The beginning of Episode 4 was so sad. There was tears in my eyes at a certain point. That's never happened to me before in a video game. I really hope Life Is Strange wins a lot of awards when it's over. It deserves it.
The beginning of Episode 4 was so sad. There was tears in my eyes at a certain point. That's never happened to me before in a video game. I really hope Life Is Strange wins a lot of awards when it's over. It deserves it.
Ok, I think they are adding it now because I went to try and download it again and "the service is temporarily unavailable" usually when that happens its because they are adding the episode to the server :-).
Yeah, it did feel like it. It was so fucking tense, I felt like I was playing a Telltale game. The writing was top notch, and I cannot wait for next episode.
Also Chloe was so much more likeable than in previous episodes.
Me too! I really had no idea Mr Jefferson was the guy... and Rachel, poor girl... find her buried was both sad ad creepy the ending though, I guess Chloe was destined to die. But now what? Can't wait for episode 5!
That was absolutely the best (and longest) episode yet, so many things are finally revealed and well, our choices DO matter! Can't wait for the final episode now, hopefully it will be as good as this one!
I actually cried at alternate Chloe's death instead of normal Chloe's death (it was more of a OH MY GOD feeling), I also had a feeling that Rachel was dead I just didn't want to believe it like chloe I guess...
Ok so, that ending. I'm not 100% convinced that Max isn't going to somehow figure out a way to save Chloe, but it was a ballsy move by Dontnod no matter what.
And then Mr. Jefferson. I suspected him the moment they ran into him at the party and Victora won. I paused the game when she did and thought for a moment, because I realized that the photos reminded me a lot of the photos we were shown of him in the first episode, the whole obsession with the poses and the pictures just didn't seem to fit with Nathan's character. But yeah, awesome twist, and makes sense with the narrative when you think about it.
Also Chloe finding Rachel's body was so fucking sad
It was absolutely amazing! Best and longest episode yet, I'm still shaking! Do not spoil yourself and enjoy it when you can, you won't be disappointed at all
Yeah that was pretty sad but I knew Max would have found a way to go back to the original timeline. Btw, it was freaking long! It took me hours to finish it even though I explored everything and read every note/document.
I didn't read her journal but I looked at everything except at the vortex club party, I was too freaked out to look around. I just wanted to find Nathan and beat the shit out of him, so the normal conversations with the students there just made me super impatient, but I still clocked in at about 3 hours and 40 minutes.
I knew there was no real hope when I saw the pictures and with how Chloe was so hopeful. The entire scene was just so...brutal and disturbing. The dark room was fucking creepy too, jesus. Nathan and Jefferson are two messed up dudes.
I know!!!! I'm so freaking pissed!!!!
The beginning of Episode 4 was so sad. There was tears in my eyes at a certain point. That's never happened to me before in a video game. I really hope Life Is Strange wins a lot of awards when it's over. It deserves it.
Episode 4 alone could win Game of The Year awards.
Wait, is this true, please God let it be true, is Chloe really dead?
EDIT: Damn it, not that Chloe, the other, blue haired Chloe.
Ok, I think they are adding it now because I went to try and download it again and "the service is temporarily unavailable" usually when that happens its because they are adding the episode to the server :-).
Holy shit, that was amazing. I really wasn't a fan of the first three but that was absolutely incredible, and that ending was just awesome.
IKR?! it felt like episode 4 was made by a completely different team compared to the other episodes!
Yeah, it did feel like it. It was so fucking tense, I felt like I was playing a Telltale game. The writing was top notch, and I cannot wait for next episode.
Also Chloe was so much more likeable than in previous episodes.
Yeah. The twist was pretty crazy as well. I hope EP5 is gonna get released quickly now.
The episodes just keep getting better and better. I'm pissed at the ending, but in a good way. Plus it felt like every decision made a big impact.
Me too! I really had no idea Mr Jefferson was the guy... and Rachel, poor girl... find her buried was both sad ad creepy
the ending though, I guess Chloe was destined to die. But now what? Can't wait for episode 5!
Well I've been paused on the game for about 15 minutes now because I'm having trouble with that first choice in episode 4 lol
That was absolutely the best (and longest) episode yet, so many things are finally revealed and well, our choices DO matter! Can't wait for the final episode now, hopefully it will be as good as this one!
I actually cried at alternate Chloe's death instead of normal Chloe's death (it was more of a OH MY GOD feeling), I also had a feeling that Rachel was dead I just didn't want to believe it like chloe I guess...
I spent 10 minutes silently murmuring "Fuck this game" while making that decision. XD
Is refuse glitched or something? Because nothing happens afterwards
Ok so, that ending. I'm not 100% convinced that Max isn't going to somehow figure out a way to save Chloe, but it was a ballsy move by Dontnod no matter what.
And then Mr. Jefferson. I suspected him the moment they ran into him at the party and Victora won. I paused the game when she did and thought for a moment, because I realized that the photos reminded me a lot of the photos we were shown of him in the first episode, the whole obsession with the poses and the pictures just didn't seem to fit with Nathan's character. But yeah, awesome twist, and makes sense with the narrative when you think about it.
Also Chloe finding Rachel's body was so fucking sad
It was absolutely amazing! Best and longest episode yet, I'm still shaking! Do not spoil yourself and enjoy it when you can, you won't be disappointed at all
I didn't refuse so i wouldn't know. Max sits in her chair for like 20-30 seconds and then a option popped up for me.
That was first thing I did after letting Chloe die was try to look at the album but you had to wait. XD
Just wait. Took awhile for something to trigger in my game (I accepted).
And also someone needs to edit this with our own Max's face pronto!
Yeah that was pretty sad but I knew Max would have found a way to go back to the original timeline. Btw, it was freaking long! It took me hours to finish it even though I explored everything and read every note/document.
I wasn't ready for that... "That smell!" god, it was gross... poor Rachel
I thought we we're going to find Rachel alive.
Part of me is still convinced we will.
I didn't read her journal but I looked at everything except at the vortex club party, I was too freaked out to look around. I just wanted to find Nathan and beat the shit out of him, so the normal conversations with the students there just made me super impatient, but I still clocked in at about 3 hours and 40 minutes.
I thought so too but then they talked about her "being" at the junkyard and I just started shouting "FUCK" over and over
So telltale should definitely take note of this episode. This is how you do choices and how you make them matter.
I knew there was no real hope when I saw the pictures and with how Chloe was so hopeful. The entire scene was just so...brutal and disturbing. The dark room was fucking creepy too, jesus. Nathan and Jefferson are two messed up dudes.
This is the First episode of Life is Strange where I felt like my choices from past episodes mattered.
Amazing episode.
I was expecting that Jefferson is villain. But shooting Chloe in the head? Holy shit.
Shit, It says purchase ep 4 in game but It's no where to be found on the ps4 store.
Yea, its annoying. I have the season pass and it says download for me, but its not on the store yet.
Yeah I had a feeling he was going to be the real antagonist but I was NOT expecting that outcome from him...
Is it just me or there was not much rewinding in this episode?
It is cool that it releases on the same day for all platforms
I didn't rewind too many times, but the times I did rewind took forever! (Saving Frank, The evil cellar lock puzzle in the barn)
Jefferson... Nathan... The Principal... I'm going to kill them all