Could police maybe stop gunning down family dogs? For fuck's sake, getting started by a dog is no excuse to pull your gun in a public place and start shooting. It's cruel, unnecessary and dangerous for bystanders. Most of the time, cops aren't charged or even disciplined, and the department/city will usually refuse to pay restitution or veterinary bills.
I swear, some knuckle-draggers must join the police force just for the excuse to abuse and kill.
It frustrates me how bigoted some Christians can be. Not all mind you, some of my greatest friends are Christians and are very open to others' beliefs but it really pisses me the fuck off how some Christians believe whatever they think is the right and all others' beliefs are wrong or immoral. And it's not just exclusive to Christians it's open to all groups that have beliefs in some areas just my recent discoveries have been of Christians saying "My belief is right, yours is wrong, fuck you". Of course I'm not making this generalization about all Christians just several I've met.
Could police maybe stop gunning down family dogs? For fuck's sake, getting started by a dog is no excuse to pull your gun in a public place… more and start shooting. It's cruel, unnecessary and dangerous for bystanders. Most of the time, cops aren't charged or even disciplined, and the department/city will usually refuse to pay restitution or veterinary bills.
I swear, some knuckle-draggers must join the police force just for the excuse to abuse and kill.
God, I can't even imagine how terrible that is. This scares the shit out of me, since I have a pit bull too and if he got just a bit too friendly around a cop, he could get butchered like that poor dog.
At this point, I have almost no trust in the police. There's too many trigger-happy meatheads.
God, I can't even imagine how terrible that is. This scares the shit out of me, since I have a pit bull too and if he got just a bit too fr… moreiendly around a cop, he could get butchered like that poor dog.
At this point, I have almost no trust in the police. There's too many trigger-happy meatheads.
It frustrates me how bigoted some Christians can be. Not all mind you, some of my greatest friends are Christians and are very open to other… mores' beliefs but it really pisses me the fuck off how some Christians believe whatever they think is the right and all others' beliefs are wrong or immoral. And it's not just exclusive to Christians it's open to all groups that have beliefs in some areas just my recent discoveries have been of Christians saying "My belief is right, yours is wrong, fuck you". Of course I'm not making this generalization about all Christians just several I've met.
Really? He's catching major heat right now. He said John McCain wasn't a war hero and taunted him for getting taken POW. That probably lost him the respect of a lot of conservatives.
i have noticed a lot of that kind of thing recently, women getting false praise or "participation awards" just simply for being a woman, i mean, i can see what the intention of doing so is, but it often comes across as disingenuous or patronising
well, "false praise" is more of a phrase than literally praise that is false, it is sort of what you might do to a child eg. "wow that is such a great picture i will put it on the fridge" when in reality is isn't a great picture, the praise is more used as encouragement than actual critical analysis.
so it really depends on the situation, but generally in this instance of what i am talking about, it is things that websites or blogs wouldn't be posting about if a man did it, it is just praised because a woman did the thing.
Imagine actually having to deal with a bitch like that..... (You don't have to read this but I'm just venting about the past)....
Back wen I was in 7th Grade, two kids in my grade were arguing over a seat at lunch (One I didn't know that well but seemed nice,lets call him "Kenny" but the other I never liked because he was a douche, let's call him "Larry" and call me "Saltlick"..) They then started yelling and THEN Larry picked up one of his food case things and hit Kenny across the face with it ...Kenny then punched Larry and they started fighting and there were small cuts on Kennys head dripping blood so after me and my friends were sitting there looking in shock, I got up, grabbed Larry and hit him a few times and he didn't say anything after that but finally the janitor and some other staff came and took them to the nurse and me to the principal since I was the only one who wasn't bleeding or hurt.
Now this is where the Bitch came in...and for the record at that school the Vice Principal (really nice guy who's wife was dealing with cancer that also knew me really well) was supposed to deal with discipline stuff but for some reason I was taken to her...(She looks almost exactly liked that woman from Harry Potter except shorter and fatter). She then asked me what happened and I told her... She then said "I think you're lying..." and she then went on about how I reacted through violence and that I deliberately attacked another student and I should have let the staff handle the situation and that out of all the kids in the school she was surprised that I would be that way and that she realised that I was an"Ungrateful Prick who relies on his parents wealth to do whatever he wants"...She then filled out a detention slip and told me to leave her office and as I did so she said "Have a lovely rest of the day Mr. Saltlick". The next day after complaining to my parents the Vice Principal finally wanted to talk to me and he asked "Salt, what did you learn from this whole thing?" And I said "That I shouldn't stand up for others and I should keep quiet..." Since I knew him, I knew I could say stuff like that and not get bitched at, he then gave me a talk about being a kid bla bla. After drama with the class bla bla bla, I had my detention the day after since Detention was on that day of the week .
It was my first Detention and I was nervous but thankfully I had some kids from different grades with me. The teacher had us write letters about what we did and that we're sorry but like the stubborn S.O.B that I have to be sometimes (God Damn my cajun gene side...) I bitched about how I got a detention and that the asshole Larry only got a warning, AND that I thought the Principal was a fucking bitch (WHY did I do that....). After a few hours of cleaning the classrooms and stuff we were taken down to the principal's office and they told us to wait outside. When we walked in I saw the teacher put down our leters and I was like "Shit, she read them, she read them...". The teacher left the room and she said that everyone could leave because they had accepted responsibility for their actions except for me and that she wanted to talk to me.... She then had me read my letter out loud to her after everyone else left and she bitched at me for writing that, doing what I did in the first place, failing to own up to it, and having my parents call her to attempt to "get me out of it", she then said if I kept up this behavior she would have me eventually kicked out of the school (it was a private one) and then I left her office and was picked up by one of my parents shortly after and I told them what happened.
So basically I hated that principal who resembled that lady from the Harry Potter movies but I believe she's leaving the school next year, but it doesn't matter anymore since I don't go there.....SORRY FOR THE RANT PEOPLE
My neighbours dog bit my 7 year old cat, eventually killing her. My neighbour said his dog did nothing wrong since the cat came to his yard. I've never wanted to punch someone, but right now i really want to murder his dog and feed it to him. I've pretty much been an emotional wreck since she died. Advice on what to do next is appreciated.
Imagine actually having to deal with a bitch like that..... (You don't have to read this but I'm just venting about the past)....
Back we… moren I was in 7th Grade, two kids in my grade were arguing over a seat at lunch (One I didn't know that well but seemed nice,lets call him "Kenny" but the other I never liked because he was a douche, let's call him "Larry" and call me "Saltlick"..) They then started yelling and THEN Larry picked up one of his food case things and hit Kenny across the face with it ...Kenny then punched Larry and they started fighting and there were small cuts on Kennys head dripping blood so after me and my friends were sitting there looking in shock, I got up, grabbed Larry and hit him a few times and he didn't say anything after that but finally the janitor and some other staff came and took them to the nurse and me to the principal since I was the only one who wasn't bleeding or hurt.
Now this is where the Bitch came i… [view original content]
Imagine actually having to deal with a bitch like that..... (You don't have to read this but I'm just venting about the past)....
Back we… moren I was in 7th Grade, two kids in my grade were arguing over a seat at lunch (One I didn't know that well but seemed nice,lets call him "Kenny" but the other I never liked because he was a douche, let's call him "Larry" and call me "Saltlick"..) They then started yelling and THEN Larry picked up one of his food case things and hit Kenny across the face with it ...Kenny then punched Larry and they started fighting and there were small cuts on Kennys head dripping blood so after me and my friends were sitting there looking in shock, I got up, grabbed Larry and hit him a few times and he didn't say anything after that but finally the janitor and some other staff came and took them to the nurse and me to the principal since I was the only one who wasn't bleeding or hurt.
Now this is where the Bitch came i… [view original content]
My neighbours dog bit my 7 year old cat, eventually killing her. My neighbour said his dog did nothing wrong since the cat came to his yard.… more I've never wanted to punch someone, but right now i really want to murder his dog and feed it to him. I've pretty much been an emotional wreck since she died. Advice on what to do next is appreciated.
Imagine actually having to deal with a bitch like that..... (You don't have to read this but I'm just venting about the past)....
Back we… moren I was in 7th Grade, two kids in my grade were arguing over a seat at lunch (One I didn't know that well but seemed nice,lets call him "Kenny" but the other I never liked because he was a douche, let's call him "Larry" and call me "Saltlick"..) They then started yelling and THEN Larry picked up one of his food case things and hit Kenny across the face with it ...Kenny then punched Larry and they started fighting and there were small cuts on Kennys head dripping blood so after me and my friends were sitting there looking in shock, I got up, grabbed Larry and hit him a few times and he didn't say anything after that but finally the janitor and some other staff came and took them to the nurse and me to the principal since I was the only one who wasn't bleeding or hurt.
Now this is where the Bitch came i… [view original content]
Sorry to say, if your cat was in the neighbor's yard, there's really no meaningful legal action that can be taken.
In your position, I'd want to go on a passive-aggressive crusade against the neighbor. Key their car, pop tires, leave shit at the front door, etc. Although I really wouldn't recommend that course of action.
It's truly a shitty situation, you have my sympathies as a fellow cat owner.
My neighbours dog bit my 7 year old cat, eventually killing her. My neighbour said his dog did nothing wrong since the cat came to his yard.… more I've never wanted to punch someone, but right now i really want to murder his dog and feed it to him. I've pretty much been an emotional wreck since she died. Advice on what to do next is appreciated.
My neighbours dog bit my 7 year old cat, eventually killing her. My neighbour said his dog did nothing wrong since the cat came to his yard.… more I've never wanted to punch someone, but right now i really want to murder his dog and feed it to him. I've pretty much been an emotional wreck since she died. Advice on what to do next is appreciated.
Dogs can be very protective. I have three dogs, and I'm pretty sure that they would try to chase a cat out of their territory if it just waltzed over to them. They're fine around other people, but they don't seem to tolerate other animals as well. It's just in their nature. I'd be pissed if I was in your position too, but I don't think it's unreasonable for your neighbor to be defending his dog.
My neighbours dog bit my 7 year old cat, eventually killing her. My neighbour said his dog did nothing wrong since the cat came to his yard.… more I've never wanted to punch someone, but right now i really want to murder his dog and feed it to him. I've pretty much been an emotional wreck since she died. Advice on what to do next is appreciated.
Yeah, I guess that's what this for The past can feel like a bitch though.
Besides, I was entertained.
Wow, the first time someone's entertained by my writing it's a rant xD
Well, I am writing a few stories on these forums now but between us, I feel like they're disappointing for the people reading them, I'm not sure if it's because I've been feeling down lately or what but I just feel like I suck and I have no talent so I'm taking a breather from them just so I can get my stuff together.
Could police maybe stop gunning down family dogs? For fuck's sake, getting started by a dog is no excuse to pull your gun in a public place and start shooting. It's cruel, unnecessary and dangerous for bystanders. Most of the time, cops aren't charged or even disciplined, and the department/city will usually refuse to pay restitution or veterinary bills.
I swear, some knuckle-draggers must join the police force just for the excuse to abuse and kill.
Whenever I see that character....
That's a rare one you got there m8.
It frustrates me how bigoted some Christians can be. Not all mind you, some of my greatest friends are Christians and are very open to others' beliefs but it really pisses me the fuck off how some Christians believe whatever they think is the right and all others' beliefs are wrong or immoral. And it's not just exclusive to Christians it's open to all groups that have beliefs in some areas just my recent discoveries have been of Christians saying "My belief is right, yours is wrong, fuck you". Of course I'm not making this generalization about all Christians just several I've met.
This one broke me.
God, I can't even imagine how terrible that is. This scares the shit out of me, since I have a pit bull too and if he got just a bit too friendly around a cop, he could get butchered like that poor dog.
At this point, I have almost no trust in the police. There's too many trigger-happy meatheads.
The first cop was a nice guy but the second just was like "Ooh, a friendly pitbull, Watch out!"
Most religions, even atheism have the same problem. Dissenting views are considered blasphemous and dangerous.
A lot of people i know, are supporting his stupidity. At least we will be back working in those coal mines, getting the rich richer.
How do you know its false praise?
well, "false praise" is more of a phrase than literally praise that is false, it is sort of what you might do to a child eg. "wow that is such a great picture i will put it on the fridge" when in reality is isn't a great picture, the praise is more used as encouragement than actual critical analysis.
so it really depends on the situation, but generally in this instance of what i am talking about, it is things that websites or blogs wouldn't be posting about if a man did it, it is just praised because a woman did the thing.
Imagine actually having to deal with a bitch like that..... (You don't have to read this but I'm just venting about the past)....
Back wen I was in 7th Grade, two kids in my grade were arguing over a seat at lunch (One I didn't know that well but seemed nice,lets call him "Kenny" but the other I never liked because he was a douche, let's call him "Larry" and call me "Saltlick"..) They then started yelling and THEN Larry picked up one of his food case things and hit Kenny across the face with it ...Kenny then punched Larry and they started fighting and there were small cuts on Kennys head dripping blood so after me and my friends were sitting there looking in shock, I got up, grabbed Larry and hit him a few times and he didn't say anything after that but finally the janitor and some other staff came and took them to the nurse and me to the principal since I was the only one who wasn't bleeding or hurt.
Now this is where the Bitch came in...and for the record at that school the Vice Principal (really nice guy who's wife was dealing with cancer that also knew me really well) was supposed to deal with discipline stuff but for some reason I was taken to her...(She looks almost exactly liked that woman from Harry Potter except shorter and fatter). She then asked me what happened and I told her... She then said "I think you're lying..." and she then went on about how I reacted through violence and that I deliberately attacked another student and I should have let the staff handle the situation and that out of all the kids in the school she was surprised that I would be that way and that she realised that I was an"Ungrateful Prick who relies on his parents wealth to do whatever he wants"...She then filled out a detention slip and told me to leave her office and as I did so she said "Have a lovely rest of the day Mr. Saltlick". The next day after complaining to my parents the Vice Principal finally wanted to talk to me and he asked "Salt, what did you learn from this whole thing?" And I said "That I shouldn't stand up for others and I should keep quiet..." Since I knew him, I knew I could say stuff like that and not get bitched at, he then gave me a talk about being a kid bla bla. After drama with the class bla bla bla, I had my detention the day after since Detention was on that day of the week .
It was my first Detention and I was nervous but thankfully I had some kids from different grades with me. The teacher had us write letters about what we did and that we're sorry but like the stubborn S.O.B that I have to be sometimes (God Damn my cajun gene side...) I bitched about how I got a detention and that the asshole Larry only got a warning, AND that I thought the Principal was a fucking bitch (WHY did I do that....). After a few hours of cleaning the classrooms and stuff we were taken down to the principal's office and they told us to wait outside. When we walked in I saw the teacher put down our leters and I was like "Shit, she read them, she read them...". The teacher left the room and she said that everyone could leave because they had accepted responsibility for their actions except for me and that she wanted to talk to me.... She then had me read my letter out loud to her after everyone else left and she bitched at me for writing that, doing what I did in the first place, failing to own up to it, and having my parents call her to attempt to "get me out of it", she then said if I kept up this behavior she would have me eventually kicked out of the school (it was a private one) and then I left her office and was picked up by one of my parents shortly after and I told them what happened.
So basically I hated that principal who resembled that lady from the Harry Potter movies but I believe she's leaving the school next year, but it doesn't matter anymore since I don't go there.....SORRY FOR THE RANT PEOPLE
My neighbours dog bit my 7 year old cat, eventually killing her. My neighbour said his dog did nothing wrong since the cat came to his yard. I've never wanted to punch someone, but right now i really want to murder his dog and feed it to him. I've pretty much been an emotional wreck since she died. Advice on what to do next is appreciated.
Holy shit she is just like Umbridge.
Hey, that's what this thread is for, right? Besides, I was entertained.
Yeah.....She really sucked....
Nods at Hope knowing he just skipped the large piece of text and saw the comment with the picture in it above and just read that :PPPP
Yeah, I guess that's what this for
The past can feel like a bitch though.
Wow, the first time someone's entertained by my writing it's a rant xD
Murder his dog and feed it to him.
Don't you love when you want to go back to school and you learn that your school is suddenly on fire. For fucks sake.
Dayum that's awful and quite a rant thanks for sharing
I asked my sister (who's a lawyer) about it.
Sorry to say, if your cat was in the neighbor's yard, there's really no meaningful legal action that can be taken.
In your position, I'd want to go on a passive-aggressive crusade against the neighbor. Key their car, pop tires, leave shit at the front door, etc. Although I really wouldn't recommend that course of action.
It's truly a shitty situation, you have my sympathies as a fellow cat owner.
Well, this wasn't as long as my rant about my Asia trip :P
But yeah, 7th Grade pissed me off, I'm a pretty calm person now but you should have seen me in Middle School lol
Dogs can be very protective. I have three dogs, and I'm pretty sure that they would try to chase a cat out of their territory if it just waltzed over to them. They're fine around other people, but they don't seem to tolerate other animals as well. It's just in their nature. I'd be pissed if I was in your position too, but I don't think it's unreasonable for your neighbor to be defending his dog.
Keep writing, you're good!
Well, I am writing a few stories on these forums now but between us, I feel like they're disappointing for the people reading them, I'm not sure if it's because I've been feeling down lately or what but I just feel like I suck and I have no talent so I'm taking a breather from them just so I can get my stuff together.
Holy shit lol
It's out and it did little damage but what timing that lightning had.
Oh wow lightning struck it? That's some unlucky godlike shit right there.
What if it's a sign for me! Nah, still cool though, I'm just glad no harm was done.
Stay outta school, kids! And on the streets!!
Don't go to school, that way the lightning can't get ya!
hahahaha stay at home in your closets and pray for strength
Get all your mystic items and stack them around you like a pillow fort...A bible fort!
Throw away your playstation and create a pray station.
This is great. lmao
I know right?? loool
RIP Cecil
I hate how the media is slowly changing everybody to one person.
Same. I can't tell the damn difference anymore.