Are they setting up a second season?

Hmm, it could seem possible that Telltale are setting up a second season. If you think about it, they entered a multi-year contract with HBO which would imply that there would be more than one season for Game of Thrones (which is great because I love this series! :D). But I've also noticed several over things pointing to a second season.

Firstly, Talia. No matter what she becomes a very developed character by Episode 5. She has mentioned she knows how to fight, she has become very dedicated and loyal to the House and can even impact some of the decisions you make. This could mean she could become a POV character, and it would be interesting to see her perspective and how she can alter choices and has to play a role.

Secondly, Uncle Malcolm, he is also another possibility for becoming a POV. No matter what he is left with Daenerys and he could perhaps be called back home to aid House Forrester after a new threat looms its way in after the events of Season One. But at the same time he's torn with being loyal to Daenerys, and how it could benefit his House in the future.

Thirdly, Mira. Tyrion warned her that without Margaery's protection, her goose was cooked and so Tom could arrange for her to escape to House Forrester or elsewhere. Perhaps another House in which she has to earn their favour to protect House Forrester? Either way her escaping King's Landing could become a possibility.

Fourthly, House Forrester in general. Okay say House Forrester manages to defeat House Whitehill. This could still spell trouble. What about their allies? Where would House Forrester get more men? What exactly would let House Forrester recover? House Lannister may not look too kindly for Ramsay just ignoring House Forrester if they do win the conflict with House Whitehill.

But what do you guys think? WIll there be a second season? What would it be about? What other characters could be a POV?


  • I also believe that if they continue their story, then Malcolm and Talia seem like candidates for being playable characters

  • Firstly, Talia. No matter what she becomes a very developed character by Episode 5. She has mentioned she knows how to fight, she has become very dedicated and loyal to the House and can even impact some of the decisions you make. This could mean she could become a POV character, and it would be interesting to see her perspective and how she can alter choices and has to play a role.

    Well, at the same time, all the development she received will be null because we can warp her character anyway she wants.

    I hope they abandon these fuckin' Forresters. Let's go to the Vale. Let's meet Littlefinger. Let's be a Stormlands house dealing with the fallout of Stannis leaving for the Wall and Blackwater and everything. Be a great way to incorporate the Stormlands and Stannis with Jon and Melisandre again.

  • Yeah well.. I'd prefer GoT S2/TWAU S2 over Minecraft.

  • Nothing says we can't get a timeskip to the end of start of Season 5, where House Forrester is mid-way through recovery and not only that but Littlefinger could come across Malcolm alongside Tyrion (who could mention Mira). Plus we could still have Stannis come along and find Gared at the North Grove, at the end of Season 1 and thus have Stannis be incorporated with Gared returning to The Wall.

    Firstly, Talia. No matter what she becomes a very developed character by Episode 5. She has mentioned she knows how to fight, she has become

  • Well with a determinant lord (Assuming that he survives episode 6), i doubt that Telltale will continue with the Forresters because of this 'determinance'. For example Clementine's story in TWD (Without spoiling it) can end in very different ways because Telltale can afford to handle different paths at the end. I'm going to assume they're going to release a Malcolm DLC to wrap things up.

  • Really? It seems like it would be completely fine, to have a determinant lord, just change some of the dialogue options, some tweaks in combat scenes here and there and maybe a couple choices and you're set pretty much.

    Drakonys posted: »

    Well with a determinant lord (Assuming that he survives episode 6), i doubt that Telltale will continue with the Forresters because of this

  • Telltale can't really handle different pathways in the story, that's the reason why they have a huge tendency to kill determinant characters. And when determinant characters don't die they don't have an impact on the story (Lawrence of TWAU). They have difficulties with supporting characters being in the group/alive/dead depending of the player choices (Finn , Very present in TWD where death is at every corner) so doing that with 2 different protagonists over different seasons is impossible unless they kill the surviving lord.

    HarjKS posted: »

    Really? It seems like it would be completely fine, to have a determinant lord, just change some of the dialogue options, some tweaks in combat scenes here and there and maybe a couple choices and you're set pretty much.

  • Yo, as long as I can murder all Whitehills in this next episode I don't care.

  • I'm guessing they are. The contracts aside, the whole thing with Malcolm screams a continuation of some sort, if a DLC or Mini-Series at least

  • edited July 2015


  • They would probably just kill them off

    Drakonys posted: »

    Telltale can't really handle different pathways in the story, that's the reason why they have a huge tendency to kill determinant characters

  • edited July 2015

    I have a feeling House Forrestor going into season 2 will be led by female heirs. Asher/Rodrick are doomed and Ryon is too young and likely to die.

  • Even if we kill Gryff and Ludd, wouldn't Torrhen Whitehill take over? He's a potential antagonist for season 2.

  • Lol who doesn't...

    Killah posted: »

    Yeah well.. I'd prefer GoT S2/TWAU S2 over Minecraft.

  • I'm not at all certain that the Forresters will be the player characters around this time. I'm guessing we will just be members of a new clan. Could be wrong of course.

  • I want a new House ! Why not the Vale who is away enough from the war and show characters so we can fully concentrate on our House matters and not have some Deus Ex Ramsay along to ruin everything because plot... Or the Stormlands who are in a great struggle with no real direct liege Lord to rule them. Dorne could be a nice new setting as well... Riverlands would be too similar to out current house but in even worse condition so no... Westerlands could very well be extremely interesting at the time of TWOTFK against the raids of Robb Stark's army.

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