Tales From The Borderlands > Game of Thrones

Ok, lemme start by saying that on a whole I've enjoyed a lot from Game of Thrones, but this recent episode has really brought to the forefront how much of a missed opportunity it has been. Why is a six episode series on it's final episode not as interesting as a five episode series that's only barely halfway done?

Let's discuss this shall we. Feel free to post below, but I'll offer my two cents here.

Here are my biggest points about why I've come to my opinion that Tales From The Borderlands is the superior Telltale outing this year (it could belly up in the next few episodes but here's hoping).

  • Limited character growth: While I think the protagonists in both games are very likable (a strong suit of Telltale as a company), one of the biggest issues GOT is facing is that because there are so many characters to follow who are player dependent, you find it hard to place emotions on them and it becomes harder for them to really have an arc in the story. In games like the Walking Dead and Borderlands, not only does having fewer characters make for a more focused arc but it also allows for more evident character growth growth because they don't have to share time with other player dependent choices. In Game of Thrones, the story is so flexible to the character choices that there's really no arc. Gared, Asher, Mira and Rodrik start to all sound the same unless you make a conscious effort to map out an arc on your part for them and even then it rarely feels like they change as much as the plot forces situations on them. Which only makes it worse when the game arbitrarily decides that now its time for people to act like dicks when you've been playing them as nice guys (i.e. Gared and his crew in this last episode). All we know is that they are somehow united in the cause of saving their family...kind of...

  • Weaker plot focus: Which leads to the issue that while it's supposedly all about the Forresters vs. the Whitehills, Game of Thrones seems unclear as to how it will resolve this question. We've taken so many detours, had so many cameos and gone on so many wild goose chases that it seems the game doesn't know how to bring it all to a close. It's like a concentrated version of the books...(but hopefully that is not going to end in a mess either before you call me a heathen). I mean seriously, is anyone even confident anymore that Gared's story will pay off significantly (which is sad because he's my favorite character)? On the other hand, Borderlands is intensely focused on the main plot. Regardless of the number of characters involved or the time jumping mechanic, we are always certain that we are focused on whether or not they will find the Vault. All of the character development and comedy bits never detract from the focus of the story and in fact actually enhance it to make the stakes higher. Game of Thrones seems to have plateaued up to this point.

  • Filler: This recent episode of Game of Thrones may be the worse offender of the filler episode faults I've seen to date and that's saying something given how much of Walking Dead Season 2 was crippled by filler. For how strong the series has been in many of the episodes, it's really frustrating that the penultimate segment is the least dramatic and least interesting in terms of plot progression. All the stuff with Mira and Gared was just thumb twiddling for the next episode and even the Asher segments, which were the best parts, seemed to be from a better episode than what we got. I honestly am starting to think that making this series six episodes was a big mistake because it's clear that Telltale had no idea what to do when they got to this point. On the other hand, Borderlands has been incredibly tight with content up to this point. Almost every scene either pushes the plot forward, develops the characters in a significant way or leads to an action or comedy (or both) payoff that rewards your investment. You feel fulfilled when play through scenes in Borderlands, where in Game of Thrones it feels like you're just waiting for something else to happen.

  • Tone: Honestly, I think that Telltale as a whole is a stronger comedy studio than they've ever been with drama. The Walking Dead Season 1 is still their high point for drama and while their other drama series have been mostly good, you can always tell that they are comedians at heart. Heck, the parts I remember best from Game of Thrones up to this point have been their comedy bits because they are nice tension reliefs to help the game from getting too serious (which Rocksteady could really learn from). Borderlands allows them to be as silly, snarky and goofy as they want, which actually works well for them because it helps create a feeling of fun that the players can feed off of. Game of Thrones can be fun, but rarely do you feel that you really enjoy or care for what is happening.

  • Art style: I've never been a fan of how they designed Game of Thrones, even if it's probably the best Telltale can do with their archaic engine. The overly cartoony tones just don't mesh well with the serious tone they are trying to create and their attempts to give it a water color painting look make it seem shoddy as a result. Borderlands has the advantage of being based on a cartoony and exaggerated game to begin with, so it allows them to hide the limitations of their engine and actually be more expressive with the way they design characters or settings.

  • Less illusion of choice: Borderlands is just better at hiding their illusion of choice than Game of Thrones is. Game of Thrones puts so much emphasis that your choices will change the outcome of the game but once you get to a certain point, you realize quickly that it is funneling you into a very specific type of play style and decision making that is not dependent on your choices. Part of it is that they want to sell each choice like it will really make or break how you play the game, when it largely doesn't matter in the end. Borderlands, however, tries to focus the choices more towards the interpersonal relationships and small character defining moments, which works to its advantage. By not trying to make every choice affect the core plot, it allows you to go along with the more linear elements while still feeling like you have some degree of control. It's an assured direction rather than being led by the nose.

  • Obligations to the source material: this will always be an issue with Telltale games unless they decide to actually create original stories. With Borderlands, however, they have the advantage of the plot not being concurrent with a previous entry in the franchise. You don't have to know anything about Borderlands other than the base details to get the story and the cameos from the older games don't feel like a hindrance because they're not based on prior events. Game of Thrones, however, is in the middle of Season Four from the show and can't actually make any decisions that would butt heads with the events in the story. So any time they bring Dany, Jon. Tyrion or Ramsay in, you immediately know that whatever you choose with them will not change their story and will often force you to be beholden to their choices. Ramsay will always get his way, Tyrion will still do what he does and it ultimately leaves you frustrated because it only feeds the feeling that your choices don't matter. It feels like this story needed to be less connected to the main show's plot than it is.

  • Action: For as much as the show cheats in showing action, Game of Thrones the game cheats even more. It was ok at first with the Red Wedding battle being focused on one part of a large conflict, but so many action scenes feel overly small and uneventful. It's a lot of stilted animation of people stabbing each other, occasionally broken up by a dragon fight for a few minutes. At some point, you get a feeling of been there and done that. Borderlands continues to find unique scenarios to either bring you really diverse set pieces that never stop moving or subvert expectations to pull you into a joke or a totally different scenario. The fact that the last episode had so many different types of action sequences by itself is a testament to the care and attention its team puts into it. Game of Thrones seems overly content just doing the same type of action scenes you've seen in the previous episodes.

  • Style and personality: Ultimately, my most base but crucial beef with Game of Thrones is that while it is faithful more or less to the show, as a game it just feels a little bland. It's like so many other Telltale Games but without any of the truly unique artistic touches that make those games standout. For example, The Walking Dead has the comic shading of its source material to make the art stand out. The Wolf Among Us had the unique color palette. What does Game of Thrones have? Just a few flatly rendered details to try and give it a painting like look that isn't terribly convincing. Even on top of that though, it suffers from some of the same problems of the Jurassic Park game where it just feels kind of typical. Borderlands, on the other hand, is brimming with life and personality through so many creative decisions. The music selection, the stylized title intros, the storytelling mechanic of trying to figure out what is a lie or not, the humor and different play mechanics for both the leads really makes the game feel like it has its own voice. You remember playing a Borderlands episode because it feels like a Borderlands episode. Game of Thrones kind of feels like any other game but with Game of Thrones occasionally inserted into the scene.

Feel free to agree or disagree, but honestly the next Game of Thrones episode better deliver in an epic way because Borderlands has won me over so much more than that series ever has. Honestly, the first episode of Borderlands is a great game by itself, which is something I never thought of any episode of Game of Thrones so far.



  • I think both of them are great games. I enjoy them more than TWD and TWAU.

  • I loved both, but which one is better? i don't like comparing those two, it's like comparing titanic and monthy python, i prefer the drama, simply cause it get's me more involved, some deaths actually made my eye full of tears.

  • Tales from the Borderlands does have higher quality individual episodes - so in a way the extremely long wait between episode releases is worth it - for Game of Thrones - the overall game is good... but I don't think it quite matches the acclaim of TftB - GoT Episode 5 was... good but not as good as it could have been - it banked too much on the emotional impact of its ending while everything remained mostly filler - and getting rid of characters with no further use in the story (Arthur/the traitor)

  • edited July 2015

    This recent episode of Game of Thrones may be the worse offender 

    I agree. I thought A Nest of Vipers was very rushed and one of the worst Telltale episodes but still doesn't take away what an overall good game it's been. I think Game of Thrones story, characters and environment compelled me a lot more than Borderlands which doesn't have much appeal to me at all (not to say it's not fun it's just not for everybody) and I'm not all fond of comedy games so that could explain why. Despite my dislike for A Nest of Vipers I didn't like Catch A Ride that much. Comparing both games side by side GOT has amused and entertained me far more

  • I like both of them for various reasons. Although initially I was more excited for GoT I have come to find Borderlands more enjoyable. Still love GoT though.

    On another note, the North Grove is a Vault and Gared is the Stranger.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    this will always be an issue with Telltale games unless they decide to actually create original stories.

    In case you haven't heard, Telltale actually is working on an original IP.

  • Do you have a link

    dojo32161 posted: »

    this will always be an issue with Telltale games unless they decide to actually create original stories. In case you haven't heard, Telltale actually is working on an original IP.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited July 2015
  • I prefer GoT, but to each his own.

  • edited July 2015

    Dude, i get the impression they don't even try to hide anymore the lack of choice you have, I wanted to kill Duncan(traitor) so bad but i kept him alive so he could give me the information about the attack, and i was happy to do so, but when i saw that no matter if you kill him or not, Rodrik will help Asher in the end of the episode, i mean...why even bother to put this choice?

  • TFTB is much better game. I am GoT fan, but this game does not impress me at all.

  • I don't see the point of all this 'This game is better than this one'. They're both Telltale Games. Totally different Telltale Games, at that. They both have their qualities. Perhaps it's due to me not caring all too much about choices mattering (except with determinant characters). I play for the story, which TFTBL and GoT both deliver.

  • It's been confirmed for quite some time now. xD

    Clemenem posted: »

    Do you have a link

  • People always talking about how Tales is better than GoT is starting to get seriously annoying. Why do they even have to be compared at all? They are two entirely different games with pretty much the only thing in common that they're made by Telltale, just accept and judge them for what they are individually, there's no need to make a contest out of it. Besides, both games aren't even finished yet, so if you are dead set on comparing them wait until they're both finished at least.

  • I thought you'd be met with alot of hate on this thread, though I'm glad you guys aren't hating on him :D

  • Ok, i will judge GoT all by itself.
    Any choice you choose, no matter witch one, will have the same outcome(besides the Asher/Rodrik scene). Why even bother to put them so constantly in the first place?

    People always talking about how Tales is better than GoT is starting to get seriously annoying. Why do they even have to be compared at all?

  • edited July 2015

    Both are very different and excellent games. It mostly comes down to one's preference. I'd rather wait for each season to be completed before comparing the quality.

    It's like comparing beef with chicken

  • Tales is definately their strongest series, the UI is even all updated.

    however the latest episode had ZERO major decisions. Just look at the stats page, even the writers realised and so just shoved random decision in there, they arent even in order!

  • I love both games. Despite its flaws, I still enjoy Game of Thrones.

  • edited July 2015

    You should've changed the thread title to Tales From the Borderlands >>>>>>>>> Game of Thrones. I feel like the same thing happened last year. Where the TWAU was sooo much better than TWDS2 it was ridiculous, especially in Hindsight when they all finished. I hope it doesn't happen next year, with Minecraft and Michonne/S3.

  • I find it weird you haven't been aloud to walk around Ironrath since the first episode. You haven't really been walking around that much lately in the game. I don't think we've been able to actually walk around with Rodrik at all. I don't remember doing it. Oh i think once in episode 2, but that's about it.

    It'd be so much easier if you could just skip all the cut scenes it'd save you a lot of confusion and bull shit.

  • Wouldn't it just leave you even more confused, though?

    I find it weird you haven't been aloud to walk around Ironrath since the first episode. You haven't really been walking around that much lat

  • Does everyone take my sarcasm seriously?

    tintin1029 posted: »

    Wouldn't it just leave you even more confused, though?

  • Maybe in episode 6 the traitor could have a redemption arc

  • I think all the recent Telltale games have been great but I still think my personal favourite is TWD season 1 due to it getting me really into Telltale Games and due to me being such a huge fan of the comics.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I think both of them are great games. I enjoy them more than TWD and TWAU.

  • Don't we have like ten threads like this already?

  • Dude, I so agree with you. I mean TTg GoT is awesome, but when it's down to the money, it's gotta be TFTB.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    TFTB is much better game. I am GoT fan, but this game does not impress me at all.

  • I honestly agree with you. I prefer TFTBL to GOT by miles. But, and I feel this needs to be said more... Who cares? People have their preferences and that can't be changed. I think that TFTBL has superior characters and writing to GOT, but others feel differently than I do, and that's fine. A thread like this one, posted in the GOT section, just seems like it's asking for trouble, ya know?

  • No offense to anyone on here that thinks TFTBL is better, you're all welcome to your opinion. I respect it too, I just think this post should be on the TFTBL board not on the GOT one.

  • Agreed.

    No offense to anyone on here that thinks TFTBL is better, you're all welcome to your opinion. I respect it too, I just think this post should be on the TFTBL board not on the GOT one.

  • You might be right, I have no idea because I'm not playing Borderlands and won't play it. I've read about it, watched parts of a youtube walkthrough, and I don't like the setting, the atmosphere nor the characters. With all its flaws, in the end I still love GOT because I'm crazy about the universe, I love the protagonists and can strongly identify to at least two of them, which definitely wouldn't be the case with Borderlands.

    So, well, good for you.

  • Eh I'd have to disagree but it all comes down to what type of story you prefer. They are both completely different in terms of one is very comical and the other is filled with drama and intense moments. For me, i really like GoT more than Tales but that doesnt mean im not enjoying TFTB. I just find myself more invested in the characters for GoT because they are all really interesting.

  • PREACH! i am 100% the same

    jarmoksk posted: »

    TFTB is much better game. I am GoT fan, but this game does not impress me at all.

  • Eh, TFTB is good laughing fuel, but that's about it. I think the story and the characters are VERY weak compared to other TTG games [also very repetitive jokes], but that's just what i think.

  • This was well said, overall. I'm not totally against the GoT series, but you nicely describe why Tales is better without relying on emotion or hyperbole.

  • You should've post it to the TFTBL board. >_>

  • Yawns

  • I prefer Game of Thrones.

  • How about: GoT is just incredibly generic and predictable? Compared to it, TftB is so original and unique.

  • Graphic in GoT doesn't look good. It's grim, frugal and stern. Faces are decent but surrounding not. Everything seems "locked". Writers are walking on show/Martin's leash; you have to see this place, meet those monsters, can't kill this psycho. Maybe focusing on one or two protagonists would work better (not enough Mira's screentime in last part). Plot holes are deadly for Forrester's saga. On Pandora everything is less serious.
    TftB should get the sixth episode.

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