Concerning Sera in Ep 5

I know that this is hardly what everyone else it talking about but after the initial shock of the last decision of the episode, I keep going back to Sera/Mira. Through all the episodes I was nothing but nice to her (thinking it would pay off in the end because there's just something off about her). I didn't reveal her secret to Tarwick.

And then basically she dumps me like a hot potato. When I said who'd have her back if she was getting rid of me, she said "I suppose Garibald" or something like that and I remember thinking "Oh girl, guess who's going to rewind an episode..."
I didn't (at least not yet) but argh, she makes me furious. She's supposed to be my friend. Margaery, too with her whole 'I'll help your family when I can'-thing and then she really never does anything and gets on Mira's nerve when she tries to do something.

(Also, is it obvious that Mira's is my favourite POV?)



  • I'm not that pissed at Sera, I was a shit friend to her (except for lying about her family) yet she tried to help.

  • Right there with you, while I was playing that part and Sera started going on about how she was dropping me I was shaking my head and swearing at her. Played very similar to you too where I was nothing but a good friend and then... this. Hated that there wasn't an option to say something about how her marriage is only still happening because of us but oh well I guess.

    While Mira's isn't my favorite, I do love her sections too. Getting to play a small version of 'the game' is great!

  • I was not mad, i was understanding. The only regret i had was not picking the stone cold answer to her dumping me. The girl gets her self a "bae" and proceeds with dumping her best friend, she deserved a bitch answer back, like reminding her that a mister Tarwick asked about her family.

  • She tried to help more times than not. She's cool in my book

  • Knowing that securing her BS wedding was a result of what she's calling me out for I must have an attitude about it but I see no reason we can't go our separate ways without retaliation.

  • edited July 2015

    Sera is a coward. People thinks she's so genuine and caring but forget the fact that she is trying to marry someone by lying to them about her being a bastard. She has lied to Garibald. Why do you people think it's such a big stretch that she has lied to our face?

  • You're right, maybe that would've made things alittle better. Right now, it's consoling me that Sera will probably have trouble whipping up a family of Durwells for the wedding. I assume that our choice to lie to Lord Tarwick (or not) is going to have an impact, or at the very least I hope so.

    Right there with you, while I was playing that part and Sera started going on about how she was dropping me I was shaking my head and sweari

  • Well, I suppose I'd do a similar thing if our positions had been reversed... but they're not. I'm probably not the nicest person you'll ever meet, ha. It just frustrates me because those three girls have been together for such a long time. Sera and Margaery should understand that Mira is doing everything she can to help her family. If it means getting dismissed as a handmaiden... I dunno. It's a risk I'd take and for my friends, I'd hope they'd back me up. Guess not.

    angrykurd posted: »

    I was not mad, i was understanding. The only regret i had was not picking the stone cold answer to her dumping me. The girl gets her self a

  • Same. I thought she was Cersei's from the beginning but I figured keeping her close was better than making her suspicious that I was suspicious. I guess she really is just an airhead. THat she is aggravating me like that aggravates me even further, my God. Maybe I should invest in a stress ball.

    Wigams posted: »

    Sera is a coward. People thinks she's so genuine and caring but forget the fact that she is trying to marry someone by lying to them about

  • She is not a saint but a good girl. She help out Mira a lot. I am worried but may be her marriage will go well because she is now the only handmaiden for Margaery. Margaery didn't help me but may be she'll help Sera because bastard handmaiden is not good for her.

  • I love Sera's character, I had her back every step of the way and she had mine. I understand why she left and I don't blame her, it just eventually became too much for her.

  • Agreed. Not many people thought much of my theory of Sera setting Mira up, to get Mira in trouble with Cersei.

    Wigams posted: »

    Sera is a coward. People thinks she's so genuine and caring but forget the fact that she is trying to marry someone by lying to them about

  • I think Sera's scared because of the whole damien knife thing especially if you killed him.

  • She doesn't know about that. Or at least not that Mira is involved with it.

    I think Sera's scared because of the whole damien knife thing especially if you killed him.

  • Wow you are so manly and tough, hating on a handmaiden who helped you several times, but now refuses to because it drags her into a possibly dangerous position... She doesn't want to act like Mira's slave: Atrocious ! Despicable ! Unacceptable !

    Wigams posted: »

    Sera is a coward. People thinks she's so genuine and caring but forget the fact that she is trying to marry someone by lying to them about

  • When my Mira said "Nothing's worth losing your friendship" I felt like I was donkey-kicked in the heart, man. Especially because after that Sera says something like "I might have said the same thing, once..." in a really regretful voice. I just felt bad for the both of them.

  • Honestly, I can't really blame her. She helped Mira several times but it is becoming too dangerous now and she doesn't want to get dragged into such a bad position

  • I felt kinda bad when I torpedoed her marriage last episode. I just didn't feel right lying to Garibald (especially since he was willing to help me, which he totally did not have to do), and basically tricking him into a marriage with someone he doesn't know. Sorry Sera, not cool. Also something you probably can't possibly get away with.

    But now that she's dumped me (and since I know she'd dump me even if I saved her marriage) I don't feel so bad about it anymore. Screw you Sera, good luck with Margaery, all she's good for is promises about how she might be able to help someday.

  • I feel that same way, and I said that to her too. I don't hate Sera for what she did (not just yet, though I'm afraid she can do much worse with all she knows about Mira), I totally understand her side, but it is just a sad situation for both her and Mira.

    Still, I would love to be able to talk to Garibald again. I didn't tell him her secret because I didn't want Mira to be the one to betray Sera's trust, but now that Sera pretty much ended their friendship, I just feel bad because I lied to a guy that seems to be really nice and that now will have his reputation ruined for marrying a bastard, and it's all my fault.

    Elrida posted: »

    When my Mira said "Nothing's worth losing your friendship" I felt like I was donkey-kicked in the heart, man. Especially because after that

  • I HATE that there wasn't an option to tell her that Mira was the sole reason Garibald was even talking to her. It just seems like such a missed opportunity (I have been saying this a lot about the stuff that happened on episode 5, "such a missed opportunity").

    angrykurd posted: »

    I was not mad, i was understanding. The only regret i had was not picking the stone cold answer to her dumping me. The girl gets her self a

  • I helped Sera so much. Now I am gonna wreck the broad.

  • edited July 2015

    Damn GoT, everybody is looking out for them selves. But Should Sera need Mira again, my version of Mira wont be there for her again, they are not friends anymore. Also, the way she reacted when Mira made her wish known Lady Margaery.

    sydofnee posted: »

    Well, I suppose I'd do a similar thing if our positions had been reversed... but they're not. I'm probably not the nicest person you'll ever

  • Yeah that kind of disturbed me too.

    Abeille posted: »

    I HATE that there wasn't an option to tell her that Mira was the sole reason Garibald was even talking to her. It just seems like such a mis

  • Mira is also my favorite POV.
    I bet Sera is gonna betray you if she gets the wedding. At least that is what I thought when you have the option of ruining the marriage... But I didn't tell her secret either. Oh well, if she is a lying bitch at the end I'm gonna fuck her in another playthrough.

  • Also, did someone tell her secret and get to play episode five? How is that Mira/Sera scene? I guess stays the same?

  • Yup, if you tell Tarwick the secret it'll be the same. Just instead of starting with: "With Garibald and I planning marriage I can't be seen with you" it starts with "With Garibald no longer speaking with me I can't be seen with you."

    Also, did someone tell her secret and get to play episode five? How is that Mira/Sera scene? I guess stays the same?

  • I have to say, I dont think it puts her in a dangerous position. Do you think her losing her top spot on Margery's handmaiden team or her possibly losing her marriage to Garibald is a dangerous position? I really dont. I think our family is in a so-called dangerous position. With the lives of our entire family being threatened and all. Yiu can like her all you want but dont kid yourself and say that Sera's life is in any danger. She's worried about what the other kids at school are going to think. What a great friend.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Wow you are so manly and tough, hating on a handmaiden who helped you several times, but now refuses to because it drags her into a possibly dangerous position... She doesn't want to act like Mira's slave: Atrocious ! Despicable ! Unacceptable !

  • Is it really nessacary to insult people for having a different opinion then yours?

    Wigams posted: »

    Sera is a coward. People thinks she's so genuine and caring but forget the fact that she is trying to marry someone by lying to them about

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It's cool to see you are sharing your opinion but can you please refrain from using insults to make your point as it goes against the first rule in the Forum Guidelines.

    1.1 R-E-S-P-E-C-T! We're all here to have fun, so be cool to each other. Always behave respectfully towards other community members, moderators and Telltale team members. Insults, hate speech, platform wars… leave it out. Constructive criticism of another user's opinions or actions is OK, but refrain from insulting users/volunteer moderators/Telltale staff members themselves - whether directly or in passing. If you feel especially slighted by another forum member, use the "Flag" button to report their comments to moderators instead of shooting back!

    Wigams posted: »

    Sera is a coward. People thinks she's so genuine and caring but forget the fact that she is trying to marry someone by lying to them about

  • Did you? Can you tell me how did you helped her in any way?

    MrBoolean posted: »

    I helped Sera so much. Now I am gonna wreck the broad.

  • That's why i preferred to tell Tarwick her secret in ep 4

    Yup, if you tell Tarwick the secret it'll be the same. Just instead of starting with: "With Garibald and I planning marriage I can't be seen with you" it starts with "With Garibald no longer speaking with me I can't be seen with you."

  • Keep her secret as a bastard, help her out with Margaery, be supportive, and help her with the noble and lie about her lineage.

    Did you? Can you tell me how did you helped her in any way?

  • edited July 2015

    Keep her secret as a bastard

    help her with the noble and lie about her lineage

    The same thing

    help her out with Margaery

    be supportive


    MrBoolean posted: »

    Keep her secret as a bastard, help her out with Margaery, be supportive, and help her with the noble and lie about her lineage.

  • You can say you'll be supportive but you've yet to have the opportunity to, so that point doesnt mean anything. You dont really earn points by saying, like those who said they'd keep it secret but told the noble.

    MrBoolean posted: »

    Keep her secret as a bastard, help her out with Margaery, be supportive, and help her with the noble and lie about her lineage.

  • I actually can't hate her for wanting to keep her distance. She is on a precarious position herself (not as much as Mira though) and it's her being a hand-maiden to Maergery that's giving her a chance at a better life. She stands to lose a lot of things as well, and if she gets discarded as a handmaiden and loses her marriage then she might have to live on the streets (maybe a tad hyperbolic, but you get my point). She might not have an entire family to lose, but she could lose the one she is trying to create.

  • edited July 2015

    Anytime somebody calls somebody a "dick" i hope to see you redact it.

    I apologize for using the word P***y in my original post.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It's cool to see you are sharing your opinion but can you please refrain from using insults to make your point as it goes against the first

  • Very possible. She has Cersei's wine, she gets ignored by the lannister guard, Cersei somehow finds out about Tyrion and your secret meetings. .......Alot of fishy things goin on

    Supergirl66 posted: »

    Agreed. Not many people thought much of my theory of Sera setting Mira up, to get Mira in trouble with Cersei.

  • Sometimes...yeah. In this particular conversation, no :P

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Is it really nessacary to insult people for having a different opinion then yours?

  • You are right, and that's not hyperbolic at all. If she loses the Tyrell's support and can't get a marriage, a young bastard girl like her have a good chance of ending up working at a brothel just so she doesn't starve. At least Mira is not lowborn. Sera doesn't even have that going for her. Losing the young queen's favor is extremely dangerous to someone on Sera's situation.

    JazzyTheMan posted: »

    I actually can't hate her for wanting to keep her distance. She is on a precarious position herself (not as much as Mira though) and it's he

  • Dude didn't you see Damian trying to kill us ? If not for Tom we'd be dead by now.

    If that person that sent him believes Sera is in it with us, she's dead for sure, especially if Margaery lets her go for the very reason that she helped us...

    Wigams posted: »

    I have to say, I dont think it puts her in a dangerous position. Do you think her losing her top spot on Margery's handmaiden team or her po

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