Who here misses Rick Grimes' beard?
Personally, I think the bearded look was a great look for the character.
It gave him a menacing look, like that of a hardened warrior.
It made look like a man you better not cross.
Now, he looks way to civilized.
Almost out of place.
It's like without the beard, the character has lost something that made him him.
Now the only one who has that now, is Daryl, with his long hair.
Daryl looks like a battle hardened veteran.
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Yup, I liked the rick with the beard more but he'll grow a beard again
The season 5 rick looked like this in the comics
Spoiler alert, beard will be back!
Spoiler-free post, I liked Rick with the beard more too but he will grow it again
Where is his arm ?
It'll grow back...eventually. But yeah its not right
rick grow your beard back.
In the comics The Governor cut it off.
No, I dont miss the beard. He doesnt need it to look or be tough, he just is, and I didnt care for it covering his face. Whats wrong with looking more civilized now that they are actually in a stable community and he has to have a certain image of authority?
Daryl could use some tips, speaking of hair. He still looks dirty and needs a haircut and shave himself, lol
I'll be the first to admit that I've always had a man crush on Andrew Lincoln since 2010, Season 1, and that I'm a Rick fanboy. I say this, because my opinions about him will always be biased. Lol Rick doesn't need a beard to look tough; Andrew Lincoln's acting and death stare does a brilliant job doing that already, but I do miss his beard. At Comic Con, he said he's growing it back out though. I'm a beard guy, so I appreciate them, and it added to his character. He looked more like a guy not to cross.
No! I love looking at his pretty face. A little stubble is fine but that Grisly Adams look was not doing it for me.
Lol How do you feel about his hair? Long or short?
Longish so it shows a bit of his natural curl. I liked how he looked in season two, a bit scruffy but not overly hairy.
Andrew Lincoln, on his beard.
It'll grow back.
I liked it, but it grew totally out of control and just looked dumb.
Looks better clean shaven in my opinion.
I liked how it was when he had a beard, but when it wasn't so huge and bushy like it was right before he shaved.
That scene in the show when Rick shaved was I think supposed to be symbolism. He shaved his beard and looks civil in a supposedly civil place, but looks can be deceiving. Both Rick and Alexandria have shown that though they look nice on the surface, things aren't 100% civilized. Even without his beard, Rick ends up holding a gun in innocent people's faces with blood running down his own face, screaming his lungs out. He has to be reminded to act civilly. And Alexandria looks nice on the surface, but there's domestic abuse and idiots and cowards like Nicolas and Aiden running around, and it needs more order and civility as well.
...Also I'm glad he shaved it. That thing was starting to look nasty. xp
When he had that beard he looked like my Uncle David.
i like the beard more than clean shaven.
but i sort of disagree with your assessment of daryl's hair, i sort of think his emo hair is out of place for a guy his age, i am not saying i think it should be short, but it is a bit too stylized for a "battle hardened veteran" look
I do. Him shaving was more sad than Beth's death
I think late Season 2/Early Season 3 was his best look. But beard or no beard, nobody eye fucks the camera the way Andrew Lincoln does, and that's really where Rick's "edge" comes from.
Haha, totally agree on both points, especially about those mesmerizing eyes.
I may or may not have cried... when Rick shaved his beard. It was a tough episode.
Our very own Vaugn is interviewing Rick Grimes! I disagree with Andrew Lincoln on two things he said: wanting to have his hand cut off and wanting to grow his beard back. He's too handsome for that big, bushy thing. I do love hearing him talk though. His accent is swoon worthy.
Thankfully, Robert Kirkman would never allow Rick's hand to be taken in the TV series though. He regrets doing it in the comics, so no worries there. He does have a nice accent, and he probably could talk me into buying my own shirt. Haha
Yes, I miss it. Toward the end it got a little wild and bushy, in the couple or so episodes before the beard was shaved, but I'd say that through the last half of Season 4 and the first half of Season 5 it was around the prime beardliness where it was at its best.
But, as with all good things, it had to come to an end. The Beard, IMO, was the saddest death in the show to date even if it was its time to go. RIP Beard, forever in our hearts, and hopefully one day our faces again. Amen.
I'm a bearded man.
I've had mine off and on for 4 yrs.
The first time I grew it, I let it grow for two months, before trimming it down to a goatee.
But during the time it was growing out, I gave it a neckline and cheekline, and maintained them.
I personally think that a beard on a man, is what a mane is on a lion.
The mane gives the lion it's majestic appearance, and I believe a beard does the same for a man, provided it is well trimmed of course.
Well given the fact that Norman Reedus himself apparently cannot grow a full beard, he has to find another alternative.
Exactly! And I believe it's important for the guy to find what beard best fits his face and personality. I've met guys who look like they came straight out of Duck Dynasty and it fits them, but that doesn't fit me. I'm more of a Season 4 Rick, but sometimes grow it out to a Season 5 Rick. I also have long hair and bun it up, so it's not really a hobo look; I try to keep it nice. It all depends on the guy.
well as i said i am not saying i think he should have short hair, but his stylized "emo" hair isn't really a tough guy look, aslo personally i think he is to old for that look anyway
I agree, so sad... RIP the beard
Rick looks so much like my uncle Josh
nah, Kenny's moustache fo' LYFE #peace