Confirmation of a season 2?

I don't know whether it actually has been yet or not(?) but Malcolm staying with Daenarys could mean he is our POV character for a second TT GOT?


  • Possibly. Or maybe we'll have him as a POV for Season 5. But that would be hella stupid.

  • Please no...

  • I hope not, he's quite boring. They need to do a character from a different house to branch out. Maybe from the Iron Islands

  • edited July 2015

    I'd play it... But I can't see what we would do there since Dany is in Mereen and won't be going to Westeros or anywhere else any time soon.

  •  What if, the reason Malcolm stays in Meeren is... he's the leader of the Sons of The Harpys, plot twists all over the place.
  • Aw shit...

    Ap4chowsky posted: »

    What if, the reason Malcolm stays in Meeren is... he's the leader of the Sons of The Harpys, plot twists all over the place.

  • S5? What ya mean?

    BeastInside posted: »

    Possibly. Or maybe we'll have him as a POV for Season 5. But that would be hella stupid.

  • Malcolm is either being set up for a DLC or as our POV in Essos for S2. I don't think they would have him stay there for no reason other than determinant tension between Asher and him.

  • Yeah that was pretty much what I thought, especially since he was talking about Dany giving him a mission. If there is going to be a season 2 and they still go with 5 PCs I'd say Malcolm, Talia, Mira, Gared and someone totally new (or Ryon) will be the playables.

    Personally I think Malcolm is average as a character...

  • Perhaps he's going to be the uncle of the story where there's going to be the mystery and hope that he'll come back and save everything... Similar to uncle Benjen

  • Would maybe explain why he was such a bland character and had almost nothing to do in Asher's segments.

    Though, can't say I'd be thrilled to play as him. Especially if it involves more kissing Daenerys' ass. =/

  • Shit. I mean Episode 6. No I wasn't high when I wrote that. lol

    LeeJames posted: »

    S5? What ya mean?

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