Moments from episode five that you liked

Are there any? Cuz it seems like every hour we get another hatred thread for this episode, thought it be a nice change of pace to talk about the positives, if you have any to talk about, I have some but for starters, I haven't seen anyone talk about how delightfully funny/awkward it was for Talia to walk in to Eleana and Rodrik in bed.



  • The last stand against the Whitehills for Asher/Rodrik was pretty badass. Shirtless Rodrik was almost as good as that.

    That's it for me, really.

  • edited July 2015

    Well there is at least one positive thing: RODRIK GOT LAID !!!
    Alt text
    That's all the positive I can think of right now...

  • 1st Mira scene, Gared's scenes, Asher's scenes, 2nd Rodrick scene, Rodrick with Elaena and Talia breaking in and the final.

  • The sex was so good that he could walk again without the cane.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Well there is at least one positive thing: RODRIK GOT LAID !!! That's all the positive I can think of right now...

  • The pitfight scene was pretty damn good. It felt like the choices you make change something right there and then and not just in the long run (e.g. the Beast respects you if you headbutt him, but pushes you around if you wussed out)

  • I liked the pitfight part and the part when Mira spoke to Cersei.

    Also, Rodrik and Eleana's scene was very cute.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    The wight fight.

  • I'm the only one who loves all the episodes?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Definitely not.

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    I'm the only one who loves all the episodes?

  • I love all the episodes.

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    I'm the only one who loves all the episodes?

  • I'm surprised I didn't see any model swaps for that scene yet.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Well there is at least one positive thing: RODRIK GOT LAID !!! That's all the positive I can think of right now...

  • Asher's speech to the pit fighters.

  • Normally, I would beg you not to give people ideas, but honestly I'd be up for some good laughs. :P

    Abeille posted: »

    I'm surprised I didn't see any model swaps for that scene yet.

  • All of the scenes from Asher and Rodrik's stories were incredible in my opinion. My only complaint was that, given the title of the episode and the key art, I thought this episode was going to be more Mira oriented and focus on her navigating the political machinations of King's Landing. However, the episode was otherwise great. I think people's complaints are a little strong for this episode, considering most of it seems to be originating from Mira not getting a lot of screen time and other people not liking the traitor's reasoning.

  • I would have done it myself for the Rhyiona thread if I was any good with photoshop and stuff like that... Unfortunately it's not the case ^^

    But just you wait, someone will make it happen !

    Abeille posted: »

    I'm surprised I didn't see any model swaps for that scene yet.

  • Awwwwwww yiiiiiiiisss

  • Alt text

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Awwwwwww yiiiiiiiisss

  • Why you gotta bring up rhyonia into this. Unless a threesome is involved?

    _DIO_ posted: »

    I would have done it myself for the Rhyiona thread if I was any good with photoshop and stuff like that... Unfortunately it's not the case ^^ But just you wait, someone will make it happen !

  • Agreed. I wish this episode was a little more Mira oriented, but still a solid episode.

    All of the scenes from Asher and Rodrik's stories were incredible in my opinion. My only complaint was that, given the title of the episode

  • The only thing i really didn't like in Episode 5 was the fact that Gared's story made almost 0 progress.

    Oh, and yeah, it was a really short episode. :(

  • Why you gotta bring up rhyonia into this

    Because the TFTB Ep 4 hype is killing me right now :(

    Why you gotta bring up rhyonia into this. Unless a threesome is involved?

  • I just imagined this. Rhys would be out of the bed, with all of his clothes on. Then Jack/Vaughn/Sasha/Fiona is in the bed.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Well there is at least one positive thing: RODRIK GOT LAID !!! That's all the positive I can think of right now...

  • The whole thing, but if I had to choose my favorite scene it'd definitely be the whole pit fighter thing with Asher

  • Asher's testosterone-fuelled speech to the pit fighters. Alt text

  • Nice name m8

    Asher's testosterone-fuelled speech to the pit fighters.

  • The highpoint scene. Oh wait that's from episode 4

  • Haha yeah, Rhys with all those sexy scars ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    I just imagined this. Rhys would be out of the bed, with all of his clothes on. Then Jack/Vaughn/Sasha/Fiona is in the bed.

  • My favourite scene was Asher recruiting the pit fighters.

  • edited July 2015

    If I'm being competely honest, the credits were the only thing I "liked."

  • Can I say all of it or is that a douchy thing to say? Not much I didn't like except for the usual Mira Stuff and some of Gared's story.

  • I liked when I found out Talia was safe during Rasmay's visit (felt relieved), and she was still acting like herself during the traitor scene. Go girl lol

  • ...

    Wigams posted: »

    The highpoint scene. Oh wait that's from episode 4

  • i liked the majority of it, best scene was the end, the episode was short too :(

  • The figh at the end. No hope of winning, but still giving hell to the bitter end. Very dramatic stuff.

  • edited August 2015

    The pitfight scene, telling Sera that you're okay with avoing Mira, Rodrik and Elaena moments and Talia blushing (oh, and also "back off, Lucan")

  • Easily one of my favourite scenes.

    Asher's testosterone-fuelled speech to the pit fighters.

  • Normally, I would beg you not to give people ideas, but honestly I'd be up for some good laughs. :P

  • That just made my night.

  • The choice at the end.

  • Iron from Ice: title Ethan oriented, Ethan front of title screen, episode Ethan oriented. Good job Telltale.

    The Lost Lords: title Asher oriented(granted it applies to Rodrik too, but we didn't realize it at the time.), Asher front of title screen, episode Rodrik oriented. This one is passable.

    The Sword in the Darkness: title Gared oriented, Rodrik front of title screen, episode Rodrik oriented with a fair amount of Mira. goddangit Telltale.

    Sons of Winter: title Gared oriented(again), Gared at front of title screen, episode Asher oriented. GODdangit Telltale.

    A Nest of Vipers: title Mira oriented, Mira at front of title screen, episode Rodrik/Asher oriented. GODDANGIT Telltale.

    The Ice Dragon: title Gared oriented(once again), Rodrik/Asher at front of title screen, and the episode's gonna be Rodrik/Asher oriented again.

    and the problem is we don't really have enough time to develop both Gared and Mira's stories far enough, and Rodrik/Asher's just sitting there at the front of the title screen, like his arc's pretty much complete. He's got to have pretty much two scenes left. I'd feel a hell of a lot more comfortable if there were an Episode 7.

    All of the scenes from Asher and Rodrik's stories were incredible in my opinion. My only complaint was that, given the title of the episode

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