or not?'' Damon nods to Harold ''Let's go''
''How much is Croft going to give us? Three hundred Gold Dragons?'' Harold asked ''Are y… [view original content]
''Damon! Did you kill the slaver?'' Harold asked his friend ''Yes i did,we will be rich by tomorrow morning!'' ''We will split up t… morehe payment though right?'' Harold asks Damon ''No i will be getting the money,i need it more than you'' Harold is shocked by Damon's statement ''Why? Are you planning to go somewhere?'' ''Maybe,but even if i didn't i would be getting all the pay anyway'' Damon smirks at Harold,he is quite handsome with tanned skin, heart shaped face and a jawline that could chisel granite, high cheekbones, prominent chin, deep-set bright green eyes, high-arching eyebrows, straight nose, full lips, long well-groomed chocolate brown hair that just goes past his shoulder blades, stubble, he is 6"4, lean and athletic, thick neck,he stands tall with cockiness. ''So are we going to Croft's tent or not?'' Damon nods to Harold ''Let's go''
''How much is Croft going to give us? Three hundred Gold Dragons?'' Harold asked ''Are y… [view original content]
[Spend 50 Gold Dragons,buy a ship and sail to White Harbor with 45 sellswords] I submitted a character who I hope you will like.The House name I used was actually from the same extract used where Telltale got House Forrester for a bit of trivia.
''Damon! Did you kill the slaver?'' Harold asked his friend ''Yes i did,we will be rich by tomorrow morning!'' ''We will split up t… morehe payment though right?'' Harold asks Damon ''No i will be getting the money,i need it more than you'' Harold is shocked by Damon's statement ''Why? Are you planning to go somewhere?'' ''Maybe,but even if i didn't i would be getting all the pay anyway'' Damon smirks at Harold,he is quite handsome with tanned skin, heart shaped face and a jawline that could chisel granite, high cheekbones, prominent chin, deep-set bright green eyes, high-arching eyebrows, straight nose, full lips, long well-groomed chocolate brown hair that just goes past his shoulder blades, stubble, he is 6"4, lean and athletic, thick neck,he stands tall with cockiness. ''So are we going to Croft's tent or not?'' Damon nods to Harold ''Let's go''
''How much is Croft going to give us? Three hundred Gold Dragons?'' Harold asked ''Are y… [view original content]
Sent my character but ugh the 500 character limit! Please excuse the bad starting of sentences! Forgot to put in the description but he has light green eyes with a ring of blue inside.
Sent my character but ugh the 500 character limit! Please excuse the bad starting of sentences! Forgot to put in the description but he has light green eyes with a ring of blue inside.
If it is too much work you really don't have to I just want to be as detailed as possible to help you out more.I think mine will be enough for you anyway so please don't feel like it is necessary for now.
''Damon! Did you kill the slaver?'' Harold asked his friend ''Yes i did,we will be rich by tomorrow morning!'' ''We will split up t… morehe payment though right?'' Harold asks Damon ''No i will be getting the money,i need it more than you'' Harold is shocked by Damon's statement ''Why? Are you planning to go somewhere?'' ''Maybe,but even if i didn't i would be getting all the pay anyway'' Damon smirks at Harold,he is quite handsome with tanned skin, heart shaped face and a jawline that could chisel granite, high cheekbones, prominent chin, deep-set bright green eyes, high-arching eyebrows, straight nose, full lips, long well-groomed chocolate brown hair that just goes past his shoulder blades, stubble, he is 6"4, lean and athletic, thick neck,he stands tall with cockiness. ''So are we going to Croft's tent or not?'' Damon nods to Harold ''Let's go''
''How much is Croft going to give us? Three hundred Gold Dragons?'' Harold asked ''Are y… [view original content]
I will write a chapter about your character tomorrow,be sure to follow this thread and at the end of every chapter you will have to make a choice that will greatly influence every character's story ark,so if i will post chapters with other characters,be sure to read them too and give a choice at the end of them.Also,do you agree if i put your character in a romance?
I will write a chapter about your character tomorrow,be sure to follow this thread and at the end of every chapter you will have to make a c… morehoice that will greatly influence every character's story ark,so if i will post chapters with other characters,be sure to read them too and give a choice at the end of them.Also,do you agree if i put your character in a romance?
If it is too much work you really don't have to I just want to be as detailed as possible to help you out more.I think mine will be enough for you anyway so please don't feel like it is necessary for now.
Thank you for fixing it for us I found it perfect this time!
I submitted my character again and with more information that will hopefully be useful for you when writing my character.I love the story so far!
I was just thinking about that romance,i already read your character,tomorrow's chapter will feature your character,and it will ve an awesome and long chapter!
I was just thinking about that romance,i already read your character,tomorrow's chapter will feature your character,and it will ve an awesome and long chapter!
You just submit your character,i will develop it,i will give you choices at the end of every chapter,you will choose what you want. ( Please stick around for other character's choices and be sure to follow this thread! Thank you for submitting!
''My lord! A raven has arrived from Ironrath!'' Mark is a tall man,around 5ft 10 and he is broad shouldered which is a common trait in House Logan's men but has smaller feet which he's self conscious about. His hair is a light brown with darker tips and highlights which is usually styled like the son of the lord of house Glenmore,Arthur.He's growing a chinstrap out which is stubble for now and his eyebrows are thick; his right one has a scar going down to the bottom of his right eye which is got from brawling with a peasant boy. On his left forearm is another scar from being gashed by a sword when he was practicing. He wears a necklace with his house sigil on (a hammer pounding an anvil) as well as a battered leather bracelet that Talia gave him when he visited Ironrath a long time ago. His skin is pale from living up north and the tips of his ears are usually red. Mark was in the chambers of his castle, Castle Smithon,when his master-at-arms Orell entered his room ''It's from Ironrath...Talia asked to see you'' Mark gets up from his bed,and takes a little book from his ironwood table,which was at the center of his room,he never knew why he made the forresters craft that table,because he never used it,he even had another table in the room he dines in. Maybe it was to remind him how bound he was to the forresters or just because he was rich enough to afford it. ''Is she in danger? What happened? Did Ludd do something?'' Mark got upset ''No,nothing like that,she just asked to see you'' Orell reassured Mark ''I think she is a little upset because the bethrotal was cancelled ''It wasn't cancelled,just delayed.'' Mark browsed through all the pages of the book ''Orell,i suggest you read this book,it's about one hand fighting,you could get better'' Mark gave the book to Orell ''Thank you,my lord'' He bowed to him ''Go prepare my steed,tell Talon and Yara to come with me.'' ''I will my lord'' Mark then decided to bring Fury,House Logan's weapon,and his trusty shield with him. Then he went to his sister Lauryn's room,he knocked on the door ''Come in'' a pretty little voice ringed through the walls of the entire house, Mark entered his sister's room ''Are you going to Ironrath,brother?'' Mark smiled at her,and then sat down on the floor ''Yes i am,i am going to visit Talia'' Lauryn's face lit up ''Talia! Will you ask her to come here? She is so sweet and plays with me all the time! Or...well...played...'' Lauryn's face saddened ''I will ask her! I promise!'' ''I will take care of Brennan'' Brennan was the thirdborn son of House Logan,he is five ''Thank you Lauryn,oh and if he starts an argument for getting roasted duck again smack him in the face and tell him i will cook his damn duck when i return'' Lauryn chuckles ''I will brother,be safe'' Mark then went downstairs,opened the door,and got on his horse.He tugged his leather bracelet,which was given to him by Talia,and then sprinted towards ironrath with his two guards.
''Mark! Do you think we will be allowed to enter the castle?'' Talon asked his friend Mark ''I will see that you are put in the most comfortable chambers!'' Joked Mark ''If you don't i will swear fealty to the whitehills!'' Yara told Mark ''Don't even joke about that'' Mark's face darkened ''I'm sorry,i would never do that! I was just joking!'' ''You could have spared that bad joke'' Talon pointed out ''IRONRATH UP AHEAD! BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOUR!'' Mark screamed,then lifted the banner of House Logan up high in the sky ''It's Lord Mark! Don't shoot!'' One of the guards that was in front of the gate screamed. Mark dismounted from his horse and walked up to the gate ''I am the Lord of House Logan,a raven was sent to me by Talia,Lord Rodrik's sister.'' The guards open the gate and offer Mark a warm welcome ''We are going to call Lord Rodrik,stay here until he comes'' A guard says,then runs toward the Forrester Stronghold ''Are you house Forrester's only men?'' Mark says to the guards,they were less than 20 men ''Unfortunately we are,House Forrester relies on it's allies at the moment'' Says an old man,who seems to be the leader of the troops ''I hope our house could offer it's best soldiers then.Who are you?'' The man bows ''I am Ser Royland Degore,commander of the troops and master at arms of this House'' Mark shakes his hand,then turns to see Rodrik Before he speaks with him,he takes Royland to the side''Escort Talon to your finest chambers,keep an eye out for the girl,Yara'' Royland nods ''Welcome to Ironrath'' Rodrik bows to Mark ''It's an honor to be here'' Mark kneels before him ''Raise,Lord Logan,Talia asked to see you'' Mark's face lits up and he becomes happy ''I waited a long time to see her'' ''She is in her rooms,meet her there'' Rodrik smiles and then gives Mark directions. Mark runs up to the stairs of the stronghold and knocks on her door. Talia opens her door ''Mark! I missed you'' Talia hugs Mark as hard and she can and starts sobbing in his chest ''Hey,don't cry,you are more beautiful when you smile'' Mark wipes her tears away and kisses her,she doesn't pull away but she takes him into her room and locks the door behind her.
She continues kissing Mark but she pulls away after a while ''Mark i was hoping you could help me'' Mark's face sweetens ''Anything you want Talia'' Talia seems to search for words,but she sighs ''You will never do it,just forgive it'' ''Talia i promise you i will'' Mark becomes serious ''It's...we don't have many man and House Whitehill wants to declare war. I just wanted to ask you if you could...'' ''The best i can give you is thirty or forty troops. I have a lot of wounded men from the battle of Oxcross,where we fought for Robb,so i hope that could be enough'' Talia jumps from excitement then hugs Mark ''It's perfect! Thank you Mark,i don't know how to thank you really i don-'' Talia gets interrupted by Mark,who kisses her and slips into her hand his bracelet ''We were to be bethrothed,why won't you ask Rodrik if we can now?'' Talia then sits down and thinks ''I don't know,i really want this to happen,but...'' she grips the bracelet harder ''I will ask him,hopefully he'll understand'' she smiles at him ''Talia,could you please make me a new one?'' Mark asks her,putting his hand into hers and taking the bracelet,which was broken on two sides and scratched inside ''Sure,it will take some time'' Talia says,then Mark gets up ''I got to go'' When Mark opens her door,Talia runs up to him,and takes his hand ''Can i come with you?'' ''Sure,the horse it's by the gate,it's not that far from here'' ''I mean to Smithon,with you'' Mark's face saddens ''I am afraid you can't'' ''It's not fair'' Talia fights to keep from crying ''When we'll be bethrothed you could come,but now,with all the Whitehill business and a traitor being in your council,i doubt your brother will permit it'' When they arrive at the gate,Mark gets on his horse,where Talon and Yara were waiting by it ''Goodbye Talia,stay safe'' Mark says,then kisses her,then he gets on his horse and speeds out of Ironrath with Talon and Yara. ''Mark! Those chambers were awesome! Will we visit Ironrath again?'' Talon asked Mark,his long black hair flowing in the air ''What?! He was in the chambers? I was kept by a grizzly old man on my feet! Why wasn't i invited to the chambers?''
[Lie to Yara][Tell Yara the truth][Tell Yara the truth and warn her]
Some people do,some people don't,but if you read a chapter be sure to vote every time! I say this to everyone because i write one or two new chapter every day,so many times i don't have enough choices. For example,go vote the three previous chapters,there are two character choices you can vote on! Thank you for submitting!
vote the choices at the end! The voting doesn't stop when a new chapter gets written,but when that character's chapter it's written! (at the moment i made four chapters,one including your character,now i am going to introduct another character and i am going to write the second chapter of the first character i introduced,so if you vote now the choice counts! If you have any doubts send me a private message and i will clear your doubts
Mark Logan
''My lord! A raven has arrived from Ironrath!'' Mark is a tall man,around 5ft 10 and he is broad shouldered which is a common… more trait in House Logan's men but has smaller feet which he's self conscious about. His hair is a light brown with darker tips and highlights which is usually styled like the son of the lord of house Glenmore,Arthur.He's growing a chinstrap out which is stubble for now and his eyebrows are thick; his right one has a scar going down to the bottom of his right eye which is got from brawling with a peasant boy. On his left forearm is another scar from being gashed by a sword when he was practicing. He wears a necklace with his house sigil on (a hammer pounding an anvil) as well as a battered leather bracelet that Talia gave him when he visited Ironrath a long time ago. His skin is pale from living up north and the tips of his ears are usually red. Mark was in the chambers of his castle, Castle Smithon,when hi… [view original content]
Mark Logan
''My lord! A raven has arrived from Ironrath!'' Mark is a tall man,around 5ft 10 and he is broad shouldered which is a common… more trait in House Logan's men but has smaller feet which he's self conscious about. His hair is a light brown with darker tips and highlights which is usually styled like the son of the lord of house Glenmore,Arthur.He's growing a chinstrap out which is stubble for now and his eyebrows are thick; his right one has a scar going down to the bottom of his right eye which is got from brawling with a peasant boy. On his left forearm is another scar from being gashed by a sword when he was practicing. He wears a necklace with his house sigil on (a hammer pounding an anvil) as well as a battered leather bracelet that Talia gave him when he visited Ironrath a long time ago. His skin is pale from living up north and the tips of his ears are usually red. Mark was in the chambers of his castle, Castle Smithon,when hi… [view original content]
Mark Logan
''My lord! A raven has arrived from Ironrath!'' Mark is a tall man,around 5ft 10 and he is broad shouldered which is a common… more trait in House Logan's men but has smaller feet which he's self conscious about. His hair is a light brown with darker tips and highlights which is usually styled like the son of the lord of house Glenmore,Arthur.He's growing a chinstrap out which is stubble for now and his eyebrows are thick; his right one has a scar going down to the bottom of his right eye which is got from brawling with a peasant boy. On his left forearm is another scar from being gashed by a sword when he was practicing. He wears a necklace with his house sigil on (a hammer pounding an anvil) as well as a battered leather bracelet that Talia gave him when he visited Ironrath a long time ago. His skin is pale from living up north and the tips of his ears are usually red. Mark was in the chambers of his castle, Castle Smithon,when hi… [view original content]
Mark Logan
''My lord! A raven has arrived from Ironrath!'' Mark is a tall man,around 5ft 10 and he is broad shouldered which is a common… more trait in House Logan's men but has smaller feet which he's self conscious about. His hair is a light brown with darker tips and highlights which is usually styled like the son of the lord of house Glenmore,Arthur.He's growing a chinstrap out which is stubble for now and his eyebrows are thick; his right one has a scar going down to the bottom of his right eye which is got from brawling with a peasant boy. On his left forearm is another scar from being gashed by a sword when he was practicing. He wears a necklace with his house sigil on (a hammer pounding an anvil) as well as a battered leather bracelet that Talia gave him when he visited Ironrath a long time ago. His skin is pale from living up north and the tips of his ears are usually red. Mark was in the chambers of his castle, Castle Smithon,when hi… [view original content]
[Lie to Yara] This was a very good chapter although we have one small problem since you said this takes place after Eddard Stark dies that was in season 1 so Gregor Forrester should still be alive and House Forrester should have more men since they all died in the red wedding which happened in season 3
Mark Logan
''My lord! A raven has arrived from Ironrath!'' Mark is a tall man,around 5ft 10 and he is broad shouldered which is a common… more trait in House Logan's men but has smaller feet which he's self conscious about. His hair is a light brown with darker tips and highlights which is usually styled like the son of the lord of house Glenmore,Arthur.He's growing a chinstrap out which is stubble for now and his eyebrows are thick; his right one has a scar going down to the bottom of his right eye which is got from brawling with a peasant boy. On his left forearm is another scar from being gashed by a sword when he was practicing. He wears a necklace with his house sigil on (a hammer pounding an anvil) as well as a battered leather bracelet that Talia gave him when he visited Ironrath a long time ago. His skin is pale from living up north and the tips of his ears are usually red. Mark was in the chambers of his castle, Castle Smithon,when hi… [view original content]
[Lie to Yara] This was a very good chapter although we have one small problem since you said this takes place after Eddard Stark dies that w… moreas in season 1 so Gregor Forrester should still be alive and House Forrester should have more men since they all died in the red wedding which happened in season 3
[Spend 50 Gold Dragons,buy a ship,and sail to Storm's End,to join Renly's Army]
[Spend 50 Gold Dragons,buy a ship,and sail to Storm's End,to join Renly's Army]
[Spend 50 Gold Dragons,buy a ship and sail to White Harbor with 45 sellswords] I submitted a character who I hope you will like.The House name I used was actually from the same extract used where Telltale got House Forrester for a bit of trivia.
Sent my character but ugh the 500 character limit! Please excuse the bad starting of sentences! Forgot to put in the description but he has light green eyes with a ring of blue inside.
I had the exact same problem with the limit.I was going to flesh my character out a bit more but couldn't.I think I done enough at least.
Same here, ended up using a character counter to push as much as I could in.
I am sorry,i am going to redo the document so you can send me your character again
i am sorry,i am going to redo the document so you can send me your character again
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SueUTARwD318KrY3B7qFN4oQsZV5dHqW1EojRqKn3_Q/viewform?usp=send_form tell me if you have problems with it
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SueUTARwD318KrY3B7qFN4oQsZV5dHqW1EojRqKn3_Q/viewform?usp=send_form tell me if you have problems with the document
If it is too much work you really don't have to I just want to be as detailed as possible to help you out more.I think mine will be enough for you anyway so please don't feel like it is necessary for now.
Submitted. Hope you will like it. :-)
It's fine, submitted my character again, your idea is great and can't wait to get a chapter for my character if you can.
This seems fun
can you please tell me how it works? btw, i submitted a character (Leviathan is his name) xD
[Spend 25 Gold Dragons,buy a ship,and sail to White Harbor with no sellswords]
I will write a chapter about your character tomorrow,be sure to follow this thread and at the end of every chapter you will have to make a choice that will greatly influence every character's story ark,so if i will post chapters with other characters,be sure to read them too and give a choice at the end of them.Also,do you agree if i put your character in a romance?
I don't mind but his mind is only set on one person 
i just did check out the document again,it was nothing big. Just a little mistake! Thank you for submitting!
Thank you for fixing it for us I found it perfect this time!
I submitted my character again and with more information that will hopefully be useful for you when writing my character.I love the story so far!
Thank you
I was just thinking about that romance,i already read your character,tomorrow's chapter will feature your character,and it will ve an awesome and long chapter!
Got me geared up for tomorrow now! Can't wait!
The hype!
You just submit your character,i will develop it,i will give you choices at the end of every chapter,you will choose what you want. ( Please stick around for other character's choices and be sure to follow this thread! Thank you for submitting!
Forgot to add, your previous chapters were really good!
Does everyone vote on your characters choices? Submitted one btw
Mark Logan
''My lord! A raven has arrived from Ironrath!'' Mark is a tall man,around 5ft 10 and he is broad shouldered which is a common trait in House Logan's men but has smaller feet which he's self conscious about. His hair is a light brown with darker tips and highlights which is usually styled like the son of the lord of house Glenmore,Arthur.He's growing a chinstrap out which is stubble for now and his eyebrows are thick; his right one has a scar going down to the bottom of his right eye which is got from brawling with a peasant boy. On his left forearm is another scar from being gashed by a sword when he was practicing. He wears a necklace with his house sigil on (a hammer pounding an anvil) as well as a battered leather bracelet that Talia gave him when he visited Ironrath a long time ago. His skin is pale from living up north and the tips of his ears are usually red. Mark was in the chambers of his castle, Castle Smithon,when his master-at-arms Orell entered his room ''It's from Ironrath...Talia asked to see you'' Mark gets up from his bed,and takes a little book from his ironwood table,which was at the center of his room,he never knew why he made the forresters craft that table,because he never used it,he even had another table in the room he dines in. Maybe it was to remind him how bound he was to the forresters or just because he was rich enough to afford it. ''Is she in danger? What happened? Did Ludd do something?'' Mark got upset ''No,nothing like that,she just asked to see you'' Orell reassured Mark ''I think she is a little upset because the bethrotal was cancelled ''It wasn't cancelled,just delayed.'' Mark browsed through all the pages of the book ''Orell,i suggest you read this book,it's about one hand fighting,you could get better'' Mark gave the book to Orell ''Thank you,my lord'' He bowed to him ''Go prepare my steed,tell Talon and Yara to come with me.'' ''I will my lord'' Mark then decided to bring Fury,House Logan's weapon,and his trusty shield with him. Then he went to his sister Lauryn's room,he knocked on the door ''Come in'' a pretty little voice ringed through the walls of the entire house, Mark entered his sister's room ''Are you going to Ironrath,brother?'' Mark smiled at her,and then sat down on the floor ''Yes i am,i am going to visit Talia'' Lauryn's face lit up ''Talia! Will you ask her to come here? She is so sweet and plays with me all the time! Or...well...played...'' Lauryn's face saddened ''I will ask her! I promise!'' ''I will take care of Brennan'' Brennan was the thirdborn son of House Logan,he is five ''Thank you Lauryn,oh and if he starts an argument for getting roasted duck again smack him in the face and tell him i will cook his damn duck when i return'' Lauryn chuckles ''I will brother,be safe'' Mark then went downstairs,opened the door,and got on his horse.He tugged his leather bracelet,which was given to him by Talia,and then sprinted towards ironrath with his two guards.
''Mark! Do you think we will be allowed to enter the castle?'' Talon asked his friend Mark ''I will see that you are put in the most comfortable chambers!'' Joked Mark ''If you don't i will swear fealty to the whitehills!'' Yara told Mark ''Don't even joke about that'' Mark's face darkened ''I'm sorry,i would never do that! I was just joking!'' ''You could have spared that bad joke'' Talon pointed out ''IRONRATH UP AHEAD! BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOUR!'' Mark screamed,then lifted the banner of House Logan up high in the sky ''It's Lord Mark! Don't shoot!'' One of the guards that was in front of the gate screamed. Mark dismounted from his horse and walked up to the gate ''I am the Lord of House Logan,a raven was sent to me by Talia,Lord Rodrik's sister.'' The guards open the gate and offer Mark a warm welcome ''We are going to call Lord Rodrik,stay here until he comes'' A guard says,then runs toward the Forrester Stronghold ''Are you house Forrester's only men?'' Mark says to the guards,they were less than 20 men ''Unfortunately we are,House Forrester relies on it's allies at the moment'' Says an old man,who seems to be the leader of the troops ''I hope our house could offer it's best soldiers then.Who are you?'' The man bows ''I am Ser Royland Degore,commander of the troops and master at arms of this House'' Mark shakes his hand,then turns to see Rodrik Before he speaks with him,he takes Royland to the side''Escort Talon to your finest chambers,keep an eye out for the girl,Yara'' Royland nods ''Welcome to Ironrath'' Rodrik bows to Mark ''It's an honor to be here'' Mark kneels before him ''Raise,Lord Logan,Talia asked to see you'' Mark's face lits up and he becomes happy ''I waited a long time to see her'' ''She is in her rooms,meet her there'' Rodrik smiles and then gives Mark directions. Mark runs up to the stairs of the stronghold and knocks on her door. Talia opens her door ''Mark! I missed you'' Talia hugs Mark as hard and she can and starts sobbing in his chest ''Hey,don't cry,you are more beautiful when you smile'' Mark wipes her tears away and kisses her,she doesn't pull away but she takes him into her room and locks the door behind her.
She continues kissing Mark but she pulls away after a while ''Mark i was hoping you could help me'' Mark's face sweetens ''Anything you want Talia'' Talia seems to search for words,but she sighs ''You will never do it,just forgive it'' ''Talia i promise you i will'' Mark becomes serious ''It's...we don't have many man and House Whitehill wants to declare war. I just wanted to ask you if you could...'' ''The best i can give you is thirty or forty troops. I have a lot of wounded men from the battle of Oxcross,where we fought for Robb,so i hope that could be enough'' Talia jumps from excitement then hugs Mark ''It's perfect! Thank you Mark,i don't know how to thank you really i don-'' Talia gets interrupted by Mark,who kisses her and slips into her hand his bracelet ''We were to be bethrothed,why won't you ask Rodrik if we can now?'' Talia then sits down and thinks ''I don't know,i really want this to happen,but...'' she grips the bracelet harder ''I will ask him,hopefully he'll understand'' she smiles at him ''Talia,could you please make me a new one?'' Mark asks her,putting his hand into hers and taking the bracelet,which was broken on two sides and scratched inside ''Sure,it will take some time'' Talia says,then Mark gets up ''I got to go'' When Mark opens her door,Talia runs up to him,and takes his hand ''Can i come with you?'' ''Sure,the horse it's by the gate,it's not that far from here'' ''I mean to Smithon,with you'' Mark's face saddens ''I am afraid you can't'' ''It's not fair'' Talia fights to keep from crying ''When we'll be bethrothed you could come,but now,with all the Whitehill business and a traitor being in your council,i doubt your brother will permit it'' When they arrive at the gate,Mark gets on his horse,where Talon and Yara were waiting by it ''Goodbye Talia,stay safe'' Mark says,then kisses her,then he gets on his horse and speeds out of Ironrath with Talon and Yara. ''Mark! Those chambers were awesome! Will we visit Ironrath again?'' Talon asked Mark,his long black hair flowing in the air ''What?! He was in the chambers? I was kept by a grizzly old man on my feet! Why wasn't i invited to the chambers?''
[Lie to Yara] [Tell Yara the truth] [Tell Yara the truth and warn her]
Some people do,some people don't,but if you read a chapter be sure to vote every time! I say this to everyone because i write one or two new chapter every day,so many times i don't have enough choices. For example,go vote the three previous chapters,there are two character choices you can vote on! Thank you for submitting!
vote the choices at the end! The voting doesn't stop when a new chapter gets written,but when that character's chapter it's written! (at the moment i made four chapters,one including your character,now i am going to introduct another character and i am going to write the second chapter of the first character i introduced,so if you vote now the choice counts! If you have any doubts send me a private message and i will clear your doubts
[Lie to Yara]
[Lie to Yara]
Lie to Yara
[Lie to Yara]
These chapters are pretty good
[Lie to Yara]
[Lie to Yara]
[Lie to Yara] This was a very good chapter although we have one small problem since you said this takes place after Eddard Stark dies that was in season 1 so Gregor Forrester should still be alive and House Forrester should have more men since they all died in the red wedding which happened in season 3
[Lie to Yara]
I have made one
I will avenge my mother and cousins!
I knew it wouldn't fit into the story so i edited the first chapter
will have to travel to king's landing for that