name: Nate
favorite food: everything but shrimp
favorite movie: Alien (1979)
favorite pizza toppings: Sausage
Favorite media: vi… moredeo games
Favorite video game: Fallout 3
Favorite genre of music: Rock
Extra facts: gay Canadian
Favorite tv show: Breaking Bad,My little pony and The Office (U.S)
Name: Does it matters?
Age: How in the name of Hyperion should I know, huh?
Likes: Technology, Chemestry, Science, Soccer, Baseball
… more Favorite Games: Tales from the Borderlands, Surgeon Simulator, Dark Echo, Turbo Dismount, and Minecraft
Dislikes: Annoyed the f**k out, People interrupting me while gaming, adverts in games.
Favorite Music: Classical music, 50's, 80's and 90's music
Favorite quote from the Borderlands series: Don't pick up a fight with a man who has nothing left to lose -Handsome Jack, Borderlands 2.
Scanning Blind Sniper with the Echoeye:
Username: Blind Sniper
Rank: Moderator
Special Ability: Crowd Control
Favorite Telltale … moreGame: The Wolf Among Us
Affiliation: Team #LoaderBros
Scanning Blind Sniper with the Jackapedia:
Username: Blind Sniper
Rank: Glorified Forum Janitor/Unpaid Online Babysitter
Special Ability online: Pretending to be a tough guy online.
Special Ability in real life: HAHAHA, you're friggin' kidding me, right?!?
Misc info:
Huh? ...How the friggin' hell is this guy a Sniper if he's Blind?
Pft, get a load of this. "Crowd Control?" Ohhh, lookout guys! Blind Sniper is sooooo cool! Nothing makes the ladies line up faster than some mouth-breather who tries to look tough on the internet. NEWSFLASH, kiddo! Chicks only dig actual tough guys in real life - like ME... uh, before I died anyways. Having a fancy picture doesn't make you tough.
Seriously, all this lazy, poor bastard does is … [view original content]
Favorite media: Telltale Games video games and movies like Holes, The Legend of 1900, and The Goonies
Current standing in politics: Not too much into politics, but Libertarians like Ron Paul seem cool.
Favorite genre in music: Rock, Metal, Classical, Country, and Pop.
Extra facts: I'm lonely and spend most of my time surfing the internet and coming to this forum. I like to eat chicken, fish, eggs, spinach, cabbage, lima beans, apples, apricots, peaches, cranberries, sourdough bread, rye bread, and oatmeal. I wear glasses and have allergies. Coming to this forum in 2014 and talking to everyone is the most socially outgoing I've ever been, so thank you all for accepting me,
Favorite Media: Lots of different ones. I enjoy both drama and comedy television. Big fan of superhero stuff (movies, shows, comics) as well as other types of comics. Video games as well, my favorite kind being first person shooters, fighting games, and of course Telltale's games
Current standing in politics: No Hilary Clinton pls, even though she is chilling in Cedar Rapids
Favorite genre in music: none, whatever sounds interesting to me
Favorite food: Fried chicken with a side of Mac and Cheese and a bread roll (I'm not even Southern tho lmao)
Name: not relevant
Favorite Media: Lots of different ones. I enjoy both drama and comedy television. Big fan of superhero stuff (movies, … moreshows, comics) as well as other types of comics. Video games as well, my favorite kind being first person shooters, fighting games, and of course Telltale's games
Current standing in politics: No Hilary Clinton pls, even though she is chilling in Cedar Rapids
Favorite genre in music: none, whatever sounds interesting to me
Favorite food: Fried chicken with a side of Mac and Cheese and a bread roll (I'm not even Southern tho lmao)
I was taken by some farmers and put in a meat locker :P jk about that...(To avoid unrelated travel rant,skip the first piece of large text)
… more
It actually happened during my trip for a few weeks across Asia last month (I don't think I told you about it). So me, some friends, and blablabla went to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. We got to do an Elephant training program (SO much fun), Go on a speedboat tour of part of the Mekong river, stayed in places varying from villages to 5 star hotels and a lot more. The trip was virtually PERFECT untill when it came to the last part, leaving Laos and going into Vietnam. We got to the airport in Laos to leave (it was a small one since we didn't go to a "city") And we got on the plane and left to Vietnam...(We were traveling with Laos Airlines in cooperation with Vietnam Airlines). It was raining a lot and there was some lightning but we were over the airport in Vietnam, right over it and we could s… [view original content]
Name: Does it matters?
Age: How in the name of Hyperion should I know, huh?
Likes: Technology, Chemestry, Science, Soccer, Baseball
… more Favorite Games: Tales from the Borderlands, Surgeon Simulator, Dark Echo, Turbo Dismount, and Minecraft
Dislikes: Annoyed the f**k out, People interrupting me while gaming, adverts in games.
Favorite Music: Classical music, 50's, 80's and 90's music
Favorite quote from the Borderlands series: Don't pick up a fight with a man who has nothing left to lose -Handsome Jack, Borderlands 2.
As I said, I had time.
twitch and returns to staring at mushrooms.
My name is not important, what is important is what I'm going to do...
I'm going to play laser tag with my pals and enjoy life.
Username: Jennifer
Telltale Forum Member Since: 2005 or 2006 (2007 according to the forum as my earliest posts were set to guest on the original forums)
Favorite Telltale Game: Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures
Hobbies: Art, Animation, Music, Writing, Programming
Username: Jennifer? Seriously? That's the most creative username she could think of?
Telltale Forum Member Since: Too long. Doesn't this nerd do anything else?
Hobbies: Pretending she does anything besides sitting around staring at a computer screen all day long.
Name: Nightmare1
Favorite News: Vice
Favorite Food: Pasta and Seafood
Current political stance: THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH!
Extras: Love telltale games.
You must live in a constant struggle. We are here for you, Blind. We are your friends
god bless
Uh oh, we have a Minecraft obssessed person here.
Name: Dylan
Favorite media: Telltale Games video games and movies like Holes, The Legend of 1900, and The Goonies
Current standing in politics: Not too much into politics, but Libertarians like Ron Paul seem cool.
Favorite genre in music: Rock, Metal, Classical, Country, and Pop.
Extra facts: I'm lonely and spend most of my time surfing the internet and coming to this forum. I like to eat chicken, fish, eggs, spinach, cabbage, lima beans, apples, apricots, peaches, cranberries, sourdough bread, rye bread, and oatmeal. I wear glasses and have allergies. Coming to this forum in 2014 and talking to everyone is the most socially outgoing I've ever been, so thank you all for accepting me,
Name: not relevant
Favorite Media: Lots of different ones. I enjoy both drama and comedy television. Big fan of superhero stuff (movies, shows, comics) as well as other types of comics. Video games as well, my favorite kind being first person shooters, fighting games, and of course Telltale's games
Current standing in politics: No Hilary Clinton pls, even though she is chilling in Cedar Rapids
Favorite genre in music: none, whatever sounds interesting to me
Favorite food: Fried chicken with a side of Mac and Cheese and a bread roll (I'm not even Southern tho lmao)
You are just obssessed, I only play Minecraft once a year.
It's okay, I like that stuff too and I live in the North East
Yeah I am, soz
name: 4547 I'm a private person I'll never tell ok Mark
favorite food: BBQ Ribs
favorite movie: Dark knight, inception, killbill, the matrix, silver linings I have to many
Hobbies: video games, reading and sport
Favorite video game: Tlou
Favorite genre of music: I have no fav genre just songs I like the sound of
Politics: I'm a believer in the batman
Fav quote: If your not first your last
Extra facts:
I work out 6 days a week either boxing training with my club, football with my team or gym
I'm qualified with distinction in Accounting, Marketing, spreadsheets among others things and I'm a qualified gym instructor with distinction
I don't smoke or drink alcohol I dislike both
Favorite tv show: Family Guy
This story was awesome I remember it I'm not at all surprised so many people read and liked it tbh
Jack doppin' some wisdom on those bandits.
Well, Jack's wisdom is giving me lessons, pal, not like others that still with his mother under her basement, which is boring, dum-dum.
Well, you only apply Y0L0 to your life.
And that was totally random. Any tell ya' you don't take complements well?
NOPE.avi stretches head