The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • that sounds interesting, I didn't know they're making such a series

    You going to watch the Rise of Gus Fring?

  • Danke.

    This people are awesome: @#TeamSarah, @-Anna-, @-Bigby-, @-Chaos-, @-Kenny, @-Rhys-, @-XYAB-, @0oishi, @12494, @16_BIT_MARIO1, @24601, @2

  • I guess you can say I know how to make shitty jokes.

    Alt text

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    "The only true asshole I know is the one between my cheeks" -Tobi2k15

  • Well, the data transfer could've gone smoother but there were complications. First was setting up the transfer, then I had to wait hours for the transfer only for it to have an error occur at 80%. Turns out the error shows up due to corrupted game data. So I had to delete nearly all the game data except for several dlc/update data. I tried the transfer again, and the wait was way shorter, and in 10 minutes all the save data/game data (remainder of it)/music was in my new PS3. Now I need to re-download and re-install all my game data and DLC/updates. This is gonna take several days... Oooohhhh boy.

  • You know what really grinds my gears? Plot twists that come out of nowhere at the end of the movie. It just feels like I wasted two hours of watching, getting invested in the characters, only for a curveball to be thrown that messes everything up, as if everything I'd seen up to that point was one giant lie. Why bother watching the whole movie?

  • Alt text

    Artwork of my GTA Online character. More artworks to come next week including a new preview of my forum comic.

    Probably need to edit the pic a bit.

  • This is awesome :)

    Artwork of my GTA Online character. More artworks to come next week including a new preview of my forum comic. Probably need to edit the pic a bit.

  • edited July 2015

    Sometimes it ends up making the film legendary and blowing your mind like Shutter island or sixth sense

    torkahn808 posted: »

    You know what really grinds my gears? Plot twists that come out of nowhere at the end of the movie. It just feels like I wasted two hours of

  • I've watched a lot of movies :)

    torkahn808 posted: »

    You know what really grinds my gears? Plot twists that come out of nowhere at the end of the movie. It just feels like I wasted two hours of

  • Okay, I'm bored right now, Can anyone recommend any apps on Google Play for me?

  • Hey there

  • Hey

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Hey there

  • Aloha.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Hey there

  • Plague inc.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Okay, I'm bored right now, Can anyone recommend any apps on Google Play for me?

  • Have that already :P

    The world will burn....

    Plague inc.

  • I can't help you then, that's the only game I play on my phone. :P

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Have that already :P The world will burn....

  • Wow, even a lesser known user such as I got mentioned on the awesome board.

    You're awesome too.

    This people are awesome: @#TeamSarah, @-Anna-, @-Bigby-, @-Chaos-, @-Kenny, @-Rhys-, @-XYAB-, @0oishi, @12494, @16_BIT_MARIO1, @24601, @2

  • The guy is very amazing but is often wrong and lead himself into too many mistakes.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

  • bitte

    Gary-Oak posted: »


  • I guess MattPat is running out of Ideas.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

  • Only a few weeks until summer vacation ends....

  • edited July 2015

    cool bro welcome back

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Hey there

  • l just saw Inside Out. Really is as good as people say it is, easily my favourite film of 2015.

  • If you're filling it up, it's half full. If you're drinking it or pouring it out, it's half empty.

    Is the glass half empty or half full?

  • Both.

    Is the glass half empty or half full?

  • The glass is full of exactly how much u need :)

    Is the glass half empty or half full?

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2015

    I just saw George R. R. Martin get killed in Sharknado 3. The Winds of Winter will never be finished. I also saw Samuel L. Jackson get burned in Lavalantula. By the way he believes Spider-Man 2 is the best Marvel movie.

  • god bless you so much holy shit

    Alt text

    god bless tho

    So beautiful but is so wrong! https://www.y

    edited July 2015

    Give him time, it's coming together nicely xD

    I need to watch the movie.

    I just saw George R. R. Martin get killed in Sharknado 3. The Winds of Winter will never be finished. I also saw Samuel L. Jackson get burned in Lavalantula. By the way he believes Spider-Man 2 is the best Marvel movie.

  • I just saw George R. R. Martin get killed in Sharknado 3. The Winds of Winter will never be finished. I also saw Samuel L. Jackson get burned in Lavalantula. By the way he believes Spider-Man 2 is the best Marvel movie.

  • If you're going through tough times, Here's a bit of Inspiration to lift you up!

    Listen, There will come a time where you're gonna feel like giving up, And then one Object, anything at all will pop into your vision, And you'll be ready to try again. And you'll be ready to fight again. Whether it's for someone you love, A passion in life you have, or just to keep breathing, There will always be a silver lining.

    When you do, you'll often restart, Have new ideas, get a Whole new outlook on Life, and One day, you'll find out who you are, and what you were put on this Planet to do. Whether Fate put you here, Or God put you here, whatever you Believe, You are amazing, and One day, you're gonna be important. And maybe save a few lives along the way. And some friends won't support you through these times, But some will stay Loyal to the very end.

    Keep those Loyal friends close to you, and Go down the long road that Leads you to yourself. Be everything you want to be. And I don't mean to go all Shia on you, But Don't let your dreams be dreams. Make them a reality. You can do it! I know you can!

  • I honestly Feel like I'm the only person in the World who Hated Inside Out and loved Lava. And I am not okay with that. I sincerely think Toy Story 2, Toy Story 3, Cars, The Incredibles, Brave, and Finding Nemo are all far better films. But that's just my opinion. I just wish I wasn't the only one with that Opinion.

  • Hey, Can I borrow 20 bucks? I need the Next Nope train to FTS-Ville.

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