How Did You Play Your Lee and Clem?
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I'm still fairly new on this site, and was wondering. I've read posts about Clem and Kenny being a family, but that's not how I played The Walking Dead series. Just want to say before I begin: however way you played it, I would never tell another they played it wrong; that's not my purpose for asking how you played the series.
My Lee (I was trying to be a good influence to Clem, mostly):
- Helped save Duck at the farm, stood up for him at the drugstore, and went off on Larry
- Did not want to find a boat
- Wanted to leave with Lilly, sided with Lilly just about on everything, and Kenny hated me for it
- Was an overall nice guy who looked out for Lilly and Clem
My Clem (I made decisions that I would make in real life)
I did not see Kenny as family, but as the man who went off on Lee every time he sided with Lilly and disagreed with him. That's why I feel no loyalty to Kenny in Season Two, and felt a lot closer to Jane than any other character since Lee. For reasons I've shared a lot in my short time here. Lol
Just some major decisions:
- Sat with Luke at the table
- Watched Carver die
- Chopped off Sarita's arm and axed her
- Sided with Jane on just about everything
- Left Sarah to die; I'm not going to force anyone to do anything, and Sarah wasn't even listening to anything I said. Walkers are inside the trailer, I can't wait forever
- Killed Kenny, left with Jane, and turned away the family at the end. I'm not about to trust a guy who's creeping up on me with one hand slowly making its way to his back, where his gun's at. Something's off about that family, and I don't want another group
Just curious how you all played. Please share!
Alright, my turn :-
Your Clem is smart.
I did all of your Lee except instead of leaving with Lilly I left her, She killed Carly, and she was getting on my nerves.
Season 2
Lee: Abandoning someone on the side of the road is the same as murder.
Lee: Oh god, I need to respect everyone and make sure I didn't hurt their feelings!
Morals above all!
Clem: Give me the blood of the innocent.
Thanks! Really. It's a lot to remember, but I enjoyed reading your decisions. I left out a lot, but I didn't chop off my Lee's arm either, because the risk was too great (although it doesn't matter, either way); had to make sure Lee made it to Clem.
I want to see your Clem in action. Lol Governor Clem, maybe?
I wasn't completely serious but it was just funny playing her as this sassy ball of anger. :P
Yeah and even if he made to Clem, he needed his strenght to fight the kidnapper. That's why I kept my arm
Exactly. I wanted to make sure Lee could choke the Stranger to death, but I read somewhere it's possible to do so with one arm? I'm not sure.
Lol I was tempted to respond that way a couple of times, but wanted to stay true to decisions I would make. Maybe in another playthrough though.
My lee. idgaf if it's murder or not. i just didnt like her
You can try spare save files.
Some responses to her sass are hilarious.
I almost always try to be the good guy. I hate acting like a jerk, lol. Except in Tales where everyone acts like a jerk and its funny.
True. Didn't think of that.
I used to play all my games like that, but then started embracing my... colder (if that's the right word?) side by leaving Sarah behind to get eaten by the walkers, as an example.
If leaving Sarah behind is little bit "cold", then I'm ice. I didn't even flinch when I decided to leave her.
It is possible because its LEE we're talking about.
Lee: When I get my hands on that bastard, I'd like to have them both
Lee: Okay, okay I get it, sorry
In my first save file, my Clementine is caring and looks out for everyone. My second save file is sassy Clem (my favorite one). In my third one my Clem is a little bit more evil, and only cares about herself. And my fourth save file is silent Clem.
K then
Christa: This rain will turn into sleet, then ice, then snow.
Right, mute Clem.
In my first save, I have choices I made on my very first playthrough.
In my second save, I have all the alternate choices.
In my third save file, I have all the best choices ever made.
And in my fourth save file, I have evil choices.
I had a, "What would Rick Grimes do?" (TV series) playthrough with Lee once. Since Rick's my favorite, it was very fun.
i always like to have a "silent" option save file, just to see how characters would react with Lee/Clementine being mute the whole time. It makes some scenes awkward which is funny lol.
First season: I played Lee as the best, most caring father figure ever to Clementine. I played him as someone who tried to be the mediator in arguments (didn't work, but still), and was an honest guy (especially with Clem. I didn't give her brutal truths but I didn't sugar coat them, either). However, I also played him as, as Kenny says on the farm, "a guy who's not afraid to knock a couple of heads together if he has to". I felt bad for Lilly, but I helped Kenny kill Larry. He was going to reanimate, and the first thing he was going to do was sink his teeth into his daughter's face. I wanted to protect everyone in the meat locker. I was open with Lee's past (I saved Carley) and told everybody. Duck was my little buddy, he even helped me solve the "mystery" at the Motor Inn. My Lee and Kenny were basically like Bash Brothers or something, I don't know.
Season Two: I tried to play Clementine as someone who Lee would be proud of, and as an awesome survivor who still has some humanity left. I was basically BFFs with Sarah, and it hit me really hard when she died. I'm not at all saying that Carlos was a bad parent, but I wish that he could have taught her how to survive. I get that you'd want to protect your child from everything, but in an apocalypse, you just can't do that anymore. I sat with Kenny at the dinner table, and I also watched Carver die. He was a total scumbag for what he did to everybody, and in my opinion, he deserved every second of what Kenny gave him. I had a feeling that Telltale was trying to trick us by showing us proof that immediate amputation works (Reggie), so I just killed the walker that bit Sarita. By the way, I told Walter that Nick was a good man (one reason because I went with Pete to be with him in his last moments, and Pete asks Clem to look after Nick since he can't anymore), so he saved him in E2. In the end, I left Wellington with Kenny and AJ.
First Season: I left at daytime. I was honest to Hershel, even though I got called out for lying. I chose Duck over Shaun. I stood up to Larry. I managed to get the candy bars for everyone, I was actually a bit mad when I realized I couldn't give one to Doug. I gave Irene the gun so she didn't have to turn. I chose Carley instead of Doug (Sorry bro.) I chopped David's leg off. I didn't shoot Jolene. I helped kill Larry, because last time his heart attack needed medicine we didn't have at the time, and there was no way of getting it. I killed both of the St. John brothers, (No idea why I did it, it was the heat of the moment.) I stole food from the car, and gave Clementine the hoodie. I didn't shoot the girl in the street, she was already screwed. I left Lilly, because she killed Carley. I talked Kenny down, instead of fighting him. I shot Duck, rest in peace, Duck. I told Omid we would leave with his woman, causing him to make him jump. I helped Omid in instead of Christa, (Why take my hand then bitch Omid?) I killed the boy in the attic using my foot. I was rational and honest to Vernon. I left Clementine at the house, for Omid's sake. I brought Ben up instead of letting him fall. Before I say my next choice, I gotta say, Ben was my favorite character. I revealed the bite to the group. I managed bringing everyone with me. I removed Lee's arm. I didn't lose my temper with Kenny. I gave up all my weapons. I told Clementine to use the knife on the Stranger. (I think it was the knife.) I killed Clementine's captor. I had Clementine shoot Lee. I shot Danny's foot off, instead of Justin's. I lost the Rock Paper and Scissors and I had to leave the car to find the guy. I didn't stay with Nate. I told Leland the truth as Bonnie. I left in the RV instead of killing Stephanie. I managed to bring everyone with me.
Second Season: I helped Christa. I killed the dog. I gave the man the dying water.I accepted Nick's apology. I saved Nick instead of Pete. I took blame for Sarah's photo. I sat with Kenny instead of Luke. I told Walter the truth. Nick lived in my playthrough. Nick was slowly becoming my favorite of the log cabin. I didn't seek Kenny's help. Alvin lived in my episode one playthrough. I didn't tell Sarah to grow up, and then I helped her. I told Bonnie about Luke's presence. I tried to admit to stealing the walkie talkie. When Kenny was getting punished, I tried to help him, but just got knocked down instead. I watched Kenny kill Carver. (I'm pretty sure she didn't flinch when this happened.) I didn't chop Sarita's arm off, because of the walkers nearby. I saved Sarah at the trailer park. I didn't steal from Arvo. I crawled through the ticket booth. I went with Luke and the others to hold the walkers off while Rebecca gave birth. I shot Rebecca when she turned. I saved the baby in the start of episode five. I did not went to help Luke, (I despised Luke, so I didn't even shoot the walkers.) I saved Bonnie by smashing the ice when she fell in. I didn't ask to leave with Mike. I did not shoot Kenny when he attacked Jane. (I didn't even stop Kenny in the fight, though I stopped Jane every time.) In the end, of the end, I was with Kenny and the baby, instead of going into Wellington.
I just want to say thanks again to everyone (and to all who decides to share in the future) for remembering a lot and sharing your decisions. It's a little time consuming (or maybe it's just me), but I do enjoy reading other people's play style(s).
I left out a lot, so:
My Lee:
My Clem and Lee are night and day comparisons, because I decided to play Clem the way I would be in real life.
My Clem in Season Two:
I was determined to win that rock, paper, scissors game, and I can't tell you how many times it took me before finding the answer online. Lol I was hoping the 400 days crew would have had a bigger role, besides Bonnie.
Pete died too soon. He was becoming my favorite from Luke's group. I was hoping for a miracle by being able to cut off his leg, Hershel style, and somehow saving him.
I know, I kind of hoped for that too, but alas. Poor Uncle Pete. We hardly knew ye.
I wish he could have stuck around a few more episodes.
I tried really hard on my second playthrough. Ended up looking it up too.
I don't remember every choice I made, but for the most part I played Lee and Clem as if they were me. I was generally passive and kind, tried to be nice and keep the peace between everyone. Didn't hold any grudges, so I'd forgive someone who made a mistake or lashed out at me. Sided with Kenny because I don't like Lilly or Larry or Jane.
My Lee:
My Clementine:
Cold selfish