Gwyn Whitehill Predictions?

Spoiler Alert For Episode 5 Has Anyone Else Given any thought about Gwyn? What do you guys think her reaction will be?


  • edited July 2015

    My prediction: Honestly, I saved Rodrik so maybe if she hears about Asher's death she'll help the Forrester's more. But there will definitely be conflict between Asher/his death

  • Well I'm pretty sure we can either exterminate Whitehills or let them live. Majority are going to want to kill them. But Gwyn won't like that. So ima kill her at some point. I know it.

  • edited July 2015

    Tbh I wouldn't consider Gwyn a supporting character she's only appeared 2 times (3=determinate at the funeral if Ryon Isn't there) so I probably wouldn't spare her/them if there was a choice

    MrBoolean posted: »

    Well I'm pretty sure we can either exterminate Whitehills or let them live. Majority are going to want to kill them. But Gwyn won't like that. So ima kill her at some point. I know it.

  • Something will probably happen between Gwyn and Asher/ Asher's death.

    There was some unused audio of Asher asking if Gywn missed about him

  • I don't want to kill her, but she may want to protect her father and Gryf, and if she comes in my way, I won't hesitate to kill her.

  • Gwyn is simply the best female character, that has ever existed in GoT universe. I'm going to marry her, and if that means, that I'll have to leave Ludd and Gryff be - that's fine by me. Lol, as if Forresters will ever get enough power to decide house Whitehill's fate. But seriously, I'm totally in love with her. Nothing will stop me from trying to make her happy. Right now, I care about her more, than about all of the Forresters from Ironrath plotline (maybe excluding Ryon).

  • Lmfao.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Gwyn is simply the best female character, that has ever existed in GoT universe. I'm going to marry her, and if that means, that I'll have t

  • edited July 2015

    I know I said on plenty occasions I would kill/genocide/rape every single Whitehill for the lulz, but edginess aside, I firmly intend to spare Gwyn. (And I don't really want to burn Highpoint to the ground if I don't need to. I'd rather claim this castle for House Forrester and keep it for a future cadet branch, or make Ser Royland rule there as head of our new vassal house).

    Unless she gets in my way of killing Ludd and Gryff. I want these fuckers dead, I will have no mercy for these two. I even have already made my mind about Ryon being an acceptable loss if they use him as human shield. I will have both Ludd and Gryff's heads.

    Yet I have this foolish hope that after learning the despicable ambush set up by her brother and how he killed Asher (in my game anyway), Gwyn is fed up with all this treachery and secretly frees Ryon and brings him back to us, in an attempt to redeem her family's crimes.

  • Yup, thinking, that I can just marry her is pretty naive, Ludd's probably gonna destroy me before I can even come close to her. But whatever. Let me have my sweet summer illusions.

    etitheking posted: »


  • I definitely want to marry Gwyn to Asher, but I get the vibe that the game won't let us do that.

  • Gwyns one of my favourite characters, I can't wait to see some interaction between Gwyn and Asher.

  • I saved Rodrick and don't regret my choice, but this makes me jelly.

    ...Well, this calls for another save where Asher survives.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Gwyns one of my favourite characters, I can't wait to see some interaction between Gwyn and Asher.

  • Extremely excited for the reunion. I'm expecting somthing like this....

    Click here

  • It's more interesting to know how Gwyn will react on Beskha ( if Asher is alive)

  • Don't care about her motivations or goals, as far as I'm concerned she'a a whitehill and Asher will kill all whitehills.

  • That makes me wonder assumming Beskha and Gwyn interact at some point, how will Beskha react towards Gwyn? Especially if Asher died.

    It's more interesting to know how Gwyn will react on Beskha ( if Asher is alive)

  • Alt text

    I really want this to happen and maybe a kiss, just maybe...

  • This is perfect

    FetchWalker posted: »

    I really want this to happen and maybe a kiss, just maybe...

  • Awww.... make it happen!

    FetchWalker posted: »

    I really want this to happen and maybe a kiss, just maybe...

  • Well Asher is alive in my save so I'm expecting more of a happy encounter when the two eventually meet and that his presence will encourage her turn even more. She does care for her family and for others so I'm hoping that after she hears about what happened that that will be the final push she needs to prove that her father isn't the man she might think he is. So i guess really I'm expecting her help at a pivotal moment, maybe not as far to kill a family member, but to at least either stop or prevent someone from hurting us or one of ours, or ensuring Ryon makes it out safely.

  • She'll get her grove planted by Asher's Ironwood. (If you let him live.)

    Alt text

  • Her and Asher already talked about Gwyn. Beskha doesn't agree with what our family did to Asher. She says "you don't choose who you love"

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    That makes me wonder assumming Beskha and Gwyn interact at some point, how will Beskha react towards Gwyn? Especially if Asher died.

  • If Asher is killed, I expect Gwyn will be furious with her father for greenlighting such action and her brother for carrying it out. I don't imagine she knew about the plan beforehand, otherwise, I believe she would have tried to sabotage it- either by telling Rodrik or somehow else. Her sadness over Asher's death should present Rodrik with the opportunity to turn her to his cause- maybe not enough for her to go along with "massacre the Whitehills" plan, but at the very least she could help us save Ryon.

    As for the other side of the coin, if Asher lives, well, then she'll be forced to choose between the man she loves and her family. Poor Gwyn, she's in a tough spot. Not really her fault her father and brother are dicks. I hope I can avoid killing her either way, I really do. I also hope, as Asher, they won't make us choose between loyalty to Beshka and pursuing Gwyn's affections, I really do. I want to see Asher and Gwyn rekindle their love, but I couldn't bring myself to screw Beshka for that.

  • ^This. Also I doubt we'll have to choose between them, Gwyn is Asher's former lover and Beskha is basically his sister (I don't think they share romantic feelings with each other, they keep calling themselves brother and sister) so I don't see a possible conflict between those two.

    Oh, and wouldn't be awesome if we'll have to chance to go back to Essos with Beskha and Gwyn? Too bad that Asher (if still alive) is the new Lord and he can't leave Ironrath.

    If Asher is killed, I expect Gwyn will be furious with her father for greenlighting such action and her brother for carrying it out. I don't

  • Well, Gryff and Ludd definitely have to die. Gwyn won't like that and could seek revenge if she married into another house, she's going to have to die too.

  • edited July 2015

    EDIT : If you read this post while it was here and wanted to reply, apologies, I'm actually making a thread about it, see you there

  • edited July 2015

    I'd like to think that by the final episode Gwyn will eventually disown her family, call Ludd and Gryff out on their despicable actions, and defect to the Forresters, finally realising that her family is too far gone and needs to be stopped at all costs. With her lover Asher finally coming into the picture, dead or alive, the chances of Gwyn defecting may be possible.

    Sometimes blood isn't thicker than water, and family will cross you quicker than strangers.

  • I'd let her go, while I'd have the Asher scenario it wouldn't be for the marriage risk. I would simply be thinking she might be able to do more good in Highpoint for us, I mean if she's willing to get Ryon to us then who knows what other kinds of damage to could do in there before our attack.

    EDIT : If you read this post while it was here and wanted to reply, apologies, I'm actually making a thread about it, see you there

  • Thanks for your answer, I made a thread about it instead :

    Just copypaste your answer there if you please

    I'd let her go, while I'd have the Asher scenario it wouldn't be for the marriage risk. I would simply be thinking she might be able to do m

  • That's pretty stupid, you have to KILL HER and FLAY HER if given the chance.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Yup, thinking, that I can just marry her is pretty naive, Ludd's probably gonna destroy me before I can even come close to her. But whatever. Let me have my sweet summer illusions.

  • I'd rather do that to Talia, if that's okay. It probably isn't. But I'd still love to do that.

    That's pretty stupid, you have to KILL HER and FLAY HER if given the chance.

  • If Rodrik kept his promise and didn't maim or provoke Gryff, I'm sure she will turn against her father, she will see that he never wanted peace to begin with, despite Rodrik following her advice.

    If you broke your promise, she will side with her father, especially if you beat Gryff up.

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