Concerning Sera in Ep 5



  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Anytime somebody calls somebody a "dick" i hope to see you redact it.

    If someone uses it as a insult myself or a other moderator will retract or remove it, if you do see someone using it as a insult please use the "flag" button as there is a possibilty that we could miss it if we don't read the forum thread it gets posted in.

    One think i would like to point out is that swear words can be used sparingly but not for insults towards another member, insults towards fictional characters like Gryff are ok so you can call him a "dick" if you want to :P

    Wigams posted: »

    Anytime somebody calls somebody a "dick" i hope to see you redact it. I apologize for using the word P***y in my original post.

  • Even if that's true Sera has no clue about the Damian incident so using that as excuse to dump us as friends doesn't make sense. She is not worried about her life man, the only thing she's worried about is either Garfield or Margery.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Dude didn't you see Damian trying to kill us ? If not for Tom we'd be dead by now. If that person that sent him believes Sera is in it with us, she's dead for sure, especially if Margaery lets her go for the very reason that she helped us...

  • God Gryffs a dick

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Anytime somebody calls somebody a "dick" i hope to see you redact it. If someone uses it as a insult myself or a other moderator wil

  • When she told me she couldn't be a friend of Mira anymore, I went back, rewinded episode 4 and ruined her wedding. It was a great pleasure. I thought she was a true friend.

  • Vary fishy. And I wonder if Margery even knows that Sera's a bastard. Even if Sera told Mira that Margery knows that she is a bastard. It vary well could have been a lie. Right now I just don't trust Sera.

    Wigams posted: »

    Very possible. She has Cersei's wine, she gets ignored by the lannister guard, Cersei somehow finds out about Tyrion and your secret meetings. .......Alot of fishy things goin on

  • edited July 2015

    I agree, Sera is out to get married and nothing else. And she will not let anything get in her way, even if it means stabbing her friends in the back. Or it could be revenge for telling lord Garfield that Sera is a bastard in episode 4.

    P.S. And with how Telltale games likes to make our choices not mater. Doesn't this sound like something that Telltale games would do.

    Wigams posted: »

    Even if that's true Sera has no clue about the Damian incident so using that as excuse to dump us as friends doesn't make sense. She is not worried about her life man, the only thing she's worried about is either Garfield or Margery.

  • Was nothing, but nice to the girl and after telling me off I felt hurt. That said, I do understand her position and why she ceases to be friends with Mira. We got 1 more episode left and Sera is still in Kings Landing. I'm sure we will see her again and find out how this all plays out, if not then to hell with her. We got what we needed out of her.

  • edited July 2015

    "Power tastes better when sweetened by courtesy" - OzzyUK/Roose Bolton, Warden of the Forums, Lord of Winterforum.


    OzzyUK posted: »

    Anytime somebody calls somebody a "dick" i hope to see you redact it. If someone uses it as a insult myself or a other moderator wil

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