Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I can't blame you :3

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Well... I surely didn't expect that XD

  • I ship Ray x Wolfy LMAO

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i ship everyone x everyone at this point except me cause i have morals

  • Lol dude chill this "fight" ain't a reason to switch threads lol.

    Dude you're too sensitive chill out ppl want to have fun, u can't just tell them not to :/

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Nope. I don't take sides on something like that.... Also soft drinks are the reason I need to have 4 tiny fillings put into my teeth next month :P

  • YO I didn't kill u, also


  • Pepsi is better, definitely.
    On the other hand, coke is a funny word when you DON'T pronounce it correctly B)

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    YO I didn't kill u, also PEPSI > COKE

  • At home (Sweden) I'd totally be Johan. Here in the thread... I guess John? Jonathan? Hey that works in Swedish, too! Jonathan it is.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    All these genderbends make me wonder What would your name be if you were the opposite gender? I'd totally be May. EDIT: John makes a good point. Rachel then. :P

  • Ah I missed these ;{ (oh ability capsule, so great, so hard to get)

    I love the last picture, Rhys' expression is golden :)

  • I'm still confused why TTG handled this scene that way. They are good writers but this scene felt very generic. I was waiting some kind of twist but it never happened. And yes it really felt forced, because no matter what you chose, the outcome was pretty much the same.

    I wouldn't have mind the jungle scene if it didn't felt so forced.

  • i would agree.. but maybe because i'm a girl? like if i had to choose, i would choose fiona over sasha....

    Green613 posted: »

    Also, I don't get how every guy views Sasha. So far, we have 3 guys taking in interest in Sasha Yeah what is with that, is it just me that doesn't find her attractive? Like, at all?

  • i didnt feel it as being forced, because if you remember, they hinted at a possible thing going on with sasha and rhys back in episode 1 even.. i feel that telltale wanted sasha and rhys to be a cannon. i remember since episode 1 they always push rhys and sasha together. like the whole ''trust is an important thing in every relationship'' back in ep1... personally i dont find sasha attrctive, so maybe thats the issue with me. my choice would be fiona, and since i love rhys, i wanted him to be with fiona.... thats a selfish thing to say lol! but there is a difference in a thing being cannon and what the fans prefer, i guess rhys+sasha are the cannon in this case, i dont hate it! i just dont prefer it. but thats okay tho :)

    I wouldn't have mind the jungle scene if it didn't felt so forced.

  • edited July 2015

    Maybe so, but if so, why didn't they handle it the way they did in episode 1? I like the quiet moment in episode 1, because it felt like it was building character for Rhys.

    It would have been much better if they talked more about themselves, their current vault hunting and their current thoughts about the whole thing. Instead of talking about August, relationship/romantic stuff. It was really cheesy dialogue and slows the pacing down. And considering the danger that Fiona was in, it kinda felt like they were fooling around, leaving Fiona hanging.

    The more I think about it, the jungle scene would have been hilarious and better if Vaughn was the one who walked with Rhys. They could have talked about their current situation, their thoughts about Fiona and Sasha. And try to picture the two guys hanging on the bridge, panicking and screaming at each other. Or they fooling around with those flowing flowers. At least it would have made Fiona's and Athena's situation more understandable and less annoying.

    EDIT: And it would have made the ending more impact when Vaughn mysteriously disappears.

    Mercyva posted: »

    i didnt feel it as being forced, because if you remember, they hinted at a possible thing going on with sasha and rhys back in episode 1 eve

  • I look at her character and see feisty tomboy who can take care of herself, not sex-appeal flirt of the group.

    Maybe cause it's Pandora? So they... like those things? That can explain August and Scooter at least. Btw, she wasn't acting all cocky with them, especially with August as she was playing her role and seemed quite docile.

    It's not Rhysha that annoyed me, it was how forced it was. Also, I don't get how every guy views Sasha. So far, we have 3 guys taking in

  • to be honest, i found it romantic. its cool to have moments like these in an action filled franchise like borderlands... yes i would rather it to be fiona, but it was a beautiful moment in ep3.. i loved it actually! and it was funny lol..... plus athena/fiona had a similar moment when it cut off to their scene. even they did foul around a bit and athena did teach fiona some stuff. it just happen that neither rhys or sasha are vaulthunters. so they didnt know any better. i still found that the whole scene was well done by telltale. they didnt kiss or declare love for eachother, its just the beginning of a beautiful friendship between sasha and rhys, just as it was for fiona and athena.. fiona and athena is becoming my fav due on the game, they have a great chemistry together, like its a beginning of a great friendship! so that was long lol, but i think telltale did a good job. andi found that it was beautifully done! :D

    Maybe so, but if so, why didn't they handle it the way they did in episode 1? I like the quiet moment in episode 1, because it felt like it

  • I am glad that you like it, but sadly for me, it just didn't mesh well with me.

    But it all comes down to personal opinions and experiences.

    Mercyva posted: »

    to be honest, i found it romantic. its cool to have moments like these in an action filled franchise like borderlands... yes i would rather

  • I like both versions. :) But I'm a sucker for a happy ending! :3

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Because I don't want people to hate me for what I wrote yesterday, here's an alternate ending: - She cries out, “RHYS! STOP! WAIT!” Sh

  • Oh wow (or no huh huh?), this is interesting! I admit, I wondered for a while if there was a story behind your name. Now I know a little more about Finland than I did before! XD

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    @XDJulieXD and @HazzaTheMan you wanted to know what my username means so here goes.. "no huh huh" is a popular Finnish saying. no= oh

  • Hufflepuff! I always get that one. I'll assume that's because I'm 'hard-working, loyal and kind', and not simply because I lack the bravery/ambition/intelligence to be one of the other houses. :D It's always a little woolly in the books, 'cause it makes sound like Hufflepuff are the rejects who couldn't get into any other house. :o

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Reviews/HarryPotter/Docs/Quiz-House.html What house are you guys in? Just curious Since we have a Hogwarts train we might as well know which house we'd be in.

  • yeah, that too... you cant please everyone. but we can all agree that it was well done. :)

    I am glad that you like it, but sadly for me, it just didn't mesh well with me. But it all comes down to personal opinions and experiences.

  • Ummm... so... I took a break for a while...

    imageimage" alt="Alt text" title="Optional title" />

  • Lol thnx :D

    Kawaiii posted: »

    2much4me Omg congrats!!!!!

  • I assume you have long hair and you headbang to metal... Serious.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    What do you guys assume about everyone here? For some reason I assume @Quiff has ducks at home. And @Brawl collects action figures. idk why

  • Hahaha!! Awwwww, poor Rhys! XP

  • welcome back :D and have fun catching up<3

    Ummm... so... I took a break for a while... " alt="Alt text" title="Optional title" />

  • Lol :P

    I'm not going to burst, did it before and i paid the price (lost some good friends) I just needed to chill for a bit...

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    What is a kawaii tsundere exactly? Google is there for you, my dear Hazza Sometimes is better to speak your mind, trust me, if it

  • I might take a picture of my facial expression at a crucial scene and post it on here :)

    rhonu posted: »

    who else is going to record their reactions as they play episode 4? i did so many silly things in front of my computer while playing episode

  • Stahp it!! :'(

    I've realized that TellTale has a strongly held a tradition of killing beloved characters near the end of each game with The Wolf Among Us s

  • Agreed :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hey guys, real talk. Lets stop with the coke, degree, whatever it is spam. Its kinda annoying to have like 15 pages of spam.

  • Tell that to FestiveTech...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Nah, I think it'll be fine after so many warnings.

  • Accepted :)

    4 pages of spam I waded through... XD

    Eryka posted: »


  • Good day ladies and gentlemen!! XD

    So... How are we all today?

  • edited July 2015

    there was a time when telltale writers were kind

    Alt text

    when their voices were soft and their words inviting

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    there was a time when love was blind and the world was a song

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    and the song was exciting

    Alt text

    there was a time...

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    ...then it all went wrong.

    Alt text

    i dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living

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    i dreamed that love would never die, i dreamed that telltale would be forgiving

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    then i was young and unafraid, when dreams where made and used and wasted

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    there was no ransom to be paid, no song unsung, no wine untasted

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    but the writers come at night with their voices soft as thunder

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    as they tear your hope apart, as they turn your dream to shame

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    but still i dream they'll come to me

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    and they will live the years together

    Alt text

    but there are dreams that cannot be

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    and there are storms we cannot weather

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    i had a dream my life would be so different from this hell i'm living

    Alt text

    so different now from what it seemed

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    telltale has killed

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    the dream

    Alt text

    i dreamed.

    Alt text

  • good morning sir harry! preeetttyyy good, trying to draw a little bit, what about you?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Good day ladies and gentlemen!! XD So... How are we all today?

  • seriously, get your shit together TT

    rhonu posted: »

    there was a time when telltale writers were kind when their voices were soft and their words inviting there was a time when lo

  • why, @rhonu, WHYYYYYYYY

    Alt text

    rhonu posted: »

    there was a time when telltale writers were kind when their voices were soft and their words inviting there was a time when lo

  • Ohh, this is so sweet! :3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    It's been raining the whole day. I like rainy days!

  • Sir? I bloody wish! XP

    I just come back from work, chilling before I do my exercise that I had to miss out on this morning :D

    Kruzii posted: »

    good morning sir harry! preeetttyyy good, trying to draw a little bit, what about you?

  • I read that in Anne Hathaway's singing voice from Les Mis...

    I think I need a tissue :'(

    rhonu posted: »

    there was a time when telltale writers were kind when their voices were soft and their words inviting there was a time when lo

  • isn't everybody in england a sir? :P

    good, good!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Sir? I bloody wish! XP I just come back from work, chilling before I do my exercise that I had to miss out on this morning

  • Hehe, the Coke is now remembered in fiction! Perfect :D

    Kawaiii posted: »

    There she is, sitting on the couch and drinking. "Stop staring at me like that, you creep." she said. "Oh, yea-Like I was staring at y

  • edited July 2015

    Probably Nathan or Nathaniel.

    Edit: Now I'm thinking of the creepy guy from TWDG. I don't want to be him! O-o

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    All these genderbends make me wonder What would your name be if you were the opposite gender? I'd totally be May. EDIT: John makes a good point. Rachel then. :P

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